Smoke N Grow nutes versus Jack's Professional


Well-Known Member
Great info to be had. Although I have to respectfully disagree with many of his methods.
I don't monitor humidity in the jars, but I know others do, I go by feel :)
I don't agree with the higher humidity points, I stay under 60%

I do agree with jarring em while stems bend and exterior of bud slightly crispy, waiting till stems snap is a huge mistake
and I never have a set time for taking then out of the jars or burping them, once again I go by feel

if they stay sticky your doing it right :hump:


Well-Known Member
Now thats one I have not heard of. Is it a noticeable increase? Bought one of those room humidifiers and it still sitting at 20% in the flower area and 30 in the veg cab. Damn dry weather!


It works in a cabinet or small space . It raises my RH 5-8 points . It doubles as a heater too , a bucket of 85 degree water warms the air some and u can squeeze it in close to your pots to help keep soil temp up .


New Member
I don't monitor humidity in the jars, but I know others do, I go by feel :)
I don't agree with the higher humidity points, I stay under 60%

I do agree with jarring em while stems bend and exterior of bud slightly crispy, waiting till stems snap is a huge mistake
and I never have a set time for taking then out of the jars or burping them, once again I go by feel

if they stay sticky your doing it right :hump:
uhhh yep....I like 65-62 long as possible in jars as it stated...I also 70 F and 55% hang dry phase one for bout 6 days...both again also depend upon feel and...ahem... sampling!bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
It works in a cabinet or small space . It raises my RH 5-8 points . It doubles as a heater too , a bucket of 85 degree water warms the air some and u can squeeze it in close to your pots to help keep soil temp up .
Right on brother, thanks for the reply!




Well-Known Member
Been 6 days since rain, gonna rain on some of em again today, some are yonger and not ready :)

very impressed with the Smoke N Grow, it is hangin in with the Jack's very nicely :hump:

they are also likin the little myco critters :)

But the coolest thing for me on this round is the way that damn GDP grows, most amazin plant I have ever grown, took several pics for ya. please note I have not topped it, it just grows like this very tight nodes, lots of branches, even canopy and nice interior spacing (as if it is LST'ing itself, simply incredible plant !!!

I did top the Mind Bender and Crystal Limit at the 5th node



Well-Known Member
they look great riddleme!! I have been meaning to ask how many times have them fans got wet being there in the center?


Well-Known Member
them's some tough fans brother :lol: i'm sure you take safety precautions so you dont zap anything. although i can see you trying to zap the plants, ya know, as an experiment!!!


New Member
and then you tie 'dem bitches up...and and you beat 'em....and then u cut 'em....yeah then shock 'em again...real good like you know...and then and then.....

sorry got all excited and caught up in the moment again...:twisted:


ps-plants looking awesome...want some gdp seeds


Active Member
i need a chamber bad how long until we can see the plans on the new site
May 2011 bring you all bountiful harvest :)

New garden going good, rain will start once they dry out and then the competition feeding will start, got 3 more babies to upcan today which will complete this round. Have added a closeup pic of the GDP so you can see the interior branching, this plant has not been topped, in fact I am considering not topping most of them this round as this being the 1st time growing some of these strains I would like to see how they grow on thier own?

Have included a few pics of the tilders popcorn buds, both from the chamber and in re-veg you will notice the re-veg bud has a nanner and some foxtailing :) (nanner more visible in closeup) and with these chamber buds I do believe I have tweaked the chamber to it's max ability, this new way of fermenting goes against pretty much everything we have all been told. I have decided against doing a book and instead will be putting the chamber (and other) info on a web site to be announced soon.

I want to thank both Lumy & Shrubs for the Tilders smoke reports it is nice to be able to share her with all of you in a way that is not just my opinion :)

Enjoy the pics