I'm back... 400 watt hps grow ff soil first round. hempy bucket with the clones.


Well-Known Member
Here it is... It has been a while and was considering whether or not to journal this grow but i started forgetting what weeks i was on and what not with life getting busy..


Well-Known Member
so quick little run down ::

started with 5 bagseeds of quality smoke and what one of my buddies claims is a "dro" seed smh. some people.
anyways vegged for about 2-3 weeks back in november.. couple days before december went to 12/12. 1 1/2 -2 weeks later all showed sex execpt one bagseed.

had 4 females, 1 male and one unknown.
got rid of male.
kept unknown, showed sex about 6 days later when i came to throw it out... she knew i was coming :))

so 5 of 6 females.. so since 12/12 they have been flowering for about 4-5 weeks now..
about to post pics of week 2-3 first then week 3 and finally pics from earlier today..

FF Ocean Forest Soil. started the vegg with about 200 watts of cfls, went to 400 watt hps for 12/12.
also pics will include my first attempts at cloning a plant..

at flower week 3 started using schultz plus plant food for flowers and fruits, 10-15-10 npk.
about 4 days ago i gave them there first feedings with FloraNova Bloom havent seen any signs of lock up and nute burn they responded well..
feeding schd now is FloraNova, then RO water, no feed, share a pint with 5 plants, then back to FloraNova. continue til harvest.

ummm yeah let me know whats up... taking some clones from these ladies to do my first hempy experiment so really not expecting tooo much off these bagseeds but lets find out right??


Well-Known Member
i would say at about 2-3 weeks flower... i think im off a week somewhere with all my pics/ and the plants themselves, so im kind of relying on the good ole darkening of the hairs technique to give me an idea when to harvest..:leaf:



Well-Known Member
uhhmm yeah continuing on with the pictures.. like week 3 i believe again with the self confusion.. :bigjoint:

first three are my first attempt at cloning... :/ lets see how well this goes

the last one is just to show an example of what a male plant would look like when showing sex.. figured i'd give it as a reference to anyone asking.

quesitons... comments

Edit: the 4th picture is of a buddies mother plant.. part of his veg room collapsed. the only thing that reasonably survived was this one.. had to re-pot and trim off broken limbs.. anyways this is what im going to start my clone attempts with here after a while.



Well-Known Member
i believe its like a solid week 4 could be wrong might be 5 we will find out sooner or later...

first 6 clones and clone room...

4 clones from my buddies plant turned for the worse out of nowhere so they are gone.. if you recall in my first set of clone pics, there is a clone that looks wilted and too wet/dying just about, well she was a cutting off of my lst test plant and as of today is looking wonderful.. also added another cutting from the same plant of mine earlier in the week and is looking fantastic. first time using a jiffy pellet to clone in. see how that works out. pic 7 is hard to see but its my ph level in the soil.. they all read 6.1-6.3 seems good enough for me. rest are just the continuing progress....

side note* i intentionally stretched all my girls, some more then others just i so it would be easier for light to hit the nodes and get better growth from those areas as to have more cloning areas.*



Active Member
That sir...looks like an incredibly huge waste of time, energy, most definetly money. Id smoke your whole crop up in 20minutes. im not hating but thats a big light to just grow a few buds as big as a tiny bic lighter.


Well-Known Member
well instead of talkin shit help me out to get bigger buds... hell make it less than 20 for me .. but again as stated earlier dude, im growing these quick so i can get clones off to test my first hempy bucket.


Active Member
well instead of talkin shit help me out to get bigger buds... hell make it less than 20 for me .. but again as stated earlier dude, im growing these quick so i can get clones off to test my first hempy bucket.
you gotta grow them real big. or at least bigger than that..then bud them.


Well-Known Member
Lol, looks like he doesn't..

Dude, it's all good, everything is a learning experience. I have a few suggestions for you:

Bigger pots. Bigger pots = bigger roots = bigger plants = more and bigger buds
Closer light. Closer light = more light = more buds
Let your soil completely dry out a few times during veg. When the soil drys out enough, the roots go searching for the water. More roots = more plant = more buds! Muahaha..

Lol sorry got carried away there.. I usually grow in dirt, but I'm on my first DWC grow. I much prefer it to soil.


Active Member
you got any pics grow going?
yeah i got a little something going on. like i said from the start im not hating. Its all cool. im just saying those 400 watt lights arent cheap to run, and in this case you could have probably went out and bought that sack of weed that you just yeilded, cheaper than growing it. do your thing man. just grow them alot bigger.


Well-Known Member
Lol, looks like he doesn't..

Dude, it's all good, everything is a learning experience. I have a few suggestions for you:

Bigger pots. Bigger pots = bigger roots = bigger plants = more and bigger buds
Closer light. Closer light = more light = more buds
Let your soil completely dry out a few times during veg. When the soil drys out enough, the roots go searching for the water. More roots = more plant = more buds! Muahaha..

Lol sorry got carried away there.. I usually grow in dirt, but I'm on my first DWC grow. I much prefer it to soil.
thanks Tym i think you are correct about my pot size... and ive always been good about watering... question for ya, how do you test your ec/ppm how do you manage your nutrient/water solution with that dwc?

and blunted i agree with you to a degree thats why im trying to figure some shyt out.. i wanna see what you got goin on bro


Well-Known Member
so today i watered with almost full strength floranova nutes... think i might of over watered them all but idk.. i'll find out tomorrow i guess :/


Well-Known Member
sooooooo.... bump first off. i mean i know its not really that important of a grow here but it's important enough to me for myself to care...

anyways, so checked on the ladies this morning, no visible over watering/ nute burn so i feel confident that they have responded well to the full strength..

took some pics from lights on with a different camera... the zoomed in pics seem to be of better quality with this one..


Well-Known Member
picss my bad a little :bigjoint:


The Waiter

Active Member
dont listen to the haters man. You got weeks until those plants are done at which time u will have some nice fat buds. I mean sure anybody could smoke up your entire crop in 20 minutes at this point. Just like i could eat 40 extremely unripe oranges in one sitting. They're not gonna be very tasty or filling though are they? Keep up the good work binkk


Well-Known Member
already good lookin out.. about how many weeks do you think? and yeah im waiting for them to fatten up like some/most of the pics of flowering plants ive seen on this site :/

The Waiter

Active Member
I'm no expert and im sure some of the more knowledgeable people on the site could give u a better approximation but i would say based on the last pic you have AT LEAST 3 weeks left. Could easily be 4 or 5 weeks though. Just make sure you don't get too excited and harvest early. I have at least 3 friends that harvested too early and it was a big let down.You will end up with airy buds that are lacking in flavor and potency. Let them babies finish and get as fat and dank as possible. No point in waiting and being patient for months and then harvesting 2 weeks early.