HELP My Plants are turning yellow


Well-Known Member
what soil is that man? looks like nute def, also some heat issues, ph, and that dirt really looks bad.. overwatering?

john pickle

Active Member
nah just water
Well then in that case i really believe they are ready for their first dose of 20-20-20 fertilizer or something similar. They would really show their appreciation for the nitrogen in a quick day or two.

its just some soil layin around the house. any suggestions on better soil that i could pick up??
The soil could very well be just fine. Did you bake it before using it? If not, it could still work out well


Well-Known Member
Well then in that case i really believe they are ready for their first dose of 20-20-20 fertilizer or something similar. They would really show their appreciation for the nitrogen in a quick day or two.

The soil could very well be just fine. Did you bake it before using it? If not, it could still work out well
it was a frash bag


Well-Known Member
Still, you can have issues using soil straight from the factory..

Anyways, You need to feed them, That looks like an Nitrogen deficiency..

It seems like you're not in to the science of growing, and you just want to grow a plant. If this is the case, get some generic household plant food and feed it.

If you actually want to do your best, I suggest reading up on growing in soil. It takes more than some random light and some normal water..


Well-Known Member
Still, you can have issues using soil straight from the factory..

Anyways, You need to feed them, That looks like an Nitrogen deficiency..

It seems like you're not in to the science of growing, and you just want to grow a plant. If this is the case, get some generic household plant food and feed it.

If you actually want to do your best, I suggest reading up on growing in soil. It takes more than some random light and some normal water..
i work for a water company so the ph is good and for the nutrients i dont have any where to get it and i dont have alot of money to spend on furtilizer

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You can get Miracle Grow anywhere. Even Walmart. Use 1/4 strength at first. I'd be damn sure about the ph of your water though. Nutrient lock-out is a common issue with 1st time growers. Get some ph strips. You work for the water company, you should be able to snag some (or buy them at walmart).

P.S. Miracle Grow is very concentrated and can easily burn your plants. You have to be very careful with the feeding dosage. I always started out at 1/4 the recommended dosage. Now I use The Fox Farm trio and don't have to worry about it. MG will work. I've used it on several grows and never had an issue.