Probably should have came here first!


Well-Known Member
Greetings from Ohio! I've been doing some board exploring (at first, I pretty much thought that the growing boards were all there was), and decided I should properly introduce myself!

I am DomiNathan. If you can't figure out my first name by that, sorry. But I have been toking for a good 5 years, and decided it's time to save (and make) money from growing. I have an old PC case (HUGE) that I've fitted for a microgrow, and I've order Easyryder seeds also. I'm gonna try to grow three Femmed plants in there, and see what my yield is! Also, in the upcoming spring, I am going to try to plant 10-20 outdoor plants (this is where most of the money making comes in). I figured joining this site would be a really good move as far as growing advice, but I've since noticed that it's an all around good community. Anyways, hello!

One love :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
welcome, there are a few good pc grows on here to check out
Thanks man! I have been doing some creeping all over the PC grows, and that how I came up with Easy Ryder. People seem to have some really good success with them! I was considering posting a grow journal for it, but I'm not sure, since people seem to react very negatively to microgrows.