My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op


Well-Known Member
Just read through the whole thing and I have to say really good job on everything. Your garden is efficient, effective, and proven to give more than desirable results. I'm subbed on this one.


Well-Known Member
Things are bumping along just fine with two rotations and the third turbogarden waiting for some clones. So all three that I have will be full. I may have to get another unit. . . what a problem. lol. My mothers are out
of control. Another huge problem.


Well-Known Member
What pots do you have your moms in? I was thinking about running a 2x2 tent for like 4 moms. Do you think that would be enough room?


Well-Known Member
they are in the pots I got with a CAP ebb and grow system last year that I didn't like using. I think they are 2 gallon. They work very well as you can see!


I perhaps should have read through the entire thread, but I just have a quick question. What can you expect in terms of grams per wattage (GPW) doing a) no-veg, compared to vegging for b) 1 week, c) 2 weeks, d) 1 month, or e) 2 months? Just a simple answer of a,b,c,d,e with the corresponding estimations would be awesome and appreciated. Thanks and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Short answer. This is much more efficient than vegging say 5 plants for 6 weeks. The only draw back, imo, is that you have a lot of plants.


Well-Known Member
I perhaps should have read through the entire thread, but I just have a quick question. What can you expect in terms of grams per wattage (GPW) doing a) no-veg, compared to vegging for b) 1 week, c) 2 weeks, d) 1 month, or e) 2 months? Just a simple answer of a,b,c,d,e with the corresponding estimations would be awesome and appreciated. Thanks and happy growing.
I'm not the worlds most meticulous record keeper but I think I consistently get over 2/3 gram per watt doing no veg, more with a strain like chronic. I can't really tell you about b,c, and d. Veg plants longer, they just get bigger and start competing with each other( like my moms). True, you could grow less plants, but then you have more eggs in fewer baskets too. The real point of doing no veg is the turnover. In a given space, with given equipmentl over a given time (say a year) zero-veg will always outproduce other methods, because you can get more crops in. Long veg cycles just monopolize your grow space when you could be pounding out crop after crop. Dig?


Well-Known Member
What am I saying '2/3 gram per watt'. I just weighed up ten white russians 8 days after I chopped them. Total weight, fully trimmed; 288 grams, so under 1/2 gram per watt but standing right on one ounce per plant, so I'm still plenty happy.


Well-Known Member
Waiting on my "mothers" to get growing. Soil is a real pain in the ass. I can't wait to get this shit rolling. I'm thinking about growing some Medicine man aka white rhino. Seeing as how I have it laying around. How many plants do you think I could get in a 3x3 botanicare tray? I'm thinking 20...?


Well-Known Member
depending on the size of pots you use, more than that. I think you can fit about 40 plants in a 3x3 in 5 inch pots. . . .

Waiting on my "mothers" to get growing. Soil is a real pain in the ass. I can't wait to get this shit rolling. I'm thinking about growing some Medicine man aka white rhino. Seeing as how I have it laying around. How many plants do you think I could get in a 3x3 botanicare tray? I'm thinking 20...?


Well-Known Member
I've got the whole thing running now

Development on the perpetual is now officially over. These three tubs are three weeks apart in flower. In the middle, we have 12 white russians, now 42 days along. To the right 15 skunk and chronic. One the left it's mostly chronic and a couple of wr which just went into flower yesterday. My mothers have grown right up past the light lol. I have to clean out my clone box and then I'm going to chop the Chronics down and start over with them. I'm not happy about the yield from the NLxSK so I may not be keeping that in the mix. The white russian is such a keeper. Over an ounce per plant and man, it's just lethal. That's why the middle tub is pure WR:clap:


Well-Known Member
.... I'm going to chop the Chronics down and start over with them. I'm not happy about the yield from the NLxSK so I may not be keeping that in the mix. ....
I am glad i got 3 chronic in flower and 2 more in veg (+ clones rooting) but u just made me 2nd guess my decision of which seed to germ today for my perpetual garden. It was gonna be G13 NLxSK but I think I might try the Kannabia Special instead. I am glad I read your post! :weed:


Well-Known Member
I'm just not as impressed as I thought I would be with it. I've got a couple more flowering right now, but between yeild so far and smoke comparison nto the wr, there just isn't much competition. I want to find a skunk to add to my menu, and I grew power skunk from g13 last year from a freebie, but I didn't clone it :(