My First Grow.. 4 auto's can I hear a QP?


I have been around town gathering supplies for my first grow op. I've ordered Autoflowers from the internets and they are en transit. Firstly I constructed a shelving frame 2'x4'x6'. Second I ran electricity to the area. I have a timer for both H20 and Nutes as well as on the powerstrip powering the lights. As well as an oscillator fan. I want to have everything at a "set it and forget it" point for I am never home but for sleep. I have an old aquarium that I will use as the resevoir. I found a 2x4" plantar box that I cut 2 drains into. I plan on using rooting cups in solo cups for about 1 week or less before transplanting into 6 Litre or 3 Gallon square pots. I planned to use a thin layer of rock at the bottom followed by a thin layer of sand followed by a soil or potting mix. (Does this sound necessary for proper drainage?) It will be at this time that I begin ferts about half strength (15-15-15 for about a 2 weeks) Then it will be full strength until 2 weeks before harvest. I found a test meter at lowes for 10 bucks messures ph temp and soil moisture. (What should I try and keep these readings at? How much water do these girls need daily?)

Lighting is where I am having the hardest decisions. I already purchased 2 T8 Shoplights with uber reflective hoods. 48' long 6500K a total of 4 bulbs. I have learned that this is not adequate for my goal. I spent only 40$ and I will use these anyway as side lighting. This is where I am torn... 1000w HPS/MH Switchable would be sweet right? But I dont know how well I will be able to vent and control the tempurature if I use this light source and $350 seems steep. I found a T5 8 bulb 4x2' Floro around $250 and a few 168 PAR38 L.E.D. for $100. Each come ready to install. I know (MH-VEG, HPS-FlOW) would (CFL-VEG, L.E.D.-FlOW) suffice? Please help I havent grown before but I want to do it perfectly this time and then start to develop my personal touch.

I dont mind my spot to smell like soil so I think I wont wall up my op until it looks like my girls are gonna flower. I have reflective film to wrap around the shelves, black plastic to air tight. I will cut an access window to velcro for easy access into the grow space. It will be at this time that I install a 190 CFM inline fan with a Carbon Filter. I wanna have a lil CO2 for feeding so I plan to ferment some alchohol in there. Ill prob run 2 PC 24hours for cold air intake.

I am working on Photos. All comments are helpful! I plan on 4 Autos - 2 Ak47 Easy Ryder, and 2 White Russian
Too be honest with ya don't expect the best results your first time. Your also using autoflowers so a qp dry off 4 plants is a little out of the question imo. The most important thing you should take away from your first grow is experience, not bud. Although a little bud isn't bad either.

420 Dream Team

Active Member
Well....I am no expert... But in the wonderful world of autos...Where I am currently growing...Lol......In the right conditions it may be possible to get a qp but just remember AUTOS are EXTREMELY sensitive to nutes...and I am using T5s/8 bulb thru my entire grow..... Happy Growing

Miss M


Thanks SWOOP, (experienced growers) It is my first go. I got 10 seeds total. 4 for the first go~70+ days. I know its all about lights and growth. More W more G's. I cannot read enough online in forums, journals and webpages. The AK47 is a high yield Auto. Even 3/4 would be swell. What do you think I need to come close to the goal I set? (watts, nutes, temps: anythings appreciated). I probably did aim a little high but which light option would you recomend? Green thumbs run in my fam. I am hoping I have the same for my indoor garden. Thanks.


Miss M- what kind of potting mix and nutes would you suggest? I am using a drip irrigation system. Dif from your hydro system I checked out. Did you only use that 1 T5 light for all those plants!?! I was thinking about using that and after seeing your little ones doing so well I think I will. But I want to accent it with the 2 T8 shop light and some CFL's during veg time. Swap out the CFL's for the L.E.D. at flowering time. The L.E.D.'s say they are 12w but they have 138-630nm red L.E.D. and 30-460nm blue L.E.D. ideal for flowering. So I should prob get a 15w CFL? I need to make my last purchases before the seeds get in. How hot does it get in your grow space? Thanks much.

420 Dream Team

Active Member
Miss M- what kind of potting mix and nutes would you suggest?
Well I am currently growing in hydro....But I have just started some ones in soil for round #2. So my thoughts on soil and the appropriate nutes for it wouldn't be the best. BUT I have heard great things about fox farm soil and there nutes..... as for my 2 cents on the lights...I love my T5s I have 2 autos going right now and I anticipate an oz on one and maybe 1 1/2 off the one I didnt ruin lol...Keep us posted..

Miss MView attachment 1360924


Those look really good, thats the yield I'm aiming for. But I saw you said something about how the leaves fell off. Some look yellow with burnt tips (ruined?). What do you think happened? A deffeciency in a nutrient like Magnesium? I found a nice app on the android market that has a nutrient problem solver. You answer yes or no and it goes through a list of possibilities. Its called the GrowApp.

420 Dream Team

Active Member
Miss M- what kind of potting mix and nutes would you suggest? I am using a drip irrigation system. Dif from your hydro system I checked out. Did you only use that 1 T5 light for all those plants!?! I was thinking about using that and after seeing your little ones doing so well I think I will. But I want to accent it with the 2 T8 shop light and some CFL's during veg time. Swap out the CFL's for the L.E.D. at flowering time. The L.E.D.'s say they are 12w but they have 138-630nm red L.E.D. and 30-460nm blue L.E.D. ideal for flowering. So I should prob get a 15w CFL? I need to make my last purchases before the seeds get in. How hot does it get in your grow space? Thanks much.
Yeah I only used the fixture and there are only 4 plants in there...I had an explosive veg growth spurt for like a few days and they got outta control lol.....My grow space got warmer than I anticipated if I keep my door closed and lights on my space is 18 sqft it got up to 92 with no ventalation. Which when my plants were small my rez temps got HOT! with ventilation im at 78 ish.......

The extra CFL cant hurt.....I am interested in seeing how the LEDs go...I am very uneducated on them.....


420 Dream Team

Active Member
Those look really good, thats the yield I'm aiming for. But I saw you said something about how the leaves fell off. Some look yellow with burnt tips (ruined?). What do you think happened? A deffeciency in a nutrient like Magnesium? I found a nice app on the android market that has a nutrient problem solver. You answer yes or no and it goes through a list of possibilities. Its called the GrowApp.
Thank you but they got way taller than anticipated, in retrospect MY FAULT...Damn... lol The 2 autoflowers are in 1 dwc together...They were doing fine as I was vegging......I was giving them nutes at a reduced amount at first....they were LOVING it!! I gradually was giving more...Still no where close to full strength. Then I was concerned because they were not AUTO flowering. Nirvana (where my seeds are from) was having some autoing issues. I ignorantly assumed they would auto regardless if I was using "grow" or "bloom" mix. Stupid.I know :( I flushed changed my bulbs gave a little bit of "bloom nutes" then they started to burn..I then flushed and switched containers. The roots got out of control. The burn continued and still is. Yellowing started. Then the leaves started to fall. There is literally almost ZERO leaves on the one. Whats so odd to me is that thes 2 have been given the same stuff everything the same, they are in the same rez. I was leaning towards the Mag def. I look at it like this. You ever hear of people having twins and one is way bigger or one kils the other in the womb. I think its like that. I dont want to change one thing and then the other get affected. So I am riding it out and actually the bad one will prob be done way before the good one. Wow I typed alot hope that makes sense.



Active Member

I am a newbie but I planted some seeds that I thought were just roadrunners. After a few weeks in veg I noticed some white hairs. To make a long story short, I purchased some flowering cfl's soft white and had them set up all around the plants. They were not doing bad, but less than a week after I put the 600 hps over them and they quadrupled in size, well the buds did. Again, I am a newbie, but I spent money on flowering cfl's for these little ladies, and turned out to be money wasted, for these plants atleast. The lights I will use for side lights for other flowering plants. The greener photos are before, and the darker orange are me trying to show how the bugs blew up. One plant is one HUGE bud. I would think if you want the BEST outcome, hps is where you want to go. Like someone else said, AF's, im told are for a faster turn around, and do not yield as much because of this.


Well-Known Member
Looking good do have a fast turnaround and doing several at a time in a small space is great for continued variation in bud to choose from. You look like you did good!


Active Member
Looking good do have a fast turnaround and doing several at a time in a small space is great for continued variation in bud to choose from. You look like you did good!
Thanks! ;-) I have 4 going right now and really thinking about sticking with autos, after I see how my WW's turn out of course!


I went to the local hydro shop. They told me they had L.E.D. coming in. Said they are way better than HPS, 36w is about 250w of HPS over a 2 foot diameter. Also they run way cooler. I kinda want to run with those. They are pricey but I think I will do well with them for flowering. But what about vegging my 4 babies. I want them to get really big. Miss 420 DT grow space a 16 square foot space got up to 92 with T5's... I want to use them but now I'm thinking about just getting a few more T8 shop lights they are like 20 bucks a piece. Maybe 3 or 4 of them with 6500k that way I can splurge on my flowering lights. In addition to these shop lights what is recomended for vegging.


Okay... I think I might've made my mind on the lighting. Pro's lemme know wassup.
Vegg- 2x 48" Shoplight w 2 T8 Floro Tubes (6500K) ~40 watts a piece, 4 lamp slide unit with 4 Y splits- 8 total CFL's (6500k) undecided on using 26w or 42w
Flower- 2x 48" Shoplight w 2 T8 Floro Tubes (2700K) or the 4 Y CFLs (2700k) and an Kessil Magenta L.E.D. 35w or maybe 2. The Kessils are rated to be = 250w HPS at a 2 foot diameter. These puppies are American Made with a 5 year warranty... How does that sound?

PS. Miss- I went to the Hydro shop... found Fox Farm Soil and Nutes. Stoked! Found out about the Kessil L.E.D. haha gave them my number to call when they come in stock. This shits supposed to be the top of the line when it comes to L.E.D. I love how many diff techniques there are to growing. How do you think my Autos will turn out? Too excited for their arrival. I think Ill be a good daddy.

PS. Dirty D- I really want to use an HPS but they run too hot and use to much power. Good tip not to flower with CFL's as the main light. What do you think about supplementing the Magenta L.E.D. with the C.F.L. 2700K. Any tips after your first grow? How much watts and how much yield? Did you supplement CO2? Those girls look really good and happy.


Active Member
Okay... I think I might've made my mind on the lighting. Pro's lemme know wassup.
Vegg- 2x 48" Shoplight w 2 T8 Floro Tubes (6500K) ~40 watts a piece, 4 lamp slide unit with 4 Y splits- 8 total CFL's (6500k) undecided on using 26w or 42w
Flower- 2x 48" Shoplight w 2 T8 Floro Tubes (2700K) or the 4 Y CFLs (2700k) and an Kessil Magenta L.E.D. 35w or maybe 2. The Kessils are rated to be = 250w HPS at a 2 foot diameter. These puppies are American Made with a 5 year warranty... How does that sound?

PS. Miss- I went to the Hydro shop... found Fox Farm Soil and Nutes. Stoked! Found out about the Kessil L.E.D. haha gave them my number to call when they come in stock. This shits supposed to be the top of the line when it comes to L.E.D. I love how many diff techniques there are to growing. How do you think my Autos will turn out? Too excited for their arrival. I think Ill be a good daddy.

PS. Dirty D- I really want to use an HPS but they run too hot and use to much power. Good tip not to flower with CFL's as the main light. What do you think about supplementing the Magenta L.E.D. with the C.F.L. 2700K. Any tips after your first grow? How much watts and how much yield? Did you supplement CO2? Those girls look really good and happy.
I just harvested my AF RR's. They are currently drying so I can not tell you just yet how much yield. I have read and seen many people flowering with 2700k cfl's. My AF's flowered for a few weeks nicely before I put them under the hps. I did not supplement co2, money has been tight and I figured I had more things to test out before I let the co2 come into the picture. One of the plants ended up being one large bud!!! When I find out how much yield Iwill let you know.