Party Cup Contest *with prizes


Well-Known Member
My party cups are doing well, still no sign of sex yet. I keep forgetting that I have to water em every day, they are under 1000 watts (way under) and the temp peaks to around 88 before lights out and the dehumidifiers kick on. I tell ya what they are some thirsty little bastards in those little cups. I'm going to start them on 1/4 strength 10-30-20 nutes very soon =)

By the way, I flowered them from seed....
hell..mine are only under cfl's and im watering at least once a day...later in flower i know its going to take 1-2 waterings a day...but thats to be expected...if they wasnt drinking that fast id be worrying...but i did notice something...i give them molasses every 2-3 feedings...the seem to drink a lot less and have more weight to them after i use the molasses...not sure why though


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I'm down to party:

Strawberry Cough clone

Silver Jack reg

If this seedling turns out male, I'll add another clone, but those are my two entries.

randy leopard

Active Member
i thought the enries had to be small clones or seeds starting on christmas?
whats with these plants im seeing that are a month old or more?


Well-Known Member
Are you talking to me?

I was under the impression that there was no cut off date for anything, just a finishing date. The top picture, as you see has a party cup which is under a scrog... that has other plants under it which are irrelevant. Also, the SBC clone is just sitting on the pot of another plant for elevation.


Active Member
They had to be started in Dec and pics at least every 2 weeks if you enter a older plant. Other then that its pretty much open game. Welcome to the fun! Been redoing my green house this week, finally got my white fly prob down enough i could put the lil babies out there to get some real light. I hope to see some explosive growth soon, my crappy led barely lets the plant know its day time not really good for full on growing. The light is back in my green house under the flowering plants to help veg my babies a lil more. I post up some pics tomorrow when i get a chance.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I'm down to party:

Strawberry Cough clone
View attachment 1370045

Silver Jack reg
View attachment 1370047

If this seedling turns out male, I'll add another clone, but those are my two entries.
Hey awesome, I'm about to order some Nirvana Strawberry Cough feminized seeds. Looking forward to seeing how your does. I'm about to take 4 clones of my white widow regulars I have in Veg right now. They are hitting four weeks so I'm hoping for some pre=flowers soon.

I just started my party cup plants on 1/4 strength bloom nutes, still no sign of sex, I'll post pics as soon as I've been able to verify sex and know which is my official entry


Well-Known Member
Right on, man. I can also take another pic later to distinguish the SBC better if it makes a difference... it'll look better once it's kicks off and starts growing through the scrog anyways.

Hey Mudslide, my SBC is from Dutch Passion, didn't know Nirvana made one. If you haven't ordered yet I'd recommend going with Dutch Passion's Cough, and they are also feminized.


Well-Known Member
Right on, man. I can also take another pic later to distinguish the SBC better if it makes a difference... it'll look better once it's kicks off and starts growing through the scrog anyways.

Hey Mudslide, my SBC is from Dutch Passion, didn't know Nirvana made one. If you haven't ordered yet I'd recommend going with Dutch Passion's Cough, and they are also feminized.
I'll take a look, I haven't ordered mine yet, was going to next Friday. Can you send me the URL to the site? I'm currently waiting on some Bluecheese and Critical from Attitude I ordered about a week ago. I'm about to rotate some plants outa the veg tent and put em in flower. The folks I "donate" my nugz to are asking if I can throw the SBC into the rotation so I need to get em ordered.


Active Member
Today 1/9/11, is Day 1 for my entry. Its under a 42w cfl, 18/6. It will be fed General Organics Nutes! :)



Active Member
More pics of my lil girl, she started to show sex. I hope she grows a bit more before flowering though.

2011-01-09 13.25.57.jpg2011-01-09 13.26.21.jpg


Well-Known Member
Whats my best bet get this
or this and get fans n such to make my own cool tube??? and u gotta have a ballast to run hps right?
Yea... gota have a ballast for those bulbs. It kick starts the light. A normal socket will not work and could be dangerous!! It's always best to buy one and not build one unless your an electrician. That’s how fires are started and lives ruined. Just not worth it. Trust me on this one. That actually looks like a real nice light, I may just get one myself!! hahaaha


Well-Known Member
Yea only one i could find that cheap rofl i was expecting a good wad of cash comeing out of my bank account but thats damn cheap compared to everywhere else


Active Member
WvMade - I got 4 of HTGs 600w complete kits, they havent failed me yet, 2 years running.

knock on wood.


Active Member
newatit - Damn I have got to figure out how to place my pictures when I post.

how do you attach your pictures?