Smoke N Grow nutes versus Jack's Professional


Well-Known Member
What I do with the salads is mix farie dust from different strains and I experiment with this much like everything else looking for combos (mixes) that offer different medical relief, I mix them in different %'s. I have come up with some really great mixes Lumy got to try 3 of them one was just a 2 strain mix, one had 8 strains and one had 12, the one with 12 was the channel changer, it is really good and damn it is almost gone

As I explained to Lumy, doing this not only bakes the shit out of you but stops the dreaded tolerance build up to one strain that occurs


Well-Known Member
Nothing to be jealous of as we were talking about how cool it might be to set up an event where we could all meet someday, could be a vegas thing, could be a concert, or a football game we just need to plan my friends :)

but yeah I do treat gettin stoned as an art, not just a hobby :hump:


Well-Known Member
I bet Dan knows why Montana cowboys tucks their jeans into their boots......convenent place to stick the sheep's back legs! rimshot.......


New Member
sounds like a plan, who else can come?
hmmmm....ok we be n my lady....yes I am happily pussy whipped:hump:

So we can crash on the couch RM3?:twisted: joking:mrgreen:

So tell our drummer friend I am coming and you gonna show me how to mix my medium for the plants in his studio so we can show him how to as well and to give him something to rant about!! ROTFLMFAO!!!:twisted:


and tell RMH I will meet him this excuses


New Member
You know my dispensary will be entering in the Cup. See yall there.

Well you know going to see you is a large part of why I want to go bro...and hell yeah go kick their ass lil can do it...grow them some shit that makes them hallucinate...that will cinch me...stand out from the crowd



Well-Known Member
May 2011 bring you all bountiful harvest :)

New garden going good, rain will start once they dry out and then the competition feeding will start, got 3 more babies to upcan today which will complete this round. Have added a closeup pic of the GDP so you can see the interior branching, this plant has not been topped, in fact I am considering not topping most of them this round as this being the 1st time growing some of these strains I would like to see how they grow on thier own?

Have included a few pics of the tilders popcorn buds, both from the chamber and in re-veg you will notice the re-veg bud has a nanner and some foxtailing :) (nanner more visible in closeup) and with these chamber buds I do believe I have tweaked the chamber to it's max ability, this new way of fermenting goes against pretty much everything we have all been told. I have decided against doing a book and instead will be putting the chamber (and other) info on a web site to be announced soon.

I want to thank both Lumy & Shrubs for the Tilders smoke reports it is nice to be able to share her with all of you in a way that is not just my opinion :)

Enjoy the pics



Active Member
Beautiful!!! Is all I have to say !! I'm currently doing a reveg on some plants that are a year old, if you don't mind me asking whats the longest you have kept a plant from year to year doing reveg? I also use jacks my mom has used it for years thats about the only thing that any of our family uses for the garden, and MJ best of luck to. Peace