RIU Suicide....Ask an Ex-Cop Anything.

Who is this guy?

  • He's a narc.

    Votes: 44 34.1%
  • He's a stoner.

    Votes: 32 24.8%
  • He's a troll.

    Votes: 12 9.3%
  • He just wants to try to help us ALL get along.(No Rodney King pun intended)

    Votes: 41 31.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
ok,so YOU WERE A COP, and now YOU ARENT A COP, and you would like to give legally unbinding advice ? share stories ? etc?

lets talk plant count in the sacramento valley


Well-Known Member
I hate the fucking district attorney more then I hate cops.
I dont hate you op lol,just the ones that beat up,harass and plant drugs on me.
I dont hate cops that plant drugs on me... Just the ones that find them again!!


Well-Known Member
You say you've been through shit, Crown Counsel and the DA are not even closely related on any scale whatsoever.
You've obviously never dealt with a cop who didn't like you.
They will do anything, pull people out of homes without warrants, take them on "trips" around the block, fuck I watched 5 of them beat the shit outta my 16 year old brother at the time for videotaping them beating on my good friend.


I need help; sure.
I'm a nutcase; possible.
You however are ignorant, the lawmakers have very little to do with anything; i've only been charged once but arrested over 10 times.
The book doesn't matter, this loser-pig already told you.

- He/His dpt. have used false K9 positives to get into a vehicle.
- His "brother" in his department dismembers a man with a shotgun, he goes to jail for a extended period of time and he in turn sues the man for half his disability. You seemed proud about this statement. What man deserves to get shot close range, thrown in jail and sued for his already low payments. Because he grapped a cops gun? So if some guy freaks out and I do that, would it be just as well? If not; what makes you better than the rest of us?

I hope to fucking god all you can stay in the cloud of ignorance, once you realize the police are the ones you need to watch your back one it's a fucked up system.

OP knows this, He knows damn well what i'm talking about and I imagine that's why divorce/suicide rates are astronomically high. I couldn't live with myself either.

Sir if you were a officer that never beat people smaller than them, never used unjust means to search, never issued tickets based on anything other than protecting americas roads.. Than I apologize. However we both know you've commited terrible, terrible deeds in your life. How many people have you arrested for drug possession?
If you don't know the OP, how can you state he has committed terrible deeds in his life. I don't understand this. Not every cop on the planet is dirty, believe it or not.

It's like saying that every single soldier out there is a homicidal maniac that rapes women, kills babies etc etc.

I can't even believe I just said that. I used to think that way. But there are dirty people in ALL facets, industries, circles, whatever the fuck.

BUT if I was a cop and some dude tried to grab my piece, I would have shot the motherfucker too. What the fuck was he thinking. HE TRIED TO GRAB A COPS GUN.:-?


Active Member
This was directed solely at him, and he has not responded yet.
I understand none of you will see it until it smacks you in the face, I even went to college for Police Foundations as that was my aspiration..
He DOES know and CAN relate, officers and himself are put in dozens of situations everyday with discretion, with them being in full control of the situation. Some take advantage of the situations more than others. You have to realize these people are humans, just as we. These people are not any better than us, they did nothing but take a year of college and get a driving license.

I just wanted to inform him that this thread is pointless as he cannot give back what he has taken;
also that hopefully it stirred up one memory of corruption his that will haunt him for at least one night of sleep.


Well-Known Member
This was directed solely at him, and he has not responded yet.
I understand none of you will see it until it smacks you in the face..
I was the only person in this thread who said anything about the Crown Counsel. Therefore you had to be directing some to me.

As far as the "until it smacks you in the face" miss me with that shit.

Been there done that. I had my lowrider stripped apart because they suspected I had cocaine stuffed in the door panels.

I had my right rotator cuff blown out by cops when they decided I was too close to a brawl going on, and wrestled me to the ground. I still need surgery to this day.

I tried getting a restraining order on some people to protect my gf but Crown and the police refused to do anything because the people that were threatening her were dealers....so the Crown assumed that both she and I owed them money. It had nothing to do with that, it had to do with the fact I kicked the shit out of one of them in a scrap then put his head thru drywall. They couldn't touch me because of who I knew, so they thought they could get to me by threatening her. I tried to handle it the legal way, and got fucked. So I dealt with them myself in my own special way that ensured they never wanted to try shit again.

I was accused/arrested for attempted murder because of something that happened to someone because the person was attacked spouted his mouth off saying that his attacker was my friend, which he was not, and lied saying I was there when it happened, which I was not. They simply came after me to gain information on the suspect because I knew him. Needless to say my lawyer handled that shit quick like.

There's a few more stories that I can't elaborate on, because simply telling them, and their unique specifics would allow people to Google and find shit on me and my friends.

So you're not the only one who has seen shit dude..... I have "been smacked in the face"


Well-Known Member
Whoa... can we just light one up & smile? Lets all try to get along here.

TOo bad you got screwed by a police office or a lawyer/c.o. who ever. That was a person. NOt a group of people..

IM going to smoke a joint.



Well-Known Member
Inevitably the good cops "look away" while they let the bad cops do their thing.


Well-Known Member
its funny how emotional people get about cops..some are terrible i'll agree, but not all are bad. you gotta think...a cop just went to a call where a dude was beating his wife and maybe molesting his daughter..then he pulls you over for a traffic violation, and you turn into an asshole for fucking up and getting pulled over...but this cop is already in a bad mood from the previous call, he doesnt need your shit..everytime ive been an asshole to cops it does nothing for me, but add on the tickets, and adds to the bullshit..but everytime ive been polite, and do what they ask the experience has been quick and painless..

the funny thing is most people that hate cops, are the first to call them when the shit hits the fan..

i dont necessarily like cops, but i dont hate them. i know the bullshit they have to deal with so i always try to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Well-Known Member
... i always try to give them the benefit of the doubt.
That speaks well of you. I've been abused by cops, more than once...and I don't forget easily...but still try to have your sort of attitude.

Power tends to corrupt, but being bitter about it on the receiving end will eat you up.

edit: I just noticed that this text editor automatically capitalized my use of the word attitude, and linked to the seedbank.

Now there's an abuse of power for you. LOL



Well-Known Member
That speaks well of you. I've been abused by cops, more than once...and I don't forget easily...but still try to have your sort of attitude.

Power tends to corrupt, but being bitter about it on the receiving end will eat you up.
yup..ive been fucked over too...but thats when i didnt exercise my rights. now i just shut the fuck up..."yes sir" and "no sir" the shit outta them, and usually im on my merry way.

i was pulled over once my car wreaking like purple kush..obviously the cop wanted to get into my car bad...declined search, they said a dog was on the way..i said cool, lets wait for the pooch, 30 min later the cop walked back to my car and told me to get the fuck outta here..i know that cops have 60 minutes to complete their initial traffic investigation, anything after 60 min is unlawful detainment and any evidence taken after that point will be thrown out of court.

oh yeah..and if cops are knockin at your door, and your house smells like a grow room...DONT ANSWER THE FUCKING DOOR!!! actually NEVER ANSWER THE DOOR!! unless you called em. hell you can even wave to them through the window...but if there's a warrant youre fucked..


Well-Known Member
That speaks well of you. I've been abused by cops, more than once...and I don't forget easily...but still try to have your sort of attitude.

Power tends to corrupt, but being bitter about it on the receiving end will eat you up.

edit: I just noticed that this text editor automatically capitalized my use of the word attitude, and linked to the seedbank.

Now there's an abuse of power for you. LOL

No doubt. The cops see that "chip on your shoulder" and pick up on it right away....almost as if it was a "donut on your shoulder"

I was wondering about the attitude being capitalized and linked.....fucking kind of lame. but whatever.


Active Member
". . .everytime ive been an asshole to cops it does nothing for me, but add on the tickets, and adds to the bullshit..but everytime ive been polite, and do what they ask the experience has been quick and painless. . . "
You mean polite when you ask him to use a little "jelly". Yes this will cause it to be painless. lol :mrgreen: