super lemon haze and multi-kush grow

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here is another one of yoshi.. aka gucci.. aint she a cutie pie..... lol she will rip you a new one too...
she has got the biggest softest floppiest ears i love that bitch... her personailty is the shit too.. she is like a clumbsy, playful, happy dog.... untill its time to roll...
bruce is a beast.. we have him trained to attack people in unfiorm.... we trained him to diarm police to.... we did this with a 9 m.m beretta... has soon has you brandish a firearm and say FREEZE OR POLICE!!! the dog will disarm you... he will grab the steel gun and take it from you... you guys havent even seen them on my big 280 pound ass with a bite sleeve... these dogs are powerfull and smart
i shit you not when i say the dog will disarm you... he locks down on your weapon shakes it up and takes it from you.... he loves it lol
Your dog's look good dude but post on your own thread. imo

And fighting dogs is fucking wrong, you guys are the reason pit bulls are getting outlaw'd

If the cops try to take my pit im going down with bullets flying.
Your dog's look good dude but post on your own thread. imo

And fighting dogs is fucking wrong, you guys are the reason pit bulls are getting outlaw'd

If the cops try to take my pit im going down with bullets flying.

lol if the cops try to take buddies dog good luck..... thats all i have to say.... gucci that lil red dog can pull a astro van off park for blocks and blocks... lol and she is the smallest....
dude when i sick my budies dog bruce on something he is fierce... his fucking fur stands up even... man its grizzly jack
Your dog's look good dude but post on your own thread. imo

And fighting dogs is fucking wrong, you guys are the reason pit bulls are getting outlaw'd

If the cops try to take my pit im going down with bullets flying.

like i said. i will kill and die for my dogs. but i cant tell a man how to get paid 1 i actually love my dog, i might leave my wife over her if i had to, lol dunno glad i aint gotta choose. and i do have another dog lol.. we gettin a shih tzu on the 25th for her. hope she become a chewtoy. im in the south chi.. not thecity south.. the rural, and we dont bury cuz coyotes n shit will dig em up.. we have bon fires
like i said. i will kill and die for my dogs. but i cant tell a man how to get paid 1 i actually love my dog, i might leave my wife over her if i had to, lol dunno glad i aint gotta choose. and i do have another dog lol.. we gettin a shih tzu on the 25th for her. hope she become a chewtoy. im in the south chi.. not thecity south.. the rural, and we dont bury cuz coyotes n shit will dig em up.. we have bon fires

b.b.q huh.... lol i think in the south yall dont use the term "roll" i think down there yall "scratch" yall dogs
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