Funny thread for sure. Let me just say this, and then all the people that don't have the cash to do it properly can chime in and tell me how they are just turning their bottles on or putting dry ice in their tents, or mixing vinegar and baking soda or any of the other half ass shit to raise CO2 levels... IF YOU WANT THE BENFITS OF CO2 THEN YOU HAVE TO BUY A FUCKING PPM CONTROLLER AND JUST DO IT RIGHT.
Part of becoming a better grower is knowing what you put in and what came out of your crop. Farting co2 or even measuring the levels here and then will do fuck all to establish proper levels. How air tight your room is, how warm it is, how long you have been standing in your room, how BIG your plants are, how long they have been under the lights, ALL this shit will effect CO2 levels. People like myself that have computerized PPM meters know this as they constantly show us what the concentration is and I can hear it clicking on and off and different intervals. Not, it came on five minutes ago, its on again; my fuzzy logic controller turns on and off every couple of seconds. Both how long it is on and the interval changes about a minute I am in the room.
save you money on the meter and just buy the controller. I got me CAP xgc-1 for $400 on CL.