No bud no smoke help please


Well-Known Member
pics speak for themselves...
medium : light mix biobizz
nutes: earth juice sugar peak
ph of solution 6.5
deficiency started just before brown spots and yellowing of upper leafs as seen in pic
i fed every watering from the beggining of flowering with minor exceptions
started with 1/8th of recommended dose and built up to 1/2 by adding 0.5ml more each time..
when i switched from flowering to grand finale growth of calyxes slowly stopped and stems started growing more... i had to leave for a week and during that week (out of 3 waterings only the first had food after only water) most set back occured.
They are Great white shark clones and are 49 days in flowering ... i was planning to let them 9 full weeks.
i will start giving purified water from tomorrow...
any other suggestions???

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Root binding occurs when the roots run out of room to grow. It will kill plants if allowed to progress too far. Your roots indeed look fine. TheExpress is saying where I'd check next; the temps.


Well-Known Member
is GWS by greenhouse indica 8 weeker... Teps are fine max 29c at day max 22c at night...i believe its something with the Nuts... anyone used them before?? any other suggestions??? im 1 1/2 week from harvesting.....


Well-Known Member
the genetics are indica/sativa is it possible that the soils PH forces the plants sativa characteristics to appear late in flowering?? stem growth had stopped and buds were putting on weight jus when i switched to grand finale... a week later it was still growing but a week after that when i came back from the trip it was like in the pics... stems are growing fastly and calyxes almost non existent... the plant also doesnt smell alot... and even the leafs around the buds are clean of crystals....


Well-Known Member
Pretty much the only possibility left is deficiency. Try giving them a broad-spectrum fertilizer.
dont want to doubt you but they seem burnt to me or nute lockout... the brown spots and browning and curling of the tips of leafs makes me think that if i feed they will be even more severely hit... if you still believe i might try it out...


Well-Known Member
I think it's ferts you see how low you NPK value on your nutes. You said you were not doing full strength on the feeding. The plants need some food asap got to figure out what there missing.


Well-Known Member
When you left them for a week, who watered them? Perhaps they weren't watered or not properly watered....???? I recently left my plants for someone else to water, and they stunted badly even tho they were "reportedly" watered ..........

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Watch the tops and newest growth after giving it some fertilizer. The damaged leaves can't be fixed so when the problem is remedied, it'll show up in new growth first. Since there may be problems when using the stuff you have, getting a new, different fertilizer would be a good idea if you're able. Many garden centers have organic ferts in bulk by the pound. If you do try something new, you could possibly get a pound of $2/lb stuff or a mix of a few ferts, give it a try and if it doesn't work well for you, you're only out a couple bucks.


Active Member
The problem with the leaves drying and dying is definately not nutrient burn.
I agree. Nutrient burn would start by yellowing/browning at the tip, which would eventually overtake the entire mass of the affected leaves.

In a pinch, MG covers just about everything except calcium/sulfur.