Easy Ryder AG Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Aerogarden 7
Easy Ryder seeds (Lowryder #2 x AK47)
10in airstone
4 32watt 6500k CFLs
General Hydroponics Flora Series
distilled water

pics r 8 days in the AG.
i had issues getting the tap root in those fucking sponges, the plant to the left is struggling still because of that i believe.. 1st grow, all from info from this site.:joint:
ph has been 5.7-6.0 i have checked 3 times in 8 days and have changed the res once so far(weekly)



Well-Known Member
wow. pretty big for 5 weeks. got some yellow in there... u should ask in forums how to correct that


Active Member
hey bro i used an aerogarden for an ak 48 auto ur gonna need to tie that baby down early or itll outgrow the height of ur hood good luck


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to grow some Easy Ryder as well, but don't know if I should use Soil or Hyrdo. Will be watching this! :)


Well-Known Member
I'm looking to grow some Easy Ryder as well, but don't know if I should use Soil or Hyrdo. Will be watching this! :)
this site is where u want to be! i didnt know shit about growing anything, this site has everything u need to educate yourself and u can ask questions. just be selective to which reply's u listen to because there are some people here who swear by one method over others for there personal reasons and wont even hear or give another method a chance. id say just do ur research on soil vs hydro, n pick according to ur specific needs and availability. hope that helps


Well-Known Member
went away for new years now i got what i believe to is chemical burn. not sure tho, need ur input and how to correct!! please.
on second thought.. i dont think its chemical burn because why is the other plant, sharing the same res, showing no miscoloring? ima guess cfls were to close??
heres the pics of both. i splashed some water on top of em... just cause it felt like the right thing to do lol.
also ph is good 5.9



Active Member
what % of nutrients are you using. At this age you should only be using about 20-30% of what the instructions on your nutrients tell you. When the plants are a little bigger you can up that to 40-50% but you want to error on the lower side to avoid nute burn. Few people kill their plants by underfeeding them, but many people kill their plants by over feeding them.


Well-Known Member
yea.... i it says .5 mil for 0-2 weeks n i was gave them .4 mil................. crap. res is due to change today(start of week 2) so ima do .3 mil each. since there bigger, next time ill know to do .2 or even .1 during weeks 0-1.
(btw im using general hydroponics flora series)


Well-Known Member

I read your entire thread, and I wanted to give input on a couple of things. You've read my journals, so first I'll agree with you on this website giving a lot of information. I wanted to answer a couple of your questions. I'm no expert by any means, but I'm getting there. =)

a.) soil or hydro doesn't really matter. The yield will relatively be the same. In most cases, the roots grow more in hydro/aero setups more so than soil setups.
b.) also with soil, you have to deal with insects and mites. Not really an issue with hydro/aero
c.) i noticed in your grow room that you had a fan circulating air. But the main question is, do you have a fresh air source? Circulating hot/used air for the plants are not good. That could've been a reason as well for your leaves being yellow.
d.) I would suggest getting a hps man. LED/cfl's are nice, but there is no yield. I have a journal where I did 1 entire grow with a 95w LED and now mu current grow is with a 600w hps. There are significant differences.
e.) Not bad for your 1st grow, and you'll get better each and every single time. The 1st is always the hardest. =)


Well-Known Member
thanx for the reply.

a+b - yes i agree,i have done further research and ima stay with water for the foreseeable future. im actually thinking about getting something like this
but with less sites, i want to do like 6-10 at once. any suggestions would be great.

c - i do NOT have a fresh air source. i keep the door open from time to time but a fresh air source i do not have. u mean like a humidifier or a air purifier??

d - when these ladies are finished i will be getting a HPS, the only reason i didnt this go round was i felt like it was to much of an investment for the risk. by the risk i mean the electricity raising questions. im moving out of my current 1 br apartment into another 2 br apt and plan on making 1 br into a grow room from when i first move in. this way my electric bill will be constant, no drastic jump out of nowhere.

bunch of questions for u,
u say u have A 600w hps, do u mean u have 2? one for veg and one for flowering? or is there some sort of setting that adjusts the k?
also 600w is alot, can that run on a regular outlet? did u have an electrician come in and set it up for you?
600w for more than just one plant correct?
since ima be in an apartment i dont c where i can have a vent go to to disperse the hot air or the smelly air. ideas?


Well-Known Member
thanx for the reply.

a+b - yes i agree,i have done further research and ima stay with water for the foreseeable future. im actually thinking about getting something like this
but with less sites, i want to do like 6-10 at once. any suggestions would be great.

c - i do NOT have a fresh air source. i keep the door open from time to time but a fresh air source i do not have. u mean like a humidifier or a air purifier??

d - when these ladies are finished i will be getting a HPS, the only reason i didnt this go round was i felt like it was to much of an investment for the risk. by the risk i mean the electricity raising questions. im moving out of my current 1 br apartment into another 2 br apt and plan on making 1 br into a grow room from when i first move in. this way my electric bill will be constant, no drastic jump out of nowhere.

bunch of questions for u,
u say u have A 600w hps, do u mean u have 2? one for veg and one for flowering? or is there some sort of setting that adjusts the k?
also 600w is alot, can that run on a regular outlet? did u have an electrician come in and set it up for you?
600w for more than just one plant correct?
since ima be in an apartment i dont c where i can have a vent go to to disperse the hot air or the smelly air. ideas?
That DWC system that you are looking at is intense. I know nothing about it bud, so you're on your own on that one. There should be people here that know something about it.

Fresh air source is your issue for your yellow leaves. That is the problem. Its not your nutes, or your pH. Others will tell you it is, I'm telling you it isn't. Fresh air is absolutely essential for growing. Not a humidifier or anything like that. The fan is what you need, but you need a fresh air source. What I mean by that is cutting a hole in your door and putting the fan by there so it can draw in fresh air into the room. The way you have it, the plant is slowly suffocating itself. It's telling you it needs fresh air. Cut a hole in your door, or when you get a grow tent, make sure to have a good air intake.

I only have 1 600w hps, and I use a 95w LED for my veg cabinet. As far as electrician....no buddy, don't freak out. It's not that much juice. Use Ohm's law, and do the calculation for total amps ..... watts/voltage=amp. The average breaker is a 15amp break, and your average 1bdr apt has about 8 jumpers for the apt. 1 600w hps equates to 5 amps ......600w/120v=5 amps. This is not that much juice. A ps3 is 380 watts of energy, and a 52" lcd tv is about another 300 watts or so. Most people have this energy cranking already. 92kwh/day is considered suspicious usage of electricity. I use 600 kwh for the month which is 20 kwh/day. Not that much. You'll be fine buddy. No rewiring needed. Its another thing if you have 4 1000w hps's.

Yes I was looking at that system , but what I did was build the one that was in High Times. To copy their systm it cost about $100, Then I made some modifications, I made someting to hold light, but now on the next one I'm going to use all 1inch PVC on the light holder, they had another system that held 14 plants holders, mine has 6.GEDC0237.jpgGEDC0235.jpgGEDC0236.jpg
This is first pictures I posted, they got a little messed up. Anyhow there's a 28 cloner I built, copy from HT, has 396 pump with dual quad, no it's 10 360 degree sprayers.