What Do The Poor Owe To Society?


New Member
I if i can drag my ass out of the gutter, anyone else can too.

Life is hard.......

Yeah, I've heard this before, "If I can do it, anyone can". This is the largest line of bullshit ever fed to the American people. The facts are, there is only so much money, and the rich are not giving any away, or even allowing any real access to it. They are squirelling it away for their spoiled rotten offspring. Just like the hundreds of thousands they will get on their 2011-2012 tax returns. Create new Jobs, I call bullshit. They didn't create any new jobs for the last 8 years, while they've had these tax breaks all along. So Mr Duck, I'd say you are probably talented in what you do and also lucky. But like most of us, you are probably only a few paychecks/net income away from homelessness.



Well-Known Member
The facts are, there is only so much money, and the rich are not giving any away, or even allowing any real access to it.
This is total bullshit. Wealth is created and anyone with a good idea or service can create wealth.

We didnt have a 13 trillion dollar economy 100 years ago. All that wealth was simply created.

So, stop coveting your neighbors wealth and create your own.


New Member
This is total bullshit. Wealth is created and anyone with a good idea or service can create wealth.

We didnt have a 13 trillion dollar economy 100 years ago. All that wealth was simply created.

So, stop coveting your neighbors wealth and create your own.
Another great lie. How do you create wealth? Mainly one has to have a little scratch to invest as working for the man does not wealth create. The upper middle class, (Soon to be extinct) has some extra scratch to invest, Middle on down doesn't. So, If one can actually make it to the upper middle class, (Usually through Daddy's help) one could make a little wealth. Other than that, there's the lottery, sports, acting, singing, and marrying well. Workers do not get to the top like the old falacy says: hard work is just that, hard work. Ask me how I know?


Well-Known Member
Another great lie. How do you create wealth? Mainly one has to have a little scratch to invest as working for the man does not wealth create. The upper middle class, (Soon to be extinct) has some extra scratch to invest, Middle on down doesn't. So, If one can actually make it to the upper middle class, (Usually through Daddy's help) one could make a little wealth. Other than that, there's the lottery, sports, acting, singing, and marrying well. Workers do not get to the top like the old falacy says: hard work is just that, hard work. Ask me how I know?
You tried and failed so the American dream must be a lie?

Is the government going to make you rich Medicineman?



New Member
You tried and failed so the American dream must be a lie?

Is the government going to make you rich Medicineman?

No and neither is the private sector. Getting rich, (The American Dream) is total bullshit. The odds are so infinitesimal That they would not even show up on a projection chart. Like I've said, you've either got to be born with the silver spoon, have a great talent, hit the lottery or be a great thief, none of which I am.


Well-Known Member
No and neither is the private sector. Getting rich, (The American Dream) is total bullshit. The odds are so infinitesimal That they would not even show up on a projection chart. Like I've said, you've either got to be born with the silver spoon, have a great talent, hit the lottery or be a great thief, none of which I am.
Or have a good idea and find financial backers. It is not as difficult as you would like to portray it.

90% of new jobs are created by small businesses. Owning and running a small business is the path to financial prosperity.

Not everybody succeeds but you cannot use your experience as proof of the outcome.


New Member
No, and neither is the private sector. Silver spoon, super talent, awesome thief, these are the three major players in getting rich, and oh yeah, I forgot, inveterate lier. With either or all of the above, your chances are better than the average bear.


Well-Known Member
No, and neither is the private sector. Silver spoon, super talent, awesome thief, these are the three major players in getting rich, and oh yeah, I forgot, inveterate lier. With either or all of the above, your chances are better than the average bear.
LOL... If I had your attitude I would just shoot myself.

Good thing I am too busy starting businesses to bother.


New Member
LOL... If I had your attitude I would just shoot myself.

Good thing I am too busy starting businesses to bother.
Good deal, start hiring and tell me all about it. Then I may have some respect for you, otherwise, you're just another rich scumbag.


Well-Known Member
Good deal, start hiring and tell me all about it. Then I may have some respect for you, otherwise, you're just another rich scumbag.
I told you already, because of the government policies I am not going to have employees.

It is relatively easy to provide professional services (legal ones) to the public directly and make a comfortable living.

Starting a larger company with 2-5 employees offering the same services is much more difficult, takes alot more time and ultimately the government is more into your pocket every step you take... Naah, I am gonna be GREEDY and take care of myself. LOL!!!

Progressives want to call people greedy when they simply want to provide an income to take care of themselves and their family. Ridiculous...


Well-Known Member
Another great lie. How do you create wealth? Mainly one has to have a little scratch to invest as working for the man does not wealth create. The upper middle class, (Soon to be extinct) has some extra scratch to invest, Middle on down doesn't. So, If one can actually make it to the upper middle class, (Usually through Daddy's help) one could make a little wealth. Other than that, there's the lottery, sports, acting, singing, and marrying well. Workers do not get to the top like the old falacy says: hard work is just that, hard work. Ask me how I know?
OMG, wealth is labor. Damn dude no wonder you covet everyone elses shit, you forgot how to create wealth. Wealth is created every time you hoe your garden, build a shed, mow your lawn(not so much), GO TO WORK, Fix the faucet, prepare a meal ........

Chad Sexington

Active Member
I told you already, because of the government policies I am not going to have employees.

It is relatively easy to provide professional services (legal ones) to the public directly and make a comfortable living.

Starting a larger company with 2-5 employees offering the same services is much more difficult, takes alot more time and ultimately the government is more into your pocket every step you take... Naah, I am gonna be GREEDY and take care of myself. LOL!!!

Progressives want to call people greedy when they simply want to provide an income to take care of themselves and their family. Ridiculous...
Since when did a large company consist of 2 - 5 workers?


Well-Known Member
Good thing I am too busy starting businesses to bother.
congratulations! starting a business out of your parents' basement is a good way to keep...

*puts on sunglasses*

...low overhead!

bwahahahahahaha :twisted:

see, that joke works on two levels. firstly, you will save rent by keeping headquarters in your parents' basement, and secondly, basements are often known for their low ceilings.

but i thought you said you weren't going to start all those new businesses not but a few days ago? why the sudden reversal?

mind if i ask what kind of ventures? perhaps we could lend you some more good advice about keeping your overhead low.:mrgreen:

Chad Sexington

Active Member
Since when did larger become large?

Added... A company of 1 worker is smaller than a company of 2-5 workers. Just to be clear... I guess...
I misread your post. Sorry for that.

Eitherway, I think you are wrong with saying you will not hire employees because of government regulations. If you read between the lines later on in your post it goes on to say it is harder, and takes a lot more time. It is harder to sell more things/services during a recession, and if you don't want to put all your time/energy into something then so be it. I just don't want to hear you blaming the government for regulating yourself out of employees, when what it seems to boil down to is not enough of a customer base to warrent the extra labour. Who knows though, i just ripped quite a few bowls during the Sweden vs USA bronze medal game.


Well-Known Member
I knew you had some common sense in you.
just because i advocate for more humane policies towards the needy and making the cycle of poverty easier to break free from doesn't mean i am blind to what things contribute to the plight of those mired in the cycle of poverty.

i try my best to avoid bad spending habits and whatnot, but certain things that contribute to the cycle of poverty are plain impossible to break free from barring a remarkable reversal of fortune that not everyone will be fortunate enough to come by.


Well-Known Member
I told you already, because of the government policies I am not going to have employees.

It is relatively easy to provide professional services (legal ones) to the public directly and make a comfortable living.

Starting a larger company with 2-5 employees offering the same services is much more difficult, takes alot more time and ultimately the government is more into your pocket every step you take... Naah, I am gonna be GREEDY and take care of myself. LOL!!!
well, if you were *actually* trying to be greedy (or of possessed the intellect that would be average for a child of 12 years of age like yourself), you would calculate the marginal profits of adding more employees and add employees until it was no longer in your rational self interest to add. you'd make more money despite this 'government' you speak of confiscating all your wealth.

but riddle me this, my basement dwelling amigo: you said that 'the government is more into your pocket every step you take'. would you please reconcile this with the fact that the companies and corporations who have taken the most steps often pay $0.00 in taxes? places like GE and others...i would just like to see you reconcile those statements for me, please.


Well-Known Member
If I might interject with my .02.

Education and health care should be rights for all Americans.

I think it's sad that in this day and age, an American, any American can get sick or injured and their access to health care is directly related to their economic status. So much for taking care of our own.



Well-Known Member
If I might interject with my .02.

Education and health care should be rights for all Americans.

I think it's sad that in this day and age, an American, any American can get sick or injured and their access to health care is directly related to their economic status. So much for taking care of our own.

Sad indeed....

To know that a fellow citizen believes health care is a right.

To know that a fellow citizens believes an education which is provided already, yet squandered by far too many, is a right.

Our rights are endowed to us by the Creator (nature), and the Constitution secures them.

I just looked over my copy of the Bill of Rights. Neither is listed as an enumerated right.


Well-Known Member
One more thing the "poor" actually pay the majority of the taxes in this country. So they actually pay for each others benefit they don't take much from rich people who get tax breaks unlike the poor.
you couldnt be more far form the truth my friend..

poor people always want what the "have's" have, and don't want to do anything for it. i say abolish welfare, foodstamps, social programs..all that shit. i dont understand why people want big govt. it really blows my mind.