How long can seedlings be in 12/12 without flowering?


Well-Known Member
The hormone that begins the flowering process is in plants from their earliest stages, in fact it is in the seed waiting to become a seedling. Flowering can being as soon as a seedling breaks the soil, but you will not see visible signs of it right away, but once the hours of daylight are 12 hours or less it triggers the hormone to begin flowering.

Regardless of if the growers sees visible signs of flowering already or not, his plants are in the flowering process already.
Much better put. But I want to add this. The day my daughter was born. She was a girl with all of the eggs she would have for life for breeding. But she still was a baby. Diaper on who would know? Just said what BT did.....just a differennt context....

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top The hormone that begins the flowering process is in plants from their earliest stages, in fact it is in the seed waiting to become a seedling. Flowering can being as soon as a seedling breaks the soil, but you will not see visible signs of it right away, but once the hours of daylight are 12 hours or less it triggers the hormone to begin flowering.

Regardless of if the growers sees visible signs of flowering already or not, his plants are in the flowering process already.
Much better put. But I want to add this. When the day my daughter was born. She was a girl with all of the eggs she would have for life for breeding. But she still was a baby. Diaper on who would know? Just said what BT did.....just a differennt context....

Not exactly because you left out that the person's plants have been under a 12/12 light cycle which has already triggered the flowering process. If your baby girl began menstruating at birth your analogy would then have been more like mine, but humans do not do that.

Then, like cannabis plants having the flowering hormone in them from day one and because it can be triggered at day one, the process needed to create life would exist in your daughter from birth. But it doesn't work that way with humans and that makes cannabis plants very different than having eggs that will sit for many years before she physically matures to the point where her body will then begin to make use of them.

Many growers wrongly believe flowering begins when the first sign of flowering is visible, but the process to create flowers has already begun in the plants that were asked about.

Cannabis generally needs about two weeks of successive 12/12 lighting before the first flowers appear. The time period needed for the first visible signs of flowering will vary slightly depending on the strain, the age of the plant, it's sex, and growing conditions to see visible signs of flowering. But before any visible signs of flowering can be seen the flowering process has already begun within the plants themselves.

If you like human analogies then consider this. A man and a woman can have sex, a sperm can fertilize an egg, but it will be some time before there are any visible physical changes in the women that can be seen, but she would still have been pregnant since fertilization, right?

Just because some part of a process is not visible to the human eye does not mean the process is not already in progression.


The Knuck

Active Member
im not saying that flowering doesnt happen before you see it, it certainly does,

but flowering doesnt begin before sexual maturity.


Well-Known Member
We are all right from our own viewpoint. Which I think is the same point from different views seeing pretty much the same thing. There is a genetic imprint in the germ. Still a certain chain of events must occur in the first weeks. Then in a indoor garden you can take the reins?

Happy New Years All............

PS love ya BT............

Brick Top

New Member
im not saying that flowering doesnt happen before you see it, it certainly does,

but flowering doesnt begin before sexual maturity.

But as I pointed out, depending on strain, sex, growing conditions etc. that can happen in roughly two weeks when seedlings are started under a 12/12 light cycle .. so unless I read the first message wrong his seedlings have been under 12/12 for that long or longer so that would mean the flowering process would have begun regardless of any visible signs.

The Knuck

Active Member
yeah im getting confussed,

i was replying to a post that said flowering began immeadatly when in 12 12 and it didnt matter if they were mature or not.

this is not true, if you start a seed in 12-12 it will only flower when it reaches maturity.

that all im saying


ive made babies flower at 2 weeks just so i could get out the males and it worked, i hear messin with the light cycle can cause hermies and i did end up with one that seeded up my ladies- maybe cause the light thing- but you should really get those under 24 hrs light to catch up on growth. i use a little part of my bathroom for veggin my clones with 4tube 4ft florecent grow t12's from the hardware store (like under 50$ for all of it) and made like a tent over it with the reflective paper, the lights don't get hot so you can put them right on the plants- it works good for me and doesn't need much room.


Well-Known Member
yeah im getting confussed,

i was replying to a post that said flowering began immeadatly when in 12 12 and it didnt matter if they were mature or not.

this is not true, if you start a seed in 12-12 it will only flower when it reaches maturity.

that all im saying
I have never grown 12/12 from seed, so I cannot comment on that, maybe they come up and think it's spring so they don't flower. But if they receive even a couple days of 18/6 lighting they do not have to be sexually mature to flower. They will flower immediately when put under 12/12 lighting. This is a fact. They will flower long before there are any alternating nodes.


Well-Known Member
they will flower,your right, but only when they reach maturity
so in other words they are already mature. You are missing what I am saying and what I actually did. They flower immediately, so that must mean they are mature by your standards. Which is not the case. A plant only a few days old and no alternating nodes is not mature, but they will flower when their lighting is switched from 18/6 to 12/12 just like a mature plant that does have alternating nodes. I have done this several times and they flower. Like I said, I currently have an experiment with bag seed going with only 9 days veg in soil, they were not mature, yet when I switched to 12/12 they started flowering immediately. They didn't even get alternating nodes until the very end of the stretch by which time they already had big buds going.

The Knuck

Active Member
so in other words they are already mature. You are missing what I am saying and what I actually did. They flower immediately, so that must mean they are mature by your standards. Which is not the case. A plant only a few days old and no alternating nodes is not mature, but they will flower when their lighting is switched from 18/6 to 12/12 just like a mature plant that does have alternating nodes. I have done this several times and they flower. Like I said, I currently have an experiment with bag seed going with only 9 days veg in soil, they were not mature, yet when I switched to 12/12 they started flowering immediately. They didn't even get alternating nodes until the very end of the stretch by which time they already had big buds going.

No your missing what im saying it wont happen, it will not flower if not sexually mature, a clone ofcourse will, it is mature, but from seed it wont happen if not sexually mature


Well-Known Member
I've done 12/12 from seed & they showed in weeks not sure exactly 3rd-4th,maybe even 5th week???. They seemed to take forever but not nearly as long as vegging the same strain to maturity. What defines sexual maturity, pre-flowers?? I never looked or payed attention..Taking in whats being said & my exp. I think its possible that both Kervon & Knuck are on the same coin. Maybe 12/12 on a seedling will force them to speed up the maturation process & preflower before they are "truely mature". Just a thought or theory no scientific facts on my part. I got 12 plants right now and no buddah so some of them will go in early. They're somewhere in their third week. I'll pay attention to see how long before they show & if they preflower 1st.

P.S Flowering from seed, the flowers took longer to mature then the flowers on a sexually mature 1.

edit. I dont keep track or a log of dates so a week may be 5 days or ten, depends on my patients level. (4/ 5 weeks seems a bit too long to me but some of them did take a while.


Well-Known Member
No your missing what im saying it wont happen, it will not flower if not sexually mature, a clone ofcourse will, it is mature, but from seed it wont happen if not sexually mature
you keep saying that. I keep saying I have done it several times and I am doing it right now! they flower immediately when switched from 18/6 to 12/12. You can think what you want, I have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the switch to 12/12 at any age will trigger flowering.


Well-Known Member
I've done 12/12 from seed & they showed in weeks not sure exactly 3rd-4th,maybe even 5th week???. They seemed to take forever but not nearly as long as vegging the same strain to maturity. What defines sexual maturity, pre-flowers?? I never looked or payed attention..Taking in whats being said & my exp. I think its possible that both Kervon & Knuck are on the same coin. Maybe 12/12 on a seedling will force them to speed up the maturation process & preflower before they are "truely mature". Just a thought or theory no scientific facts on my part. I got 12 plants right now and no buddah so some of them will go in early. They're somewhere in their third week. I'll pay attention to see how long before they show & if they preflower 1st.
thank you. Like I said, I have never done 12/12 from seed. So I don't know how it works. My experiences are when starting on 18/6 and then switching.

The Knuck

Active Member
you keep saying that. I keep saying I have done it several times and I am doing it right now! they flower immediately when switched from 18/6 to 12/12. You can think what you want, I have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the switch to 12/12 at any age will trigger flowering.
and i have proved the opposite, no one will back you up on the clear question, if its clear.

i have to go out for new years now so im out, but Happy New Year.


Well-Known Member
"the switch to 12/12 at any age will trigger flowering". I totally agree with KEROVAN & this statement! At any age, However it would make also make scence (to me) that regardless of age the plants would pre-flower first. If pre-flowers equal sexual maturity then I see with Knuck as well.
But Knuck to me your stance is unclear! If you are saying that herb will not produce fruit until it is vegged to maturity (6,7,8 weeks usually for me) then I do disagree with you. One will not have to wait 6-9 weeks before flowering can be SEEN when running 12/12 from seed or an on immature seedling. The alternating nodes are not needed for herb to flower! That is a given as per my experience, I've flowered countless veggies that were far from mature....PEACE...BsB.


Well-Known Member
you keep saying that. I keep saying I have done it several times and I am doing it right now! they flower immediately when switched from 18/6 to 12/12. You can think what you want, I have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the switch to 12/12 at any age will trigger flowering.
"the switch to 12/12 at any age will trigger flowering". I totally agree with KEROVAN & this statement! At any age, However it would make also make scence (to me) that regardless of age the plants would pre-flower first. If pre-flowers equal sexual maturity then I see with Knuck as well.
But Knuck to me your stance is unclear! If you are saying that herb will not produce fruit until it is vegged to maturity (6,7,8 weeks usually for me) then I do disagree with you. One will not have to wait 6-9 weeks before flowering can be SEEN when running 12/12 from seed or an on immature seedling. The alternating nodes are not needed for herb to flower! That is a given as per my experience, I've flowered countless veggies that were far from mature....PEACE...BsB.
I can confirm that switching a plant to 12/12 at any age will trigger flowering. I had some seedlings that I kept in the flowering room as I did not have a seperate veg room. I grew the seedlings like this until they were about 4 nodes tall. I was scared they would flower so I built a veg room. They have been on 24/0 since then. I noticed at about the 5th node that males were producing male pre-flowers aka balls and that the females had 2 hairs on the highest node. So far flowering has appeared to stop but I am not 100% sure that it will.