Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze


Well-Known Member
So you veg at 18/6 and then step down the light cycle untill you are in flower. What is your thought process and experience doing this?


Well-Known Member
So you veg at 18/6 and then step down the light cycle untill you are in flower. What is your thought process and experience doing this?
Seems to be the way nature does it. Just doing it at a faster rate...and Mother Nature has noy lead me stray yet..........

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
damn and those were the males holy shit noded the fuck out. true color is genetic but some plants its genetic to change color with cold others its genetic to just change color period regardless of conditions. Either way if you know that it takes cold to change color you still know you got color in there you just have to bring it out by changing something. Cant wait to see what females come out if the ones with balls look like that.

2and 4 are off to a friends to be kept for future cuts and pollen collection. Nice to have pals willing to help share in the responsibility and possibility.

Here is a couple of pics of 2. 4 is pretty close w/o the color undertones. Think about this...color is genetic. But genetics reveil themselves because of enviromental factors...:wall:

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Give me a few and I will post pics of 1,3 and 5...


Well-Known Member
You never use 24/0?
When wanting max veg yes. And there are some plants that need a dark period to survive. Some do. But we are dealing with an annual and annuals are not one of them.
My reasoning behing the step transition is a relaxed grow. Plant is still building certain hormones yet accomplishing a basic task, vegging(during delayed transistion). No pressing issue to take clones, change feeding schedule a rush(few days) vs a few weeks. Just my lazy approach to this grow...

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
i also prefer 18/6 i like to give my plants a bit of a rest you know that most of their growing is done during the dark right? Well at least that is what i have learned, and seen from personal experience during the day they absorb energy from your lights to grow at night so in my mind some sleep is needed. However 24 0 does work and work well just not my style. my 2c on that subject. On the off hand check out my seedlings and how they are doin in my thread in my sig. I would like some comments from you guys. Not the most ideal setup i will admit but its more than sufficient to get the job done.

props on the males again they look proper.


Well-Known Member
When wanting max veg yes. And there are some plants that need a dark period to survive. Some do. But we are dealing with an annual and annuals are not one of them.
My reasoning behing the step transition is a relaxed grow. Plant is still building certain hormones yet accomplishing a basic task, vegging(during delayed transistion). No pressing issue to take clones, change feeding schedule a rush(few days) vs a few weeks. Just my lazy approach to this grow...
This is what I meant when I asked about your train of thought. Good explanation.


Well-Known Member
Damn sir, the thread has had some action today I see! Glad to see things in the garden are looking awesome as usual my friend. So now we know how the garden is, whats the scoop on the ice fisshing bro. Getchya any those toothy sons a bitches. MY bro was out yasterday and got a mess o pearch so we are gonna fillet em and have em for dinner tomorrow. MMMMMMM!




Well-Known Member
Damn sir, the thread has had some action today I see! Glad to see things in the garden are looking awesome as usual my friend. So now we know how the garden is, whats the scoop on the ice fisshing bro. Getchya any those toothy sons a bitches. MY bro was out yasterday and got a mess o pearch so we are gonna fillet em and have em for dinner tomorrow. MMMMMMM!



Thanks brother and sounds like a yummy fish fry. We did get a few nice Northerns on tip-ups last week. And some tasty Bluegills short sticking a hole in the ice this weekend. Shaping up to be a banner winter on the ice. But aint all winters spent on the ice fishing and trapping?:-P


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother and sounds like a yummy fish fry. We did get a few nice Northerns on tip-ups last week. And some tasty Bluegills short sticking a hole in the ice this weekend. Shaping up to be a banner winter on the ice. But ain't all winters spent on the ice fishing and trapping?:-P
You bet its gonna be some goooood eatin! Don't get out as much as possible but its a blast when we do. I am hoping to get out his coming week or two and catch me some Steelheads! Love That feeling of a 10lb Hen on the line.


Well-Known Member
You bet its gonna be some goooood eatin! Don't get out as much as possible but its a blast when we do. I am hoping to get out his coming week or two and catch me some Steelheads! Love That feeling of a 10lb Hen on the line.
No doubt ya gotta love hooking into a BYG Rocky Mountain Rainbow! Look up Rockbridge Trout Ranch. Things have changed around there in recent years. But there was a day they breed and stocked many inland American rivers. There is a good chance they may have spawned an ancestor swimming in the Rockies..


Well-Known Member
No doubt ya gotta love hooking into a BYG Rocky Mountain Rainbow! Look up Rockbridge Trout Ranch. Things have changed around there in recent years. But there was a day they breed and stocked many inland American rivers. There is a good chance they may have spawned an ancestor swimming in the Rockies..
I'll have to talk to my brother about it. he's is the fishing guru when it comes to them Steely's. Pours his own jigs and weights and makes his own bobbers. As a matter of fact his businees logo is a Steely, I shit you not. He goes at least twice a month and I'm lucky if I get out twice a winter. lol I'll take what I can get though.


Well-Known Member
Well 1 is a girl. 3 and 5 have not shown yet. So we have a nice structured female and a matching male. Cant ask for much more. If 3 and 5 turn out to be female they will get grown out also. But will only get revegged and the genetics kept if they are the bomb. Just too lanky for my taste.

#1 after its first 'rain'.

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#3 and #5


And a little closet drip system to test Ionic Hardwater Nutrients. Only Ionic Hardwater Grow and Bloom along with Boost will be used, Hygrozyme and Superthrive being the only additives. Water straight from the well. Magus Motavation fems the test pilots.


Happy Trails...:leaf:



Well-Known Member
That female is structured beautifully. Are you gonna have that drip system in your flower room?
Thanks Jug. This round the drip system will stay in the closet start too finish to work the bugs out. But I do plann on building a similar 3 bucket frame for the flower room. Just a bit longer for better spacing for flowering. Vegging with the smaller frame then tranfering the buckets to the larger frame in the flower room to finish...


Well-Known Member
When you say rain, are you doing riddleme's method of making it rain? How are the results if you are doing that?
I always fed every watering. Then every 7-10 days give the medium a rinse. Or 'rain' as Riddle says. Feeding every watering will out grow feed, water, water IMO. But you have to pay close attention to your plants and medium. Similar styles but not verbatum...

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
HAHAHA i love the resivoir on the bottom its the same tub that i am using to hold all my hydroton in now =) good ol hemp depot comin thru in the pinch =)

Well 1 is a girl. 3 and 5 have not shown yet. So we have a nice structured female and a matching male. Cant ask for much more. If 3 and 5 turn out to be female they will get grown out also. But will only get revegged and the genetics kept if they are the bomb. Just too lanky for my taste.

#1 after its first 'rain'.

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#3 and #5

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And a little closet drip system to test Ionic Hardwater Nutrients. Only Ionic Hardwater Grow and Bloom along with Boost will be used, Hygrozyme and Superthrive being the only additives. Water straight from the well. Magus Motavation fems the test pilots.

View attachment 1371360View attachment 1371368

Happy Trails...:leaf: