First Official cfl grow


Active Member
HippySmoke! High! Yes, there will be time to grow where I am growing. My buddy grew 30 plants in his greenhouse last summer. We will be having some fun growing. Plus I am going to do my best to get a NM mmj license. If I can get that, would be awesome. If not, i'm still going to grow lol. I'm going to have like 7 or 8 big solar panels so I can be sure to have enough power for cfls. Plus to run my blender once a day for my nutritional smoothie. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, banana, orange, avocado, and at some point, organic hemp oil. With pomegranate juice mixed in. Great stuff, super good for my brain, and about the only way I KNOW I will eat fruits lol. I love fruit, but too messy to eat lol. So blend it all up and drink er down lol.
I'm just following my Path. I am sure I might miss some of this stuff, but the world is going to hell in a hand basket fast, and I think I am moving off the grid at just the right time lol. More for my peace of soul than anything else. I read the news and just get pissed off at the insanity of it all lol.
I will post some pics tonight, at 7. She is on 12/12 this week. Next Thurs, she goes to 10/14. I don't know how well I can do, but I am hoping for some halfway buds I guess, just to see what happens. It's an experiment lol. Since I have to kill her anyways, might as well see what I can do with her in such short time.


Well-Known Member
good luck allforit. hopefully you can get some smokes, but if not there will be a lot of growing in the near future for ya!


Active Member
I'm not worried. It's worth the cut. For sure. I'm going to go live in Peace, morally and physically. I love working with my hands, my body, my mind. That's what survival is all about. It's beautiful.
Pics of her today:

Feb. 26 002.jpgFeb. 26 003.jpgFeb. 26 004.jpgFeb. 26 001.jpg


Active Member
Homer371, sorry, that was really curt and short. Didn't mean it that way. I apologize!!! :(
The reason I am cool with messing with Left Behind due to Laws is because I know I have a good stash of smoke right now lol. I have a 20 sack that is fuller than heck with some nice mellow outdoor grown bud. It should last me the 3 wks till I leave. If not, I have my stock of my own bud, from first grow. So, I am chilling at that level :) Nicely. About time lol.
I do hate to have to chop her though. For sure. I am bringing all my seeds with me. I got her out of a bag of mid grade seeds, and I plan to plant her "twin" as soon as I get where I am in 3 wks lol. NO delay lol.
Thank you all, for your interest and replies and love and thoughts. WE are ALL going places, one brain wave at a time. It's a peach lol. :)


Well-Known Member
dude, no need to apologize :) . sounds great about your stash man, hope you enjoy it fully! nice pics too! and look forward to "twin" eventually haha. peace bro.


Active Member
Well, I done did it. I turned out the lights on my little baby. Going to dispose of her tonight. Sigh. But all for a good reason, so it's cool. Let's hope this journal stays open, I just might have to post to it every few days to do so, but as soon as I get rdy in NM, I will start a new grow, and start posting here again!
Hope you all are having a great week so far! I gave my 2 wks notice yesterday, and the bosses couldn't believe it. They tried to retain me, offered me 2 months off and come back, but I was like um, no, you don't get it. I'm moving and going off the grid lol.


Well-Known Member
hey allforit, what's up bro. hope everything's going alright... condolences on baby girl, but i'm sure you'll transfer everything you've learne over to her "twin" in a few weeks/months, whenever you get to it. peace man.


Active Member
Hi homer371! Thanks bro! Yeah, it's a bummer of a thing to have to do, but well worth it :) I finally got down to some moving style housecleaning, got the back bedroom all done pretty much. Not keeping much stuff, not going to need it lol. I already filled up my large trashcan outside lol. with 1 room lol. i have too much shit lol. Hope you are doing well, I will check out your current grow here soonest. :) Peace!


Active Member
whats good fellaz someone wanna check these blackberrys out for me:leaf::leaf:..i had the temps at 85 then lowered them to 75 but they got very droopy any ideas? im running 104 watts in there now with lights 2.5 inches away and the biggest one i took off shoe box becuz it was getting a lil leaf burn:sad:

