Fox Farms products?


Active Member
So i've been hearing a lot of good things about their products and have seen a lot of people on this board use it for their media. Would ocean forest be ok for germ/seedling or are the nute lvls to high in ocean forest for a seedling. Should i start with Light Warrior? and when should i switch to Ocean Forest?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
So i've been hearing a lot of good things about their products and have seen a lot of people on this board use it for their media. Would ocean forest be ok for germ/seedling or are the nute lvls to high in ocean forest for a seedling. Should i start with Light Warrior? and when should i switch to Ocean Forest?
Ocean Forest may be a little too hot for some seedlings depending on the genetics. You might want to cut it with some Light Warrior. Say 50/50? Then yes, switch to OF. You will be amazed. My plants have never been so healthy. I used to have a very expensive local nursery mix and decided to switch to FF to save money. The difference is astounding. I using the FF Trio for nutrients. The plants love them. :)
hey guys I'm new to growing (only 2 months) but i too use ocean forest with a 50/50 mix of happy frog, i just planted 9 seedlings and one clone in the mix and they love it no burn nice and green growing like mad, even started to fert after a week
I have used Fox Farms in both of my grows. I started with it and now have quite an array of their products It works great, just check my sig to see FF in action.


CARNE is right FFOF is great for clones seedlings but for some genes it may be too much so if you know what genes you have and they are not too sensitive to fairly hot mixes then it is ok but if they are then I would mix half and half FFOF and LW(But I never had to do this) FFOF has enough nutes to feed about one month.

I use FFOF as a medium and tiger bloom, big bloom, and grow big I also use the open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching and it works great had NO PROBLEMS so far for two whole grows and it is nearly all organic

the fox farm feeding schedule is what I go by BUT NEVER go by just a schedule your ladies will tell you what they need Schedules are just guideline in a way


Active Member
I've scoured the internet looking for information on the strains i got. Nirvana Blackberry & Whitecastle which i can't seem to find any info on what kind of nutes they like. basically what their grow profile is.


Active Member
CARNE is right FFOF is great for clones seedlings but for some genes it may be too much so if you know what genes you have and they are not too sensitive to fairly hot mixes then it is ok but if they are then I would mix half and half FFOF and LW(But I never had to do this) FFOF has enough nutes to feed about one month.

I use FFOF as a medium and tiger bloom, big bloom, and grow big I also use the open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching and it works great had NO PROBLEMS so far for two whole grows and it is nearly all organic

the fox farm feeding schedule is what I go by BUT NEVER go by just a schedule your ladies will tell you what they need Schedules are just guideline in a way
Just so you know tiger, grow, sesame, beastie, and ching arent organic only the big bloom. They do contain organic ingredients but they are chemical fertilizers mainly.

I have used fox farms with excellent results but just switched to all organic and I would definetly advise it. I will have my second 4k watt organic super soil grow up shortly on the forum so keep a look out.