best smoking spots


Active Member
hell yeah, man. the great outdoors! (or atleast in your car, outdoors lol) look for cliffs, mountains, gorges, lakes, waterfalls, and sunsets


Well-Known Member
i love takin my MP3 player, 2 bowls of dro, and a bong in the bathroom when i wake up. wake and bake pooping is like a very spiritual experience that u must check out. and for the music jam sum Mars Volta. u wont be sorry. take 2 and let me know in the morning. hahahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Im building a snow fort today with my girl, We are going to hot box it ;D Pics soon! (If I make it)


Well-Known Member
Put a freezer cool bag in a back-pack, Fill the cooler bag with strong beers or a hi-alcohol drink/s of your choice also cram in some muches,Crisps,Chocolate Bars etc.. Make sure your MP3/IPOD player etc is full charged and the head phones are working 'loud n clear' :) Have a bit of doller on you incase you need anything Then with your head phones on and up and a suitable dress atire head out towards the nearest BEACH,WOODS,FORREST,WASTELAND etc and start drinking fast! Once your alcohol is 80% gone and you are feeling pretty mellow/wasted and happy pull out your skinning up shit and find a location sheltered from the wind etc ie/ a Barn, Bus Shelter, etc etc roll yourself a double King L (or pre-roll to make life easier) and toke it up, you'll have enough booze to keep you in the state of mind, and also to cure 'Dry-Mouth' and it'll make for an epic evening/night out - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
This is sappy for an old biker but I like loading up my DUGOUT and get on my Harley and go out on the country roads early in the morning and park my bike on side of road.....get out the single hitter bat and start token and watching all the morning doves eating and getting on the road to warm up in early moring and listening to them the most relaxing thing in the world....we have tons of Doves here in Texas.....its just awesome to watch while baked


Active Member
yeah smoking out doors is legit!

i love smoking early n the morning outside so peacefull.


Well-Known Member
im not too into outside smoking spots but on the rare occasion I do I like the top of tall buildings or a nice sunny spot in a field


Well-Known Member
my favorite spot is sitting in my backyard watching the chickens. i haven't rode in more than a year because of my old brittle back but i still have the same bike i bought when i first got out of the navy, a 74/74 fx and i miss those rides. got to find a bike with a button.

This is sappy for an old biker but I like loading up my DUGOUT and get on my Harley and go out on the country roads early in the morning and park my bike on side of road.....get out the single hitter bat and start token and watching all the morning doves eating and getting on the road to warm up in early moring and listening to them the most relaxing thing in the world....we have tons of Doves here in Texas.....its just awesome to watch while baked


Active Member
Outside is always an awesome idea nothing like a hit to make nature that much more awesome :lol:. Still my favorite spot is on my couch while watching a good movie with friends :bigjoint:


Active Member
i use to be down for outside smokiing but not anymore.

yeh on top of buildings or whatever is tight too.


Active Member
Taking a nice relaxing walk in the woods (trail preffered). Nice and quiet, also a perfect time to look for grow spots! Nothing beats the relaxing noises of the woods. Of course, with a fat sack and a bubblar.


Active Member
Me and a buddy had a place called "the Spine". It was down like 4 different dirtroads, do a 180, drive thru a field(in an oldsmobile) and then your under a little bitty bridge. And then, right there in your headlights, is a deer spine. creepy, but its soooo quiet and peaceful. Thats for late night sneak outs. Any other time, you just need to be outdoors. Unless its cold, then the couch lol!


Well-Known Member
Iglus and clear night sky :joint:...:peace:
Over here I think we call them Igloos. :leaf:

It's been awhile since I've been in an Igloo, but I was remarking to my wife the other night how, when I was lost 90 miles from Fairbanks, AK 30 years ago, how beautiful it was, laying on my back looking up, watching the Aurora Borealis, smoking a joint.

Then we heard the coyotes, guess what, there are no coyotes up there.


BTW - To cloudy tonight to bring out the telescope. Party on. bongsmilie