400w Hps DeadHead Og,cali crystal,luke sky walker og First time grow!


Well-Known Member
100_0062.jpg100_0066.jpg100_0079.jpg100_0085.jpg100_0067.jpgHello to all first time growers and thought i should post a journal so here it goes!! OKay so i have a 5x4 air sealed room with windowAC built in. im runin a 400w Hps 3 xtra fans to circulate more air Ph600 pen Got DeadHead og clone form cali connections almost 4 weeks ago put it in a 2 1/2 gal pot with roots organic and accuired sum Super Nutrients Sva,Svb and Sba,Sbb im including bontanicare pro grow veg nutes and Rootbastic and bloombastic and a bit of neem oil! The cali crystal and the luke Og are about 2weeks from seed and the cali is in ffof and the luke is in roots organic both good!! Ive started the clones on 1/4 strenth not ive bumped it up to 3/4 and i use 2 or 3 drops of rootbastic as well we plan on puttin deadhead in flower in 2 more weeks ill add sum superthrive and bigbud along with the bloombastic in flower here are a few pics to start i plan on puttin up more as it grows any advice will be cool im on a budget tho so think cheap but good Lol!!


Well-Known Member
Okay so found that mixin sav,svb and bontaicare pro grow suck together we thought it would give our growth nutrient a N kick but i think its not i think beacuse there both grow starters and my N on my sva ,svb is lower than its bloom nutreint sba,sbb its givin my plants small nut burns on the leaves as you can see on the big leaf it has spread a little bit. also to the other growth not bad just a little bit like 3 leaves but we also foliar sprayed early on like the 2 and 2 1/2 week we stoped cuz noticed a little burn we sprayed at 6 hours off time i dont know why there trippin. Our ph water was at 6.8 and we added all the nutreints and the water was at like 6.0 we dont have ph+ were on budget so were gona try tap its like 7.8 and cut out bontanicare pro grow and were stopin the small amount of rootbastic it was like 3 drops per gallon [eye dropper] cuz it says use for three weeks for seed or clone in its growth so were gona go with AN grow micro and bloom like we should have we will flush the other stuff and try for the next 20 days with Grow & micro from AN that should be past ts date to put it in flower but it will need it and give the stress time to leave!!and by the way the stupid millwake pin Ph600 sux fat dix!!! thing dont come calibrated and its not accurate ill stick with my pool Ph tester its good and were gona keep the bloombastic for the flowerstage and probalbly add big bud powder in super small amounts and voodoo juice if we can find a small enogh bottle exspensive boke asses! so ill update with more pics soon thanx for the support everyone and keep medicated every one!!! =X


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BUMPED comon people i need sum more advice with the small yellow dots and a little bit of browning and a little bit of stippling on a couple leaves ill post pics tomarrow ive now have shut the 400w off and let the cfl do its thang so it isent light burning
it right now it has to be nutreints im going to the hydro store today to fix this shit thanx for any advice from any one and everyone!!


Well-Known Member
100_0068.jpg100_0061.jpg100_0077.jpg100_0067.jpg100_0060.jpg100_0064.jpg100_0053.jpg100_0063.jpg100_0072.jpg100_0070.jpg100_0057.jpgHe100_0059.jpgllo every one here are the pics!! Here are my probloms!! okay the Deadhead og in the black grow bucket is 4 weeks old now and iv had to flush it beacuse of the crappy Super Nutrients Sva and Svb mixed with botanicare pro grow its a no-no. I went to thew hydro store and bought sum AN G.M.B three part system and am waiting for the soil to dry to start it on a low fe100_0071.jpgeding for a week i only feed 1 every 4 days befor flushing Ph 6.8 and my flush run off ph is 6.3 my leaves still seam like there doing bad and s100_0058.jpgum are starting to curl a little bit and more yellow spots! The new growth looks great green and nice no probloms!! I can tell its in nutrient l100_0055.jpgock tho cuz the leave when i hold them up to the light there are dark spots in the leaves and sum have tears in them no bugs ive been lookin sup100_0056.jpger hard and its in a air proof grow box so.... But the other plants are doing good transplanted into new 5 gal root organic cloth pots a little bit of nute burn on the cali crystal but nothing serious! Is it okay for them to sit in the little bit of run off water that runs out sence its a cloth grow bag? but we also have started Kandy Bubba super strong lookin and fast grower!! so i hope you all can help me with a product from AN that i can buy so it will help my deadhead get better and stronger from this flush!! so any advice will help thanks to all and happy New years100_0062.jpg100_0065.jpg100_0076.jpg100_0066.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, obvious over-nute. If you are in fresh Roots, you should need very little feeding right now. Remember, less is better!. I would flush, and let them recover. Make sure your water is PH'ed to around 6.3.
Good Luck, Nugs
I got 2 deadhead ogs going right now 1 male and 1 female im looking to make more deadhead seeds and crossing the deadhead to my tahoe og female i have..Im subbed to see how this goes...


Well-Known Member
Picture_07.jpgPicture_23.jpgPicture_01.jpgPicture_19.jpgPicture_24.jpgPicture_15.jpgPicture_06.jpgPicture_27.jpgPicture_10.jpgPicture.jpgPicture_04.jpgPicture_20.jpgPicture_25.jpgPicture_00.jpgPicture_05.jpgPicture_03.jpgPicture_26.jpg Hey every one here is a update every thing is going sweet! thanks NugBuckets for the advice it helped alot and iv now transplanted the DeadHead Og in to a 5 gal grow bag from Roots organic it took well to the transplant no shock Yea!! and the CaliCrystal is doing really good and so is the SkyWalker Og we also cliped two clones from the DeadHead og there about to be transplantable weve also started three more strains 1st is the SnowDog really tasty and frosty! 2nd is Dragon Og Crazy Colors! and 3rd is another CaliCrystal diffrent Pheno type from the other one in the 5 gal grow bag in the far back right corner. my stalk on the DeadHead is a sharpy thick Lol! and were going to start flower on the 8th of this month so this should get interesting were still useing Advanced Nutreints G,M,B and rootbastic for the first 3 weeks of veg and weve also invested in more bloombastic. were also going to run with Big Bud powder for a bud hardner and Final Phases for the end 2 weeks. Our Ph has been a stedy 6.3 - 6.8 tap water with a little viniger as a Ph down cuz our tap water is at Ph 7.5 so...again. but i will keep everyone informed on the flower stage and again thank you everyone whos tuned in and keep medicated!! One Love!!


Well-Known Member
Thanx wyteberrywidow i see your grow is going well too as well are you thinken about any other strains you might be interested in growing?
Thanx wyteberrywidow i see your grow is going well too as well are you thinken about any other strains you might be interested in growing?
I want to get larry og but i have chem valley kush,tahoe og,deadhead og,sour og and pre 98 bubba bx2 from cali connection and everything else now is promo beans.I might start adding some tga strains to the mix but thats later on like a couple more months so i have a chance to make my own seeds and find my own keepers out of all these strains..