My First grow, CFL, total noob


so this is my first grow, I picked up 3 seeds from attitude (3 because I was broke at the time)
1 Kannabia Gnomo feminized auto
1 green-o-matic feminized auto
1 ufo #1 kandy kush feminized

I wasnt really planning to start a grow so quick, didnt plan ahead at all. Seeds arrived, I nonchalanty threw them in a paper towel and baggie figuring, eh, they wont germ.

Well the next day 2 out of the three germ'd, my dumb ass didnt label them so its a guessing game now. 40 hours after they all went in the bag im still trying to germinate the third one, not holding out too much though.

picked up some miracle grow and some pots, perlite, did a light perlite mix, i think i should've gone heavier on it but we'll see, its about 70/30 miracle grow to perlite from eye-balling it.

I have the two seeds that germinated planted, watered, and waiting now so we'll see what happens, im a pessimist so we'll see if it happens at all lol. starting off with a 100 watt CFL, i imagine i will want to get a few more if im gonna keep it a CFL grow.

and as always, any help for the dumb noob would be appreciated guys :)



thanks dude, im nervous for my ladies, i appreciate the encouragement lol. this paycheck im probably going to start building a little better setup i hope, dont wanna get too fancy though, keep it guerrilla ya know?


2 days after germination i've got one sprouted, other seed shouldnt be far behind. the third one apparently never germinated, not happy with that, but oh well.


edit: now running 2 100 watt 2500k CFL's and one 100 watt 6700k, any improvements or tips that i possibly havent already read would be much appreciated :)


Active Member
2 days after germination i've got one sprouted, other seed shouldnt be far behind. the third one apparently never germinated, not happy with that, but oh well.

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edit: now running 2 100 watt 2500k CFL's and one 100 watt 6700k, any improvements or tips that i possibly havent already read would be much appreciated :)
Looking good so far!
1) Are these 100 watt CFls or 100 watt EQUIVALENT CFLs? (Actual bulb wattage in the 23 -26 watt range.)
2) For a simple and effective CFL fixture, use a power strip, 3 outlet to socket adapters, and 3 y adapters to make a 6 bulb fixture. Approximately $25 total.

I would put one 6 light fixture over each plant. The more light the better!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey, just a couple of suggestions =)

1. When you buy new bulbs, don't read the "100w equivalent" look for the actual wattage used, as that is that actual wattage of the bulb
2.Just noticed a bit of a typo, you said you have 6700k and 2500k bulbs, what you actually have is 6500k (veg) and 2700k (flowering) bulbs
3. You should add more light on them babies shortly.
4. Get the light bulb as close to the actual plant as possible. You're aiming for no bigger then a 2 inch gap between the plant and the actual bulb. Cfls don't put off too much heat so there shouldn't be any problem.
5. Take it from me, make sure you are buying the best bulbs you can, I spent a lot of money on a bunch of 26w flowering bulbs, went back a week later and found 43w flowering bulbs, so now I'm out the money and stuck with a bunch of bulbs I don't even use haha


Looking good so far!
1) Are these 100 watt CFls or 100 watt EQUIVALENT CFLs? (Actual bulb wattage in the 23 -26 watt range.)
2) For a simple and effective CFL fixture, use a power strip, 3 outlet to socket adapters, and 3 y adapters to make a 6 bulb fixture. Approximately $25 total.

I would put one 6 light fixture over each plant. The more light the better!!!

they are 100w equivalent, didnt notice the discrepancy between what should be used wattage wise and the actual wattage output ya know what i mean? and I appreciate that bulb layout idea, im probably gonna hit home depot today and see what i can put together, Ive been scrounging at walmart wish doesnt have shit right now ya know.

Hey, just a couple of suggestions =)

1. When you buy new bulbs, don't read the "100w equivalent" look for the actual wattage used, as that is that actual wattage of the bulb
2.Just noticed a bit of a typo, you said you have 6700k and 2500k bulbs, what you actually have is 6500k (veg) and 2700k (flowering) bulbs
3. You should add more light on them babies shortly.
4. Get the light bulb as close to the actual plant as possible. You're aiming for no bigger then a 2 inch gap between the plant and the actual bulb. Cfls don't put off too much heat so there shouldn't be any problem.
5. Take it from me, make sure you are buying the best bulbs you can, I spent a lot of money on a bunch of 26w flowering bulbs, went back a week later and found 43w flowering bulbs, so now I'm out the money and stuck with a bunch of bulbs I don't even use haha
Thanks dude, i'll get on that, i appreciate it :)

do you have any other plant experience?

(subbed loved to see folks a learning)

Ive done some veggie gardening and flower gardening in the past, nothing smokable lol.


and while i was sleeping last night the plant on the left sprouted, got about an inch stem above soil now, so im happy. was a little worried, she was slacking behind her sister. so im gonna work on getting some more lightage today and see what i can work up. :peace:


I got a Kandy Kush freeby, and that is growing better than the two I ordered. Sick genetics too.

well i'll find out eventually if that is one of the ones i got to germ since my dumb ass didnt label and track em, but since the 2 are auto flowering and the kandy isnt of course i figure i ought to be able to differentiate in a while, when my autos are flowering and the kandy is goin, WTF is up with this light dude, come on. lol


Well-Known Member
I just got my kandy kush and northern lights and there germinating as we speak I like to see how this turn out subbed also I'm a novice to growing so I can't wait to see the final product of yours goodluck flyboy


Well-Known Member
Look great, not sure if any one else states this but make sure it's completely dark when lights are off. Otherwise, looks good! :p I'll be watching this one to see how the candy kush does


I appreciate all the support guys, and im making sure I rep everyone thats helpful and or supportive :) I just hit the local hydro store, picked up some PH testing supplies for later on, and picked up some dyna-grow liquid grow 7-9-5 and liquid bloom 3-12-6, im not sure how good these will be for my application but im sure it'll prove to be better than nothing lol. I mean, i am going for a basic and fairly budget grow, and see how I can improve and all that jazz :) Didnt get to any home depot stores before they closed today so I'll try to hit walmart and atleast get some more 6700k lights to get that improved a bit.


Look great, not sure if any one else states this but make sure it's completely dark when lights are off. Otherwise, looks good! :p I'll be watching this one to see how the candy kush does
so far as the lights, right now im doing a 24/0 schedule, got 1 timer, havent set up all the lights as i want them for end game yet, so i'll probably get them on a shorter schedule in a few days, and since 2/3 of the seeds are auto flower and im not 100% whether the kandy germed out of the 2 that did I figured shouldnt be too detrimental right now either way.


Well-Known Member
so far as the lights, right now im doing a 24/0 schedule, got 1 timer, havent set up all the lights as i want them for end game yet, so i'll probably get them on a shorter schedule in a few days, and since 2/3 of the seeds are auto flower and im not 100% whether the kandy germed out of the 2 that did I figured shouldnt be too detrimental right now either way.
what are you going to switch your schedule too? Just curriouse because i'm doing an autoflower grow and am currently doing 20/4 because it gets cold when lights are off, so shortest off time possible is what i was looking for.


Day 4 : my girls are looking good so far :blsmoke: If all goes well this'll support low budget guerrilla grows everywhere! :P im thinking for the next expansion i'll either do the power strip lights, or get a few more of the clip ons and just stack them, idk.


the tall lanky one right now is Izzie, havent named short stuff in the next two pics yet, any ideas? :P

shes got some purple coming up the stem that izzie doesnt have, still doesnt help me ID which of these strains are which.

And right now im doing a 20/4, i guess i'll see how well that works out.



Well-Known Member
shes got some purple coming up the stem that izzie doesnt have, still doesnt help me ID which of these strains are which.
Looking Good :) Purple stems on seedlings often indicate that the temps are a little low.