Hey Hem hows it going brother. Good luck on the course todayWe have a very soft snow falling today, very beautiful once again. There have only been 3 days this month that it hasn't snowed. Really good for the local ecomomy up here.
If your a WWII buff you must have caught all the stories and footage that they are showing recently on the History channel? Thats what I usually do when I have to trim,,,listen to the History channel lol learn all kinds interesting and some not so interesting chit
Later man!
I do the Same thing HC, I watch the History Channel all the time...gots some friends on the Cape who are making a couple bucks off the snow up there right now, doing some plowing....Thanks for stopping by..BTW had a great Xmas, hope u did 2Hem, you def need to take a trip to Holland. You can walk along an old street in the Jordaan and feel like you have gone back in time. I also like exploring the dunes down South and finding the old tank defences and gun implacements of old. Anyhoo, hope you had a good Xmas,
Hey DST,,I would love to come back to Holland, now that I know someone who could show how the locals do it. It would be so cool to see all those gun placement and places that they fought....Thanks for stopping by...