Odor control


Hello all!! I'm a groovy little Southern Belle.. ;-) I was just wandering if 1 or 2 plants would stink up a closet grow room? I have Sweet Marjoram, Meadow Sweet, spearmint and lavender all growing in the room closet is located in..its all ready smells pretty festive, but as stated earlier I just want to know what the stink intensity of 1 plant would be?? thanks in advance :mrgreen:
the answer to your question is yes one or two plants can stink up your whole house but the amount of smell depends on the strain and how big the plants are plants stink the most when they are in full bloom so just get a carbon filter and you should be fine


the answer to your question is yes one or two plants can stink up your whole house but the amount of smell depends on the strain and how big the plants are plants stink the most when they are in full bloom so just get a carbon filter and you should be fine
thanks a million


it would smell like bud obviously having your others definitly will help but you could still smell the buds so a carbon filter would be a good investment and where your house is located and distance of neighbors can be important to


Well-Known Member
my shit just started bloomin. and when i came home to my apartment today, i thought somebody was smokin bud on my couch!
i have ONE plant and it smells


Well-Known Member
yes, it will be an unmistakeable smell, why do peeps spend so much money on carbon filters?

We are a frugal community, so that tells you it is a need.

A sativa will give you more time usually, to fix it, like 4 or more weeks into flower, before the incense thing stops being effective.

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
I have a ak-47 one of the most dankest-smelling plants ever, you can smell it a bit when you walk into the room but no smell when outside of the room and if i keep the window slightly open in the room there virtual no smell what's so ever, but I'm only growing one. This is just my experience.


Well-Known Member
I have a ak-47 one of the most dankest-smelling plants ever, you can smell it a bit when you walk into the room but no smell when outside of the room and if i keep the window slightly open in the room there virtual no smell what's so ever, but I'm only growing one. This is just my experience.
you in flower 5 weeks or more?


Active Member
my autos are 4 weeks in flower and they got the house smelly, but not like weed. house smells like grass/hay/outside, best way i can explain it. this is normal?


Well-Known Member
my autos are 4 weeks in flower and they got the house smelly, but not like weed. house smells like grass/hay/outside, best way i can explain it. this is normal?
when you live where you grow, you don't smell it. Other peeps do though...


Well-Known Member
im not worried as long as the stank dont make it outside my apartment.
and its true, and was gone for the weekend and came home. the SMELL man...the STANK!
means its working right? hehe