Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

i need a way to keep the doors closed and lock it up. the weatherstripping worked great but its a little thick and now the doors dont want to stay closed...

Any Ideas???


Active Member
Run the interior with plastic even over the front cut a slit I'm the middle like a curtain, add a zipper, if smell is a problem a charcoal filter and a fan(in a wood box filled with insulating foam) next to ur babies will work if u can over look smell tho, then like 4 computer fans would work to keep temp down and are silent.


Active Member
My reason is just space and privacy. i agree if the police are looking for it then they are gonna find it. but if i have company over then they arent just gonna see a cabinet and know im growing, and i can lock it and not just anyone can open it up. thats my reason lol...
true , true as ya cant tell anyone ....good point .....hail my loft =))


Well-Known Member
Any idea on the price of those? im not wanting to spend a ton of money but i am willing to invest a little more in lights to get a better product. i know most of the 250W i saw cost almost the same as a 400W...

BTW heres the flowering chamber with the reflective material and a pic of my two passive intake holes. ill probably drill more but these were already there lol...
View attachment 1355179View attachment 1355178 they sell just the ballasts for cheap.
i need the cheapest way to get a 250w hps light... my fiancee had all of my money in her car and it got broke into so now i need to be cheap lol. im not against building it myself or putting pieces together but if i cant get something a little cheaper i may just go with a 150w. ive found and enclosed hood and a 150w bulb and ballast for 80 shipped and thats starting to sound good lol

pro grow

Active Member
I built one like this. But I only flower in it. Totally Ive spent near $1000 but had a ton of trial and error learning experiences as I was experimenting and formulating ideas.

Things that took me months to figure out.

1. Use a very wide but shallow soil box. Made myself out of wood with Acrylic shit painted all over to keep it waterproof. I basically cover all but 3 inches lengthwise of my cabinets floor. This is to allow for air intake up the sides of the box if I ever want to vent. Floor is 3 in off ground, soil box starts 3 inch above floor. So a hole in the center of floor. Light is traped by flat black on the floor and bottom of soil box.

2. ATM I dont vent. Room temperature is only 60 degrees F. I ferment CO2. Use DampRID for humidity (2 cans). And those $15 carbon filter fans at Walmart for air circulation and scrubbing.

3. I use 2 LED panels fastned to the top about 1" clearance to avoid any overheating. Going to buy 2 more once I sell my first O.

4. To warm the environment I have (2) 23 watt CLFs. I set them in those $1 ceramic balasts sticking straight up out of the soil. Got chicken wire and wraped it around the balast to keep leaves at least 1 inch away from the CFL bulb.

5. I am going to get a ceramic IR bulb with temp sensor to keep the plant warm at night. Still need to buy that.

6. I set up a UVB 10.0 bulb with a seperate timer at the top inbetween the two LED panels. Heard its good for chlorophil to use even durring vegging. Darkens the pigment. SO I have it going on at increasingly longer intervals to build my plant up.

7. ATM Im growing 1 SLH and just flowering it early to test it out. Next grow will be two Tangerine Dream plants.
what are the temps in there with the cfls? you dont have exhaust set up yet right?
No no exhaust yet. i did a trial run and the temps got up to 100 quick. i put a big fan in the bottom and left the doors on top open for a while and it was ok. im just leaving the doors open while the lights are on but of course thats only temporary. im going tomorrow to get an exhaust fan and ill probably make my own carbon filter


Active Member
No no exhaust yet. i did a trial run and the temps got up to 100 quick. i put a big fan in the bottom and left the doors on top open for a while and it was ok. im just leaving the doors open while the lights are on but of course thats only temporary. im going tomorrow to get an exhaust fan and ill probably make my own carbon filter
how would you go about making 1 ?
theres a few different ways to go about making carbon filters bloom... if you check the DIY section...wait hold on ill do it lol thats one thats 2
theres a million and 1 different things you can do, and a ton of different materials and setups you can use...ur imagination is the limit
yea it seems like an easy thing to do... im just gonna look at it and see what works best for my setup. i like how you can customize it to your cabinet if you make it yourself


Well-Known Member
yessir.. im in the process of designing a small stealth cab. i think im gonna do a small 3 1/2" box inside that encloses my pc exhaust fan inside will be a small DIY carbon scrubber and another PC fan pushing into it from the main chamber..
my bad, its I wrote it wrong the first time.
Yea i just googled it and found it pretty quick. thanks again

the 150hps for $85 is actually a pretty good price..
thats what i thought. i found a dealer on ebay that even includes the glass so you can seal it up and vent that way. i think for now I can get by with just a 6 inch vent fan and a DIY scrubber. i know that will slow the fan down but this is a small cabinet and shouldnt need anything extreme. and itll be easy to upgrade when i do get the HPS