The Art of The Auto

Its a JEM, JEM is a staple in my garden...

As well it should be in all gardens! :)

Hmmm... methinks mosser has a much better chance of this as I have not even grown one yet... gotta get some damn seeds!

I will say a few of my ladies have little ball sacks at the nodes... but not hermy either... I'll try and get a cloeup of ne when the sun rises in there again
I kind of figured spraying them with the lights on is what did it. I had one girl that might not even be worth saving. It took it harder than the other two. Its a shame because it was the strangest shade of green and the leaves were always shiny. It almost looked like a wax sculpture. Does any one have thoughts on when I can start using it on the soil my seedling are in? I picked up some kind of fume strip from the grocery store. It is supposed to time release into the air.
I kind of figured spraying them with the lights on is what did it. I had one girl that might not even be worth saving. It took it harder than the other two. Its a shame because it was the strangest shade of green and the leaves were always shiny. It almost looked like a wax sculpture. Does any one have thoughts on when I can start using it on the soil my seedling are in? I picked up some kind of fume strip from the grocery store. It is supposed to time release into the air.

soil application ... light... the 5ml per gallon i mentioned... doesn't seem to be havin any ill effects on my younguns and no ill effecs on my germing ladies... you should be ok here as it doesn't disrupt the stomata this way.

the photo-sensitivity is only on application to the leaves. also, thrips lay eggs in soil as well as on leaves... so thats really the kill target anyway. Most of the thrips problems I had are already dissapearing... 3 days after neem application to the soil... alos... wouldn't toss the plant... maybe give it a rinse... although it might be late for that... I've had tomatos burn like this and recover... dont lose hope my friend.
Acid or alkaline?

Which is best for your body?

If you've got an infection and you're feeling a bit off colour, or you're seriously ill, most of your symptoms have one thing in common: OXYGEN – or rather the lack of it!
Here is a simple formula to help you whilst reading the rest of this site:

Acidic environment = lack of oxygen > disease

Alkaline environment = oxidisation > health

That’s a scientific fact.

Diseases cannot survive in an oxidised environment, that’s why they’re called anaerobic (Latin for without air or no oxygen). You cannot suffer from disease if you are alkalised, it’s not biologically possible. Unfortunately, we are alkaline by design but acidic by function!

The link between your food and health is very simple; all foods break down into two ashes when digested, alkaline or acid. If too much acid food , drink or drugs are ingested you will develop acidosis which, left untreated, can cause very serious diseases.

Why has this formula been overlooked for so long I hear you ask? Well, for the very simple reason that a good alkaline diet with the help of natural supplements for those who are suffering the effects of acidosis would result in many drugs sold today not being needed, of which 90% of these drugs treat the symptoms not the cause.

Scientists and doctors have found that over 150 degenerative diseases including cancer are linked to acidity.

You remember I brought you the Link about Bicarbonate of Soda to help Candida...
That is how it is is altering the Acidity of your gut...​

Until I can get the meter and the book..I will be taking my Bicarb every day...​

Back to yap have some Cracking info Streaming in...

NC..Hitman is have a Mossy Wiggle on..explain shortly...
You remember I brought you the Link about Bicarbonate of Soda to help Candida...

That is how it is is altering the Acidity of your gut...​

Until I can get the meter and the book..I will be taking my Bicarb every day...​

Back to yap have some Cracking info Streaming in...

NC..Hitman is have a Mossy Wiggle on..explain shortly...

right on... how much do you take each day? you mean baking soda of course?

and btw... this makes total sense and is in complete alignment with everything I've been reading... i even think the sugar thing i mentiond because the way it breaks down... turns to acid... ties into this

also... how do you think this ties in with vitamin C.... did you read that link? they mention not using vit c while doing oxygen therapy... i assume because acids and h202 react violently usually.. also not sure what the biprodcuts wuld be..
I'm seeing 2 males and 3 females out of the 2 pots that got the Bud Widers (5 plants per pot) the male sacks contain no pollen yet, what do you think is the best way to separate the males from the females without damaging roots of other plants? and end up with some pollen?
well... mosser says...:

... and it may need a little refining... but basically, wait till it starts to flower... take cuttings and place in a still room with a coffe filter underneath... as the pollen sheds it falls to the coffee filter.... this way you could clip the males before they cross with something you may not want... consult mossy for timing if you're unfamiliar with male maturity as I am just really learning breeding techniques myself


ps - I'm currently trying a rendition of this... took some female cuttings and light depping themto try an force a few male flowers for seeding.. (all my seeds are femizied)
right on... how much do you take each day? you mean baking soda of course?
Can anyone confirm that Bicarbonate of Soda is Baking soda in the US...?

Teaspoon..5 ml in water...first thing in the alkali the gut Before you put anything in.

It Really concurs with My as soon as I can..I'll be doing Live Test.

Quickies..not read the C link in there yet..
But my homework says that vitamin C and sugar compete..fight in the body...
if you take away the Sugar..the Vit C can do it's job.
I couldn't collate the fact that vit C actually is My secret weapon..
it has Really helped since I started taking it...

BUT...vit C I wasn't getting it..until I saw in the PH diet book that Vit C turn to alkali in the Gut...


we need to talk more..
But I'm pushed right now..
Soon m8.
Can anyone confirm that Bicarbonate of Soda is Baking soda in the US...?

Teaspoon..5 ml in water...first thing in the alkali the gut Before you put anything in.

It Really concurs with My as soon as I can..I'll be doing Live Test.

Quickies..not read the C link in there yet..
But my homework says that vitamin C and sugar compete..fight in the body...
if you take away the Sugar..the Vit C can do it's job.
I couldn't collate the fact that vit C actually is My secret weapon..
it has Really helped since I started taking it...

BUT...vit C I wasn't getting it..until I saw in the PH diet book that Vit C turn to alkali in the Gut...


we need to talk more..
But I'm pushed right now..
Soon m8.

awesome... now that makes sense... and yes... i've confirmed bicarbnate as baking soda

and np on the time thing... we'll catch up later... do yo thang... swangalanganlang

Yeah hisser...
let the male come to ball development..
once you see the balls develop the stem and start to drop..
cut it out of the pot at soil level..
and either pop it into a glass of you would with a flower...

cut it down..strip the fans down..(for moisture..)
put it between the pages of a newspaper..and put somewhere warm and Dry...
Good Luck M8...
well... mosser says...:

... and it may need a little refining... but basically, wait till it starts to flower... take cuttings and place in a still room with a coffe filter underneath... as the pollen sheds it falls to the coffee filter.... this way you could clip the males before they cross with something you may not want... consult mossy for timing if you're unfamiliar with male maturity as I am just really learning breeding techniques myself


ps - I'm currently trying a rendition of this... took some female cuttings and light depping themto try an force a few male flowers for seeding.. (all my seeds are femizied)

Thanks man, I think i'll make a "fortress" around the males using plastic bags till they are ready to get cut....

Colloidal silver works great for turning a female into a hermie... spraying twice a day for 2 weeks gave me LOTS of male sacks after 3 weeks... all you gotta do is make sure the selected female WON'T hermie easily, this will assure you that no hermie traits passes to your seeds.
Here it is, the ugly truth of the neem incident.
You live and learn I guess. On the bright side I have a few new additions, my BHDs are off to a good start.
when I first got JEM..25% AF...that trait was in about 1 in 20 plants.
I Thought it was a slight long season girl trait poking through..
AF's flower on the symetric..long season on the a-symetric...

Haven't seen it for any of them..or the JEM crosses.
Never seems to bother the tends to be a Taller pheno.

So You do have a Mossy Wiggle in your grow room....:clap:

Also..the White Russian carries it...
But....I haven't seen that in a while either.

Girls are looking Mature M8..Sexy....
Bet there is a Scent of Woman in the grow room...mmmm.....:weed:

I've been thinkin about that... I encompass alittle more than air and fog... but didn't want to be an arrogant sob or asnnoy anyone with my abilites! lol
Nah..I was thinking of it when Hitman sorted your badge out last time...
but he did it so fast..:clap:
I didn't get a chance to mention it..

oh shit... thats nowhere near as bad as i envisijoned... sorry i forgot to mention sensitivity in my previous neem post... shoulda made a point about that... but you'll be just fine... in a wekk you wont even know it happened!
Thanks man, I think i'll make a "fortress" around the males using plastic bags till they are ready to get cut....

Colloidal silver works great for turning a female into a hermie... spraying twice a day for 2 weeks gave me LOTS of male sacks after 3 weeks... all you gotta do is make sure the selected female WON'T hermie easily, this will assure you that no hermie traits passes to your seeds.

thanks for the tip on the colloidal silver... I appreciate it... just tryin to do it without any checms... very much an organic enthusiast...... incidentally.... NC says:

How to FEM cannabis seeds & using Silver Thiosulfate to create HERMI.
Anyone ever use this Soma tech to feminize seeds?
Creating feminized marijuana seeds is an art, there are a few different methods of application. I have written about some of my different methods of making cannabis seeds in previous HIGH TIMES articles. I have use gibberellic acid, light stress, ph stress, and fertilizer stress to force my plants to make marijuana seeds. All these methods are harsh on the plants, and some like the gibbrellic acid, are not organic. In my search for cleaner more earth-friendly ways of working with the cannabis plant, I have found a new way to make feminized cannabis seeds.
Feminized seeds occur as a result of stress, other than genetics. All cannabis plants can and will make male flowers under stress. Certain strains like a higher PH, some like a lower one. Some like a lot of food, some like a lot less. There is quite a lot of variety in marijuana genetics, and you can’t treat every plant the same way.
It takes many harvests before you really get to know a particular strain. Just like getting to know human friends, it takes time. I have grown strains for a decade and am truly getting to know every nuance the different plants exhibit. I can recognize them from a distance. I must say that I get a lot of help from my friends, both in making marijuana seeds and learning new and better ways of working with this sacred plant.
I named this new method “Rodelization” after a friend who helped me realize and make use of this way of creating female cannabis seeds. After growing crop after crop of the same plant in the same conditions, I noticed that if I flowered the plants 10-14 days longer than usual, they would develop male “bananas”. A male banana is a very slight male flower on a female marijuana plant that is formed because of stress. Usually they do not let out any pollen early enough to make marijuana seeds, but they sometimes do. They are a built in safety factor so in case of sever conditions, the plant can make sure that the species is furthered.
To me a male banana is quite a beautiful thing. It has the potential of making all female pot seeds. Many growers out there have male banana phobia. They see one and have heart palpitations, they want to cut down the entire crop or at least take tweezers and pluck the little yellow emerging devices out. I call them “Emergency Devices” because they emerge at times of stress.
In the Rodelization method, the male banana is very valuable. After growing your female plant 10-14 days longer than usual, hang them up to dry, then carefully take them off the drying lines and inspect for bananas. Each and every banana should be removed and placed in a small bag labeled very accurately. These sealed bags can be placed in the fridge for one to two months and still remain potent.
For the second phase you need to already have a crop that’s already 2 ½ weeks into flowering. Take your sealed bag of pollen out of the fridge, and proceed to impregnate your new crop of females. To do this, you must first match the female plant and the pollen from the same strain in the previous crop. Shut down all the fans in the grow room. Then take a very fine paint brush, dip it in the bag of pollen, and paint it on the female flower. Do this to each different strain you have growing together. I have done it with ten different kinds in the same room with great success.
I use the lower flowers to make weed seeds, leaving the top colas seedless for smoking. This method takes time(two crops), but is completely organic and lets you have great quality smoke at the same time you make your female cannabis seeds. If you’re one of those growers that has never grown marijuana seeds for fear of not having something good to smoke, you will love this method.
You can also use this pollen to make new female crosses by cross pollinating. The older females with the bananas can be brought into the room with the younger, un-pollinated females when they are three weeks into flowering. Turn all of the circulation fans on high, and the little bits of pollen will proceed to make it around the room. Do this for several days. Six to seven weeks later you will have ripe 100% female seeds; not nearly as many as a male plant would make, but enough to start over somewhere else with the same genetics.
As a farmer who has been forced to move his genetics far away from where they started, I know very well the value of seeds. My friend Adam from THSeeds in Amsterdam has a motto that I love to borrow these days: “Drop seeds not bombs”.
credit to: Soma
Nah..I was thinking of it when Hitman sorted your badge out last time...
but he did it so fast..:clap:
I didn't get a chance to mention it..

he was damn fast wasn't he?

note to self: take hitman with you in a shootout... he's quick on the draw!

shit... probably wouldn't even have to be armed... sit back and roll a spliff while he handles shit! then burn it together and laugh all the way home to amsterdam! :)

oh and mossy, this is day 3 on my light dep clones... still survivin ok

oh hissser, since you mention it... any idea if autoberry, auto widow, or lwryder #2 hermie easily? (I plan on a mass-pheno search after my intial breeding, mossy style of course)
Thanks mossy, I'm gonna take pics tonight of your ladies, they are around 6-5 weeks old :D, I'm going to choose a mother out of ICU#2 today to seed it, then ALF and last comes BB. one ICU#2 got red calyxes .... kinda like rusty red :o

JM... Colloidal Silver isn't a chemical, its pure silver micro particles in distilled water... I'm not sure if autos can go through the rodelization stage. but if there's an easier way than CS then go for it for sure, CS is a pain in the ass, since light destroys CS you have to let the sprayed female sit in dark for like 2 hours till CS is dry before u put it back under light or among other females.
oh hissser, since you mention it... any idea if autoberry, auto widow, or lwryder #2 hermie easily? (I plan on a mass-pheno search after my intial breeding, mossy style of course)

AutoBerry = Blue Streak? if yes then no, it doesn't hermie easily at all, mine took LOTS of stress without showing any ballsacks, I dunno about the others sorry.
Thanks mossy, I'm gonna take pics tonight of your ladies, they are around 6-5 weeks old :D, I'm going to choose a mother out of ICU#2 today to seed it, then ALF and last comes BB. one ICU#2 got red calyxes .... kinda like rusty red :o

JM... Colloidal Silver isn't a chemical, its pure silver micro particles in distilled water... I'm not sure if autos can go through the rodelization stage. but if there's an easier way than CS then go for it for sure, CS is a pain in the ass, since light destroys CS you have to let the sprayed female sit in dark for like 2 hours till CS is dry before u put it back under light or among other females.
thank yuo for the tips... yet again... :)

so basically... every night when you pu them to bed? You spray every day, you say? I didn't realize this... thought it was just once... good know... also didn't realize colloidal silver was just basically silver particles in water (sounds like it might be oxidzed by the water and therefore called colloidal?) Interesting side note... here in the us... when the pioneers were going west they put their silver coins in the bottom of their water barrels... to kill bacteria and viruses in the water and therefore make it safe to drink... :)
Auto berry from (I believe these are from lowryder as marjunanaseeds is just a reseller)

thanks for the tip on that too... :)