general roundabout yield questions for this noob

Ok here's the deal. I've read everything there is to know, and know not just forums numerous horticulture books grow bibles medical grow giudes, all the bells and wistles. I've already done one from seed grow. Needless to say first run was a nightmare. I got way over anxious, planted 25 seeds in three gallon pots and ran out of room, heat problems and all......

Anyhow to the matter at hand. I learn from my mistakes quickly. This time around I did nine WOS strawberry blue all in 10 gallon pots. 600 mhc to hps at the cutting of the lights. With 4 90w led ufo triband 460 660 and the white(not sure the nm). Anyway 5 weeks into budding now they look amazing. Can't upload pics bc I do this via cell phone. I vegged them till they were around a foot tall some bigger some smaller(slight varriations in phenotype) but for the most part very uniform. Gotta love world of seeds. I use sensi 4 part with a cal mag for veg and budding. I also used the ausie yellow bottle 3 part boster for flowering the bud the ooze and the final. I used 2 parts ff ocean forest to 1 part pro mix in the 10 gal pots. Just looking for a general round about yeild from you expierenced ones.


Well-Known Member
twenty pounds mate, easy,,, no chance getting a answer on this mate sorry, its like the meaning off life...


Ten gallon pots for 1 ft tall plants?
I could see if you started with 3 or 4 ft plants, in which case a ten gal would be more than adequate... but for a plant that is just one or two feet tall before flowering I would opt for 3 or 5 gallon maximum.

Super sized containers probably do have some advantages (especially outdoors): they shouldn't need to be watered or fed as often, and there is little chance that the plants will get root bound now. But with the cost of the Ocean Forest I am not eager to use anything > 5 gal.

As for yield, it can't be predicted by us really as the others have said. You can use the results you achieve this grow to predict the outcome of the next, and try to get an idea how efficient your grow is. With the right strain in perfect conditions, over a gram per watt isn't unheard of.
Sorry for the noob question just getting anxious. And nullis not to sound dumb but when it comes to my little ladies no expense will be spared anymore. Its not about trying to turn a profit, its just about the best possible outcome for me I'm a connisuer. I went with the tens because I had a very knowledgeable friend that I trust guide me this time and he told me less with bigger pots is always more. Any opinions on such beliefs?
Ten gallon pots for 1 ft tall plants?
I could see if you started with 3 or 4 ft plants, in which case a ten gal would be more than adequate... but for a plant that is just one or two feet tall before flowering I would opt for 3 or 5 gallon maximum.

Super sized containers probably do have some advantages (especially outdoors): they shouldn't need to be watered or fed as often, and there is little chance that the plants will get root bound now. But with the cost of the Ocean Forest I am not eager to use anything > 5 gal.

As for yield, it can't be predicted by us really as the others have said. You can use the results you achieve this grow to predict the outcome of the next, and try to get an idea how efficient your grow is. With the right strain in perfect conditions, over a gram per watt isn't unheard of.
Oh and there not 1ft tall anymore approxamately 4 weeks left and the shortest plant is about 4 feet tall


Well-Known Member
Ok here's the deal. I've read everything there is to know, and know not just forums numerous horticulture books grow bibles medical grow giudes, all the bells and wistles. I've already done one from seed grow. Needless to say first run was a nightmare. I got way over anxious, planted 25 seeds in three gallon pots and ran out of room, heat problems and all......

Anyhow to the matter at hand. I learn from my mistakes quickly. This time around I did nine WOS strawberry blue all in 10 gallon pots. 600 mhc to hps at the cutting of the lights. With 4 90w led ufo triband 460 660 and the white(not sure the nm). Anyway 5 weeks into budding now they look amazing. Can't upload pics bc I do this via cell phone. I vegged them till they were around a foot tall some bigger some smaller(slight varriations in phenotype) but for the most part very uniform. Gotta love world of seeds. I use sensi 4 part with a cal mag for veg and budding. I also used the ausie yellow bottle 3 part boster for flowering the bud the ooze and the final. I used 2 parts ff ocean forest to 1 part pro mix in the 10 gal pots. Just looking for a general round about yeild from you expierenced ones.
dosent sound like you read everything there is to read and just saying lol
Oh I have just still in the trial and error of applying it only now on grow number 2. I said I've read it all not mastered the trade. And yeild is the touchiest subject on every thing that I've read. Hence the thread. If you would have read disaster struck the first time leaving me clueless to what should have beeni thought I made it clear in the thread post that I was a noob to the acctual game. so I got a question for you. Why are you bringing me down man...... just saying lol don't hate appreciate