Plant problems 1st time grow

-8x4 tent
-1000 watt hps
72 degrees 30-40% humidity

6 clones drooping with some yellow spots..

I am using Hydroton and do not have my ebb & flow system set up yet (should be another 3 days before I have this setup)

I have been constantly watering the rocks from the water in the resevoir tray pH is at 6.5 (going to change water and get down to around 5.3 today)

Guy at the hydro store told me it was because the hydroton pebbles were getting dried out too fast, Since I have been watering the rocks manually about every hour until I can get the ebb & flow setup.

Any advice would be appreciated, total newb here but I have patience and want to see this 1st grow come out nicely..

Pictures to come shortly, looking for the USB for camera

Here are the pics of my plants and some more details about the grow;

I still have yet to setup the venilation (will be done in the next 3 days). For now I just put a fan inside of the tent because a friend told me i needed more air circulation and that the lack of air circulation could be causing the plants to droop. The fan is not blowing directly on the plants. I also have one part of the tent partially opened witha fan blowing air inside of the tent..

Current temp is 71 humidity 25 =/

Any advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
NO! problem is plant are not getting enough water! sorry man, but they need constant moisture on the roots, not soaked, but moisture. best bet is to fill the tray an inch up at a time with a little more nutes, stems look purple going red.....phosphorus def. they are stretching, can the light be lowered? dont mean to sound like that, just trying to help.


Well-Known Member
Watering every hour?

You're over watering.

Ebb and flow only water 3 times a day..

The clones are in peat pucks? or rockwool?
The roots are barely sticking out of the peat/rockwool?

Plants need air just as much as they need water.
Look in to DWC, for your first time, it will be much easier, and it costs less.


Well-Known Member
Agreed with Hughes. You need to either get your ebb and flow system up and running real soon ( you can create your own, cheap and easy ) or you transplant to a medium like hp promix or a good soil mix. I would do one or the other within 12 hours if your previous statement of wanting success was true. In the meantime I would get a rubbermaid tote/bin and fill it with some water up to around 1/2 - 3/4 the height of the pots and add an airstone,air lines and pump to bubble the water, use a lower amount of nutes right away, then raise accordingly. Your gonna need the airstone/pump stuff anyway, buy it asap and save them until you can get your ebb and flow. Pouring water on them every hour is tedious, time consuming work, use my method and it's a temp. makeshift DWC for now. They should come back, hopefully, they look a lil far gone, GL :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Watering every hour?

You're over watering.

Ebb and flow only water 3 times a day..

The clones are in peat pucks? or rockwool?
The roots are barely sticking out of the peat/rockwool?

Plants need air just as much as they need water.
Look in to DWC, for your first time, it will be much easier, and it costs less.
i agree, but it not true ebb n flow, its a tray with water hes pouring into it. if it sucks up the water, it needs it. the top of the roots still get o2. dwc is a great example of this, as i use it for clones. personally, i think dwc is the easiest hydro setup today. if i were you, id setup a dripper ring on them and a drain on the res....who knows, you may keep it that way.

sorry for the dit, but i just thought of something, if you make a sprayer setup, the roots explode from everywhere. i use a sprayer to start the roots, then bubbleponics (dwc), to run them through. ebb n flow setups cost hundreds, dwc....100 bucks for a 12 site setuo, another 180 for a 600 hps...golden.


Well-Known Member
i agree, but it not true ebb n flow, its a tray with water hes pouring into it. if it sucks up the water, it needs it. the top of the roots still get o2. dwc is a great example of this, as i use it for clones. personally, i think dwc is the easiest hydro setup today. if i were you, id setup a dripper ring on them and a drain on the res....who knows, you may keep it that way.

sorry for the dit, but i just thought of something, if you make a sprayer setup, the roots explode from everywhere. i use a sprayer to start the roots, then bubbleponics (dwc), to run them through. ebb n flow setups cost hundreds, dwc....100 bucks for a 12 site setuo, another 180 for a 600 hps...golden.
Yeah but he's watering the plants, not the tray. If he just kept water in the tray it wouldn't be so bad..

If the roots are in Rockwool or peat pucks, he's drowning them. And if the roots are still very small (as per usual with new clones) there isn't enough roots to reach down to get the water..

When I started my seedlings for a DWC. I put seeds in peat pucks. Sprouted them, when roots poked out, I put the pucks in rockwool. (his clones are almost for sure in rockwool cause that's the most common method). I water them by hand once every 2 days. Then after 5 days and they got bigger, I watered them once a day.. His roots can't be any bigger than mine were when they were still in the rockwool. Once a day and the roots were dangeling out of the net pots in a few days.

You can still save them, they don't look that bad.. Do yourself a favor. Bare minimum, take a pot exactly like the ones you're using there. Fill it with hydration, feel how heavy it is.. Now lift the ones with the plants in it.. All that extra weight is water. Too much water..

they are not to far gone, yo ucan save them easy, for like $20 - $30..

Go to walmart. Buy:

A large rubbermade tub, about 1.5' x 2'.
A fish tank air pump
Fish tank air stones
Fish tank air line

From a garden store: 6 3" net pots. Or drill a shit load of holes in your current pots..

Cut holes in the rubbermade lid so the pots sit in it. Fill with PH'ed water and low (1/2 strength) nutes. Install the air line with stone in the tub plug the hose in the air pump, plug the air pump in the wall.. All done! Easy as pie, and you can even keep growing them in there..

View attachment 1368002


Well-Known Member
watering is not working , wilted. cant u fill the tray block the overflow? untill pump is set up.


Well-Known Member
yes you can, you just need to know if the roots will touch the water. TYM-he said hes using hydroton, they dont retain water hardly at all.
Alright here are some more pics I appreciate all the input & went with the DWC that Tym talked about.. Does it look like the plants are already too far gone or can they be saved? I have the water about less than an inch away from the bottom of the pot. Any input would be greatly appreciated.. Venilation system will be installed tommarow, my humidity is also pretty low 30% what should it be at and any tips on how to keep it constant.

(tried uploading more but it was taking forever, will try again tommarow)


Well-Known Member
one thing on dwc, roots mainly grow in the air between the pots and water, use alot of bubbles! you can buy a humidifier, but i dont keep humidity high, my strain currently loves the cold. i grow based on the weather cause i dont like paying high electric bills lol.