Jay Z ... Love him or hate him?


Active Member
So me and my friend have been having this arguement about whether Jay Z is actually any good. I'm not talking about the Jay Z today, I'm talking about 15 years ago when he first brought his album out Reasonable Doubt

I said his lyricim was one of the best on the east coast at the time but my friend disagrees. He says his lyrics are poor and they don't make any sense which I disagree with. I know he's a pile of shit now and he's a total sell out but back in the day he was actually quite good

What are your thoughts on this??


Well-Known Member
Fuck jayz now and before....... he always sucked, although he did have a good decent but nothing as nearly as good as nas was back in the days....... don't get me wrong and start thinking that I like nas cause its not even close to that, I could care less for both. But in my personnal opinion jayz was and still is overrated...

But remember as long as you like him its all good bro..... there's always people that will agree and disagree with you, so all that matters is that you like him bro


Well-Known Member
most people would agree that reasonable doubt is in the top 10 albums in the genre, ilmatic was better though


Active Member
I don't have a big rap or hip-hop background, in fact those genres are some of the least frequent genres that I listen to. I only listen to "good" hip-hop and rap.

That being said, Jay-Z is fucking incredible. His beats, his rhymes, and his flow. I saw Jay-Z live at Bonnaroo 2010, and let me tell you, he brought down the fucking house. He played with a full backing band (something artists in this genre seldom do anymore), and I was really impressed. If someone who didn't like him was at that performance, they would have left with a big fucking grin on their face.


Well-Known Member
i cant stand most if not all rap/hip hop....but as it comes to this guy..i hope he gets raped in the ear by a homeless man with aids as he is beaten in the head with a tire iron after being disemboweled with a wooden cooking spoon.
i cant stand most if not all rap/hip hop....but as it comes to this guy..i hope he gets raped in the ear by a homeless man with aids as he is beaten in the head with a tire iron after being disemboweled with a wooden cooking spoon.
hahahahaha,made me lol.



Roca wear jeans suck and are way to long and wide at the bottom. as far as music king hov copy, LAME


Active Member
I don't really care either way, he's not one of my favs and there's probably only 2-3 tracks I like by him. ::shrug::


Active Member
I ball for real, y'all homiez is Sam Bouie
And with the third pick - I made the earth sick
M.J., hem Jay, fade away perfect
I rhyme sicker than every rhyme spitter
Every crime homie that rhyme or touch a mic because my mind's quicker

Hola Hovito

Hovs the best rapper alive...


Active Member
Guessing half of RIU don't like Jaz Z either haha

He's not in my top 5 but I still think hes quite talented


Active Member
his flo is whatever and i feel you on his stage presence he obviously knows how to work a crowd, but thats a skill thats learned quite easily through studying public speaking and getting a beat up that will hit activate the theta brainstate making you more induced to brainwashing and or the power of suggestion.

anyways while were on jay z, what about him and that illuminati connection...
ne thoughts on this?


bud bootlegger
im really a jay z hater.. i don't like his flo at all.. i've tried to sit down and listen to him, but just can't get past his delivery and his style.. not my cup of tea, at all..


Active Member
his flo is whatever and i feel you on his stage presence he obviously knows how to work a crowd, but thats a skill thats learned quite easily through studying public speaking and getting a beat up that will hit activate the theta brainstate making you more induced to brainwashing and or the power of suggestion.

anyways while were on jay z, what about him and that illuminati connection...
ne thoughts on this?
Yeah I heard something about this

If I remember correctly it was something to do with Biggies murder so Jay Z could become the 'King of NY'


Active Member
Yeah I heard something about this

If I remember correctly it was something to do with Biggies murder so Jay Z could become the 'King of NY'
hmm never read that deep into it but you can see a lot of illuminati signals in his music which in turn makes him a pawn of the illuminati like gaga so in my book hes bunk


Active Member
Jigga gets Killed.