What do think is the biggest problem with America?


I've been listening and reading these past couple years and it seems America has peaked and is on the permeant decline from power. Personally I think the lobbyists' from all the corporations, military industrial complex, etc, are the main cause. Because of the corruption in government the people never benefit.

What are your thoughts and possibly solutions? .02


Undercover Mod
Well to tell you the truth our biggest downfall has been the lack of regulation in our markets. Yet our citizens such as Republicans (usually considered to be working class persons with a lower standard of education because of geography.) Republicans call for less government and less regulation. Which has obviously worked? Not like the corporations would ever do anything sleazy to make a profit. The two party system has also torn our country apart.

I would like to say that this country is going to fall just like the Soviet Union.

I also hear that the Cuban government is recently shrinking. Your people should hold onto its large government sector. Accountability is what the people need.


Undercover Mod
Also is Communism and Capitalism both don't work where does that leave us. We need a socialist capitalist market/government.


Well-Known Member
If america will invest half the money she does in going to war with other countries she will be just fine..


New Member
the fact that people think they need a "middleman" aka government. i hate when people say tax weed. weed should profit people directly then they can spread the wealth. no need for uncle sam to be the middle man... make your cash and spread they wealth


Undercover Mod
It's not just the wars. George Bush ruined this country. He made our debt what it is. Bill Clinton was our only president that lowered the debt in the last 30 years. Our debt problems started with Ronald Reagen in the 80's.

Barack Obama is trying to fix our lower classes problems, but that is expensive and now isn't the best time to be spending so much money.


Undercover Mod
Cops aren't drones. They are entrusted with the power to enforce the laws made by the people elected representatives.

They are just as responsible for their actions as you are.


bud bootlegger
i agree with balzac.. the two party system needs to go..
and why does america have more people in jail than any other counrty? it surely isn;t having any kind of affect on the crime rate or the violence in our counrty, that much i do know..


New Member
i think everyone here is spot-on

banks/the banking system has thankfully gotten a lot of exposure- so people see and understand how this superpower operates and literally selects which companies are entitled to survive a market crash by propping it up artificially.

the article that was posted in this section just recently about the Fed giving money to general electric (which owns MSNBC, NBC, CNBC, etc), verizon, deutsche bank, etc was a good one.

unfortunately, the birth of the mega-corporation just continues to evolve but the good news is- that's where the consumer actually HAS power. An individual may feel powerless, like he/she has to support a monopoly, but you can do a ton to avoid it.

also worth noting- out of the immensely popular green/global warming trend grew a pretty popular live-independently, off the grid, buy american trend...and these trends are gaining momentum i think, which I'd assume a lot of us would like to see really develop. it's my opinion that technology can either be spiritual suicide, or it can be used to enhance your life exponentially...i plan to live my life by incorporating the two.

what i'd like to see more of is people taking the leading role in their lives and making this ancient american dream a reality once again for everyone. hard to do when you're the "little guy" financially...babysteps though.

as things stand where they are now- the situation in america is pretty sad. gloomy even. but imaginative minds will move forward...

things won't become "easy" again anytime soon- but it'll be adventurous...my mother (earth) offers all the support i need to get by:peace:


New Member
you know what will happen if the 2-party system ceases to exist in america?

absolutely nothing

some greedy douche who calls himself a _______________ will fill the spot and the business that runs america will continue


Well-Known Member
It's not just the wars. George Bush ruined this country. He made our debt what it is. Bill Clinton was our only president that lowered the debt in the last 30 years. Our debt problems started with Ronald Reagen in the 80's.

Barack Obama is trying to fix our lower classes problems, but that is expensive and now isn't the best time to be spending so much money.
There is so much wrong with this statement I could disprove every single comment easily. FDR is the one who really got us in debt,Bill didn't lower the debt, its all just an accounting gimmick, Obama has spent twice as much as Bush, they can both be blamed equally.'

Clinton Had a deficit, they just decided to not count SS anymore, http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/108xx/doc10871/HistoricalTables.pdf

The Fed took over in 1913, but it wasn't until 1933 that money was made illegal and replaced by fiat currency.


New Member
TY nodrama....

...hate when people praise clinton as if he had anything to do with the booming economy during his era...