What would happen if someone ate an ounce of hash?


Well-Known Member
hmm.. making edibles is new to me. What's the difference between properly cooking the hash into the food or just sprinkling hash into the mix?


Well-Known Member
hmm.. making edibles is new to me. What's the difference between properly cooking the hash into the food or just sprinkling hash into the mix?
you have to combine the hash/weed with some kinda fat, heat the mixture, but do not burn (butter, lard, milk, peanutbutter, nutella etc..). now add your hash oil to w/e you want to make: brownies, cookies, truffles, or straight on toast...Enjoy. i use 1/4 of fire bud to a brownie box mix (~1/3cup butter) and make killer brownies, but im not to sure on straight hash dosage.