Agent's 2nd Organic Grow- Pineapple Chunk, LSD, Euforia 200wCFL/600HPS

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
yay finally found the camera and the partially harvested Euforia is dry enough to put into jars :D Heres some updated pics. The partially butchered plant is obviously the euforia. The 2 pineapple chunks are starting to swell nicely. The WW at the back is coming on ok- One massive cola in the making there and the LSD's im a bit lost for words over - they are certainly becoming nice and crystally but not really swelling in the way i had hoped- a bit sparse but they havent really picked up much since they turned purple- taken a close up to show :D One of the PC's has a very odd freaky branch at the bottom still- the rosetting is very weird lol not sure whats going on there but its like a linear bud thats so dense with leaves- i just havent a clue what its all about :P anyway pics- comments welcome




Active Member
props on the monsterous grow. yo that bud in pic 10 of 13 looks crazy as fuck! could you get more pics of it from different angles?

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
props on the monsterous grow. yo that bud in pic 10 of 13 looks crazy as fuck! could you get more pics of it from different angles?
Hey thanks for stopping by and commenting :) Yep it is a bit freaky isn it lol! Heres some more pics- the stem is as flat as a pancake so perhaps thats the reason for the oddity? or a result of lst? but why that plant and not the others not sure heres some more pics :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey baby thats awesome that you found your camera!!!!! Guess what,,,??? I found mine today too! Way deep down in my chair, it had been missing for about a week.

You have some very nice smoke there for yourself...killa strains for sure!!! And don't go counting the lsd out I have heard some very good reports on it and as far as being airy, my most potent strain is prolly also the least dense out of all my strains.

Hope your having a good night hon and hope your feeling better too. I don't know about you but I don't get to much sympathy when I'm sick. Good luck with everything and much good karma for the new year xo

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Hi thanks Don- its quite interesting - shame its only one of the small lower buds that its affected- would have fun to have the main cola like that- read that thread- interesting to see everyone arguing about how it happens and how its only induced with a toxic additive- Toxic?!! why would anyone in their right mind wanna do that to their plants?!! lol

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Hmm i know not to bother with looking at the packets for estimated finish times but the Pineapple chunks are supposed to be 8 weeks and they are now at 10 with no signs of finishing lol- come to think of it the LSD doesnt look close either ( 9 weeker) the one LSD and WW are are over a week behind the other plants so they arent close either- luckily the euforia is around about done- considering it was a small plant it certainly packs a punch on the smoke now its dried out enough :D The rest of the plant is still in the tent allowing the other branches to mature a bit longer - least this little plant should keep me with something to smoke til the rest finish and more importantly have something to smoke for my birthday yay 32 bleh! still feel 18 even if i dont look it hahah.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
anyone had any experience of how long the LSD takes? come to think of it wats the record for the most flowering weeks as all mine seem to be heading that way lol :P