Mushrooms - Pf Tek Supply list, Questions, Other Teks

You are right, this is valuable information. I am just pouring over all the info i can while i wait for my supplies to be delivered. Im going to grow some golden teachers. I ordered a myco 101 kit from mushbox and a spore syringe from spores101

I could have built the kit for less money, but it comes with everything i need to grow so i went with it.
I will be posting a Grow log and setup info when everything shows up.

i do have a question though, how bright a light does the mushrooms need. i was told only enough to read a book by.. Is this true?

I use only ambient light from a small window.RR has become conviced that a light will give better overall performance, but I see no need for one, I couldn't get better pinsets and fruitbodies then what I do, but cakes and tubs are very different, maybe a small cfl with about 6 or 8 hours on. But mush are not like bud, light is a small trigger for fruiting.
Cool ill use a 6500k bulb in a small lamp i have. i think i have some 23 watt bulbs left that should be perfect. I havent found out if the lid is clear or colored. if its colored can i provide side lighting or will i have to install a plexi glass window in the fruiting chamber?

Cool ill use a 6500k bulb in a small lamp i have. i think i have some 23 watt bulbs left that should be perfect. I havent found out if the lid is clear or colored. if its colored can i provide side lighting or will i have to install a plexi glass window in the fruiting chamber?


Plastic wrap and duct tape, simple...
I just posted this on my thread, but I thought I would post the example here as well on what happens when you pack the jars too tight. Notice the areas of patchy growth toward the bottom of the jars. This is due to packing the substrate too densely. It will eventually colonize, but is significantly slowing down colonization. As a matter of fact, a batch of jars I started exactly one week later have caught up to this batch.

When filling jars for PF Tek, it is best to leave the substrate loose and fluffy. A little pressure at the top just to level it out before adding the dry verm layer is fine, but other than that do not press or tap down the substrate.

This isn't anything new, but I thought I would add it since it is easy to overlook. Especially if you are distracted or not paying close attention like I was when I filled these jars.
IME, very low amounts of light are actually needed, just enough to get the fruits to grow upwards. if you only light from one side, theyll all tilt toward that side. Doesnt seem to affect potency noticeably, but in the absence of brighter light levels, the caps tend to be paler in color.
Yea i just used a cheap 12 in florescent on a timer and a heating pad under the box. the real trick is sterilization and a super clean environment while prepping the cakes. Also its easier to make spore solution than it is prints. Wait until you get into casing and liquid cultures then you get some cool results. pf tek is cool but its elementary.
I just posted this on my thread, but I thought I would post the example here as well on what happens when you pack the jars too tight. Notice the areas of patchy growth toward the bottom of the jars. This is due to packing the substrate too densely. It will eventually colonize, but is significantly slowing down colonization. As a matter of fact, a batch of jars I started exactly one week later have caught up to this batch.

When filling jars for PF Tek, it is best to leave the substrate loose and fluffy. A little pressure at the top just to level it out before adding the dry verm layer is fine, but other than that do not press or tap down the substrate.

This isn't anything new, but I thought I would add it since it is easy to overlook. Especially if you are distracted or not paying close attention like I was when I filled these jars.

Fluffy substrate is key in both cakes and tubs.

IME, very low amounts of light are actually needed, just enough to get the fruits to grow upwards. if you only light from one side, theyll all tilt toward that side. Doesnt seem to affect potency noticeably, but in the absence of brighter light levels, the caps tend to be paler in color.

Believe it or not they don't grow towards a light. Their leaning to one side or another is do to wind currents. RR said you can make a corksqrew mush by moving a fan at 90deg every day.
If i used a closet light bulb would that be enough light. i can place my FC on a chest of drawers and let it get light like that for 12 hours a day?

If i used a closet light bulb would that be enough light. i can place my FC on a chest of drawers and let it get light like that for 12 hours a day?


Peeps even use incandescents, problem with a closet, need to still have fae. Can be done, no problem. Get your cakes going, and go from there...
Choempi, again, not to step on anyones toes, yours nor the well recognized roger rabbit, but I have studied and tested many of Stamets' writings, and have grown many breeds of mushroom. Psilocybes, as well as oyster mushrooms and others, beyond a doubt show phototropic responses to light. I understand you are quite familiar and comfortable with the monotub setup. Just for shits and giggles, if you've got a tub of cubes going, drape a blanket along half of the top and one back side, and only supply light to the exposed face at a steep angle, using only your passive FAE setup and no fans. Just an experiment to play around with. Again, much respect to all.
And unless youre running more than a few tubs in a closet, keeping them elevated off the floor and the door cracked a bit should suffice for FAE. If youre incubating, say, 40 5 lb spawn bags in the same closet, a more agressive air exchange tactic must be implemented. I believe the parameters of a spawn run for cubensis should maintain around 5000 ppm CO2 (in the bag/jar) and ballpark 1000 to 2000 for pinning formation and shroom development. If theyre getting outrageously tall stems and/or growing slowly, reconsider your air exchange. With this much CO2 output, why not play around with sister cropping in your indoor garden? Considering the same, as soon as I get mine set up and tuned in well enough. Came close to killing one of my gals recently due to lack of indoor experience.......
Can i trust "lets grow mushrooms" they state you dont need a PC for BRF cakes. mine is missing and i cant afford to buy one right now.

And unless youre running more than a few tubs in a closet, keeping them elevated off the floor and the door cracked a bit should suffice for FAE. If youre incubating, say, 40 5 lb spawn bags in the same closet, a more agressive air exchange tactic must be implemented. I believe the parameters of a spawn run for cubensis should maintain around 5000 ppm CO2 (in the bag/jar) and ballpark 1000 to 2000 for pinning formation and shroom development. If theyre getting outrageously tall stems and/or growing slowly, reconsider your air exchange. With this much CO2 output, why not play around with sister cropping in your indoor garden? Considering the same, as soon as I get mine set up and tuned in well enough. Came close to killing one of my gals recently due to lack of indoor experience.......

Why would I ever mess with such a simple and highly productive tek? The whole I idea is max yield and no daily maintainance, something that no other tek offers. Set and forget...

You are complicating something that took peeps a long time to devolop for pure simplicity.

A ozz mono is true Zen gardening.

Experiment away, I don't need to. You show me a more productive and efficient tek, I would try it. But you're not gonna, you can't fit more shrooms in a growing space, or faster flushes. The tek was evolved through trial and error by a few masters. It is now a no brainer.