First Official cfl grow


Active Member
Merry Christmas to all in RIU land!!

Today, Estella is looking quite well. She has finally been drinking up water quite well, she seems to be liking her food as well. I believe in a few wks, she will be ready for harvest. Has more trichs, plumber buds. Sure is nice to see her doing better! Here she is!

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Active Member
merry xmas all~

wow, never seen pink on buds before. amazing! wish i could taste it! lol i just got done trimming and jar-in up my CFL grow! it was my first grow ever so im sure my yeild wasnt what it could have been, but its damn nice looking and tastes and smokes like a dream! looks like youll be havin nice dreams soon too! cheers!


Active Member
Yeah dude, I agree, those are pretty wicked looking up close. I bet they will taste even better than they look..especially after a good cure. I'm anxious to see how these badasses progress over the remainder of their time.


Active Member
DaLeftHandMan, thanks! I had never seen it before either, until I grew this plant lol. I did find a few pics of buds like mine on the Net, one strain was called Stinky Pinky I believe. I don't think that's what I have, mine is just bagseed, but it sure is cool looking!! I like it lol. I have a different plant than everyone else LOL. Do you have any pics of your harvest?? If you do, post em here, I would like to see em!! I really hope she smokes well. I know the trichs are super strong, I accidently ate some about a wk ago, and wow. Total body high, felt no pain at all, no muscle cramps, nothing. It lasted for hours. Amazing.
newdude79, thanks! They are looking better every day! I'm so glad I was able to pull her back from the abyss, she was a goner lol. I screwed up, but fixed it, and learned alot. I really want to pick a bud and smoke it, but I am going to wait until harvest. I don't know how long I will cure for, I bet I end up smoking some during that process lol. However, if I can keep my hands on some decent bud to smoke while she is curing, then I won't touch her until she is cured for 6 wks. I just hope I do it right. I am planning on drying inside my grow box, to keep the smell filtered. I am going to string up some wires and hang them off the stems. Will keep the fan blowing air across them, it's not humid in there at all, so risk of mold should be darn low. Figure dry for 3 or 4 days, see how it's doing. When the stems snap, I will put them in mason jars, and burp them for a few wks, then I guess I just let it sit? That's a part I don't get. Do I let them sit for 4 wks without opening the jars, or do I burp them daily for 6 wks? I will for sure be reading alot about curing here really soon.
Here is pics from last night. The buds are doing good, I can't believe the difference between a few wks ago and now. Such an amazing plant!! HOW CAN THIS PLANT BE ILLEGAL????
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Well-Known Member
Man those buds are looking so much better right now! You totally saved that plant lol! Well done bro.

One advice about drying: don't use a fan. It'll make it dry too fast and ruin the flavor and make the cure not work as well. The only reason to use a fan when drying is if you have very humid conditions or a really wet bud and you're worried about mold, but in your case that will not be an issue. If you MUST use a fan for some reason, then point it away from the plant. Direct wind is a bad idea...


Active Member
hey homer371!! how ya doing? Thanks! I am very glad she survived my torture lol.
No fan eh? OK!! I won't use a fan! lol. Thanks for that, I had no idea! I thought everyone always used a fan. I'm glad I don't have to, it will make it that much quieter lol. I want a new fan before my next grow. I want one I can put towards the top of the box somehow. and point it down towards the plant. It didn't get very good wind this grow, once I put it in the taller container. Not enough space in this box. I am thinking of getting a grow tent. A small one, but taller. then I don't have to let it grow out, I can let it grow up a bit. Wait. I don't know! I"m baked off my ass!! lol. Not off Estella. Haven't touched her yet in that way lol.


Active Member
EvolAlex, I have no idea of the strain, it's just bagseed. Off of some brown weed at that. Hoping I can make her into something nice lol. I'm sure I can. I like the pink pistils, for sure sets it off. And apart from others lol.


Well-Known Member
That plant looks juicy. The purplish pink hairs look like spikes. You should have added more cfls so the bud could run down the stems more. Not bad at all for 3 months.


Active Member
haloman420, that would be a great idea. I wanted to add more, but the way the plant grew out, it filled all of the space in the box. I hope next grow I am using a bigger grow box, and I would eventually like to run a 400W mh/hps system, with cfl towards the bottom of the plant, if needed. She would have been bigger for sure had I not put her into lockout lol. Just Horrible lol.


Active Member
Hello Everyone and HAPPY NEW YEARS!
I took some pics of Estella today. I can see a few more trich's turning amber. She isn't ready for harvest yet though. My question is, how long does it take for them to turn amber, and therefore, how do I know when to stop feeding her and go straight water? I want to make sure I leach all the nutes out of her before harvest, but I for sure don't want to harvest her late and have a total couchlock. I like 50/50 most times. What do you all think?
Here is today's pics:

Jan 1 017.jpgJan 1 015.jpgJan 1 010.jpgJan 1 016.jpgJan 1 001.jpgJan 1 008.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey allforit, happy new years to you man! I'd say you got another week or two by the look of those pistils. Seem most haven't receded yet, so that's a sign she's not ready. You want like 75% receded or so.

On the other hand I wouldn't wait for a lot of amber trichs, since it turns out the amber trich couch lock theory is bunk. You wanna harvest when you have mostly cloudy trichs. Amber means thc starts degrading to cbn which gives a more drousy confused feeling

so overall, I'd go by the look of the pistils but if you're seeing that a lot of the trichs are amber then it's ready. Either way, you might wanna start flushing soon, maybe after one more nute feed. How long has she been on 12/12 again?


Active Member
homer371, thanks for dropping by! She has been on 12/12 since Oct. 11. almost 3 months. about 3 or 4 wks of that she was in lockout, so, really about 2 full good months of flower. The amber trich theory has been bunked? I didn't know that! Where did u find that out? I would like to read about it! I'll do some google searching today lol. I am thinking 1 more feeding, then flush for at least a wk, I for sure don't want no drowsy confused feeling!


Well-Known Member
Ill try to find you the link. It was by bricktop on one of smellytreez threads. Sounded legit. Your plan sounds good though.


Active Member
Hello all! Update time! I am debating. I see a lot more amber trichs tonight. Should I flush her now, or feed her one more time, then flush? I don't know. but I do know I want a 50/50 high. That's the goal. What do you all think? If you download the pic, and zoom in, you can see more amber trichs. Opinions please. With crystals on top. :)


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Active Member
Looking at the pics, I see new growth. Calyx's that are swelling out more. yet some more amber trichs, and some more orange or white hairs. wow. I guess I have to just feed her water from here on out. I see the new growth, and I want to grow her more before I harvest, but if she is starting to look ready, then I need to do it right. Wow. I can't wait for my next grow, it will be so much better! I learned a lot on this grow.