All dried and cured, and one jar has puffy "dust"...MOLD!?!??!! Need Advice


Active Member
Hey I had a great first harvest, with about a pound and half all said and done.

the one jar I have though, the bud is oretty dry, however if i squeeze it a bit or flick it, dusty/powdry poofs of smokey looking something puffs off the bud.

Is this mold?

if so...what can i do to keep this weed and not throw it away. i wanted to make sure it def was mold and if not, what else could i t be.

thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
could be mold, any chance there were some roosters? pollen has that powdery look, but is yellowish


Active Member
Depends on the weed. I grow super keify weed, And when i just pull them out the jars poofs of trics come off. All depends he needs some pics.


Well-Known Member
Love the way some people give a definitive answer when they havnt even seen the bud. Smell it, does it smell mouldy? Was it really dry before you put it in the jar?


Also stop flicking it around anywhere you do your growing/drying/curing. If you do have mold/mildew you are spreading spores around that could possibly ruin further harvests. Good luck and post pics


Well-Known Member
It's mildew.... Trichs don't puff out white powdery substances (spores). At this stage, you can water cure the bud. Just fill that jar with lukewarm water then drain the water and fill again, let set overnight. In 24 hours, drain and replace the water. After about 4 days of this, drain the bud good and lay it on a net or screen to dry. It will be dripping wet, so place a towel underneath and replace it twice during the next 2 days. In 48 hours, your bud will be dry as hell and smokeable. I'd keep any weed that shows or had PM out of jars. Leave the weed in a paper bag for a week and confirm PM is gone.

At this point, your bud is going to be really dark looking and the buds will be tighter, more compact. The buzz may actually seem enhanced as well, because the bud dries together tight as hell. The buds will be really tight and compact.

Or you could make cold water bubble hash..... I have done the water curing and it works great for any weed that is starting to show signs of PM. Make sure your shit is dry enough to jar in the future. Rushing the process of curing only causes problems. Let it dry, let the buds become crispy, then jar them up. The slightest bit of moisture that you can perceive is too much. The only moisture we want is in the center of the stems, so we can draw it out slowly and retain some stickiness and some of that great aroma the flowers gave us earlier when we touched them...


Well-Known Member
Love the way some people give a definitive answer when they havnt even seen the bud. Smell it, does it smell mouldy? Was it really dry before you put it in the jar?
Love the way some people can dish out advice or ask irrelevant questions.

The poster gave a picture perfect description on PM spores shooting out of his buds, yet you want to ask him if he can smell powdery mildew. I'm not so sure how you can go by smell, because it almost has none. It's not a wet mildew, it is a dry one. It is also not a mold, it is a mildew.

The spores look like smoke exiting affected buds when you squeeze or shake them. Trichs do not fall off so easily, and they do not look like smoke coming from a bud.


Well-Known Member
That fluffy white flaking action is no trichome build up. Chances are if it's blatantly flying out when you uncover your jars that it's infested more than just a nug or two. Balzac said a few good words to prevent that in the future : dry your buds longer. Inspecting daily doesn't hurt either. I know, I know it sounds ridiculous looking at every last little nuglet.. But hey, you didn't spend all that time growing it for nothing. Did you?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm with Serapis. I had an old moisture mat in my heat prop, covered in the stuff, you could shoot a drop of water at it and you'd get a lovely little poof of "smoke".


Well-Known Member
That fluffy white flaking action is no trichome build up. Chances are if it's blatantly flying out when you uncover your jars that it's infested more than just a nug or two. Balzac said a few good words to prevent that in the future : dry your buds longer. Inspecting daily doesn't hurt either. I know, I know it sounds ridiculous looking at every last little nuglet.. But hey, you didn't spend all that time growing it for nothing. Did you?
Good words from the clownish Dr. "DRY" is key....

I'm with Serapis. I had an old moisture mat in my heat prop, covered in the stuff, you could shoot a drop of water at it and you'd get a lovely little poof of "smoke".
I'm with Tip Top on this one.....



Active Member
Do not throw it out!

You can either water cure it, or make hash. Unless it is rotten, it's not the end of the world bro.