Well-Known Member
good to see ya back faded.. hope everything worked out for your loved one
How much longer? They are about 60 days flower. Should I start flushing now?
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9 weeks in,still not ready? I am thinking still 2 more weeks? what would you do?
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Pineapple Express Day 61...
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This is the one in question... its turning more amber than the rest... will it swell anymore?
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39 days in what ya think?
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BROOO I LIKE!!. SWEET. Flushing yet??? Looks like 3 girls I have going right now, sativa and all, few differences.. there are some pics up, need to get some more current shots.. keep it up man!
3 more weeks.... naybe has short has 55 days total if on day 39
Here ya go,first one is Masterkush.#2 is a clone from her. I was hoping to put on some more gerth
2 more weeks is about right....
are you guys really asking someone to tell you if your plants are done by posting a pic on the web ???
Really ??
buy a 2 dollar scope and figure it out, no one can ba accurate, with a pic on the web.
was this comment really necessary...? this guy offers out his advice to help people who dont have a scope.. or dont know what to look for if they have a scope... theres nothing wrong with that. he just doesnt want people to grow a plant for like 12 weeks.. and end up cutting it early and not letting the plant grow to its full potential......
the fact that u took the time to come to this thread.. and post that stupid comment.. just shows that ur a dick. just looking to start trouble... soo go to sum1 else's thread and be a dick. cuz this is a very helpful/informative thread.. and doesnt need people like u starting trouble........ and yes... Really.....