PLEASE HELP!!! Can't find this answer anywhere


I have some Grand Daddy Purple 3 weeks into flowering. pH is 5.8, ppm is roughly 800. Initially I thought it may be underfert but I'm really not sure. I am using Advanced Nutrient's Micro, Grow, Bloom at 2/3 strength, CalMag, Big Bud, Vitamin B-1, Bud Candy, Carbo Load, and Drip Clean. I've never seen this problem before..I'm about to do a flush.

I was maybe thinking it has to do with the reservoir temperature. I know it is a little low..It's been around 58 to 64 on average. So I'm thinking of getting an aquarium heater.



Active Member
You can't find the answer?? OMG
On the first picture is nitrogen deficiency.
Looks familiar :D
On the second is maybe this. I'm not sure

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
First picture looks like N def. But second one does not. Temps are to low. What kind of medium and water are you useing?


Well-Known Member
I have some Grand Daddy Purple 3 weeks into flowering. pH is 5.8, ppm is roughly 800. Initially I thought it may be underfert but I'm really not sure. I am using Advanced Nutrient's Micro, Grow, Bloom at 2/3 strength, CalMag, Big Bud, Vitamin B-1, Bud Candy, Carbo Load, and Drip Clean. I've never seen this problem before..I'm about to do a flush.

I was maybe thinking it has to do with the reservoir temperature. I know it is a little low..It's been around 58 to 64 on average. So I'm thinking of getting an aquarium heater.
sounds too cold.. Maybe over-fertilized? Stem on the second pic looks purple.. mag deficiency?


Well-Known Member
I have some Grand Daddy Purple 3 weeks into flowering. pH is 5.8, ppm is roughly 800. Initially I thought it may be underfert but I'm really not sure. I am using
Advanced Nutrient's Micro, Grow, Bloom at 2/3 strength, CalMag, Big Bud, Vitamin B-1, Bud Candy, Carbo Load, and Drip Clean
. I've never seen this problem before..I'm about to do a flush.

I was maybe thinking it has to do with the reservoir temperature. I know it is a little low..It's been around 58 to 64 on average. So I'm thinking of getting an aquarium heater.
with that cocktail im sure your getting mag/ pottasium in there somewhere but it still looks def, can only be ph, get a second meter to confirm its 6.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
How do you guys even know if he should be shooting for 5.8? He has not even given enough information to tell if he is in soil or hydro. This is like someone saying my car goes clunk, clunk. What is it? Here, I can throw out a guess also. Ok, Aliens snuck into your room and piss'd on the plant giveing it Space Herpies. :)
And it really cracks me up when people say you should feed them Nuts at 900 PPM. WHAT?? One strain might Chug down 1,200 PPM while the next would burn on 800 PPM. So really the only useful information he gave was the Rez temp. And even that is not really useful because we do not know the ambient temperature of the room. If the room is sitting at 85 degree's and he is hitting the roots with 58 degree water he might be shocking them. But if the room is sitting at 65 degrees, then i doubt it.

I have seen Cal/Mag fix leafs that looked like that second picture, but that was a guy who was useing R/O water and no Cal/mag. He gave the information needed. Told to add Cal/mag, Walla Problem solved. But to give this guy any kind of an answer with such little info is a waste of time. I have used Advanced Sensi grow and bllom, but not the micro's.

The things I did see in his information was he is adding Grow and Flower nuts at the same time. He is also adding Bud Candy and Carbo Load. Pretty sure Bud Candy and Carbo Load are both the same things. I am thinking his roots are a big slimy mess. But this is just a guess. I would like to see a picture of his roots.


New Member
yo i used andvanced three part and found the same problem your running into i later found it was a zinc def when i check the bottles of that three part it was not there i called advance only to be told plants dont really need zinc dude by some dumb ass any way long story short on most bottles like tiger bloom or Gh three part they have 0.5 zinc i tried using sea weed to remedy i ended up just swithing nuits advanced sucks


Thanks everyone for the replies. Sorry for he lack of info. I am growing in rockwool. Roots are healthy and not slimey. I'm just not sure what it is because it looks sort of like a combination of things. As for the bud candy and carbo load, one is a simple sugar and the other is a complex. I have a little bit of Alga mic I can try on them as it really doesn't look like nute burn. I really don't think it's pH because I check it everyday before watering and also just recalibrated it. I have changed the watering cycle so that the reservoir has time to warm up with lights on (now watering at about 67-68 degrees). Temperature in the room is between 71-74 degrees. I am 4 weeks into flowering.

Here is a better picture to show in relation to the other plants.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
What is the PH of your run off? Where is this happening at? down low or what? and how much of the plant? Is it just a few leafs?


Active Member
I don't use their 3 part but I have read on this forum more than a few times that people find advanced nutes 3 part kinda weak.

If I were you and really confident that I have not overlooked anything that people have suggested. I would up my 3 part base a bit and watch for the very tips burning as a sign to back it off.


whole table shot.jpg

I forgot to post the picture so here it it....

Lord Dangly Bits- The pH of the runoff back in the resevoir stays pretty constant with minor fluctuations between 5.6-6.1...for the most part pretty steady around 5.8 though. The problem affects the fan leaves at the top of the plant..lower leaves die and curl up completely but the leaves that stay yellow and don't really fully curl up are at the top. I would say for the most part it is just the larger fan leaves near the top of the plant.


Thank you... I'm just stressin out because a week ago everything was perfectly green and of course with the lights on everything looks more yellow..I've just put too much effort into this to let something small go untreated at such a crucial time . And no, the only spraying I do is with Azamax and I actually just did that two days ago at the first sign of spider mites. The problem was happening before that though so I don't think it could be from the Azamax.