CNN Rebulican Debates - RP Screwed Again


Well-Known Member
and theres nothing i said that you could prove me wrong on if he had as much money and as much coverage as the others he would be the front runner, why would americans especially not agree with government out of their lives, and an america that works toward being dept free, unless they just dont know what that means, or unless they were depending on the gov such as welfare

so whos in on this conspiricy? who leads it?

oh i know President bush, oh sorry i mean Mr. Bush as CNN so respectfully calls him. lol but when bill clinton is on there they call him President Clinton even tho hes not even president anymore. conspiricy??? theres one right there and trust me ron paul doesnt require a conspiricy only your true oponents deserve them


Well-Known Member

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

not to say these are completly true. but id say its pretty evident that its not all what "they" say it is. but take it as another source and use it as good info were all just in this waiting period waiting to see what happens next
Endgame is a MUST MUST see.

On top of it, a group of independent people have been going through the movie and making a SORCED bibliography. They are nearly done with it..
Alex Jones' Endgame

Please, this is very important, and no matter who you are or what you believe- you OWE it to yourself to watch this movie.. you don't need to agree, but you could never say someone didn't try to warn you..


Well-Known Member
Endgame is a MUST MUST see.

On top of it, a group of independent people have been going through the movie and making a SORCED bibliography. They are nearly done with it..
Alex Jones' Endgame

Please, this is very important, and no matter who you are or what you believe- you OWE it to yourself to watch this movie.. you don't need to agree, but you could never say someone didn't try to warn you..
yes listen to the hot n sexy milf
there not thoughts from nowhere
I've seen Zeitgeist before watching Endgame now - all this stuff really scares me to be honest - world population caps /shudder

Endgame is a MUST MUST see.

On top of it, a group of independent people have been going through the movie and making a SORCED bibliography. They are nearly done with it..
Alex Jones' Endgame

Please, this is very important, and no matter who you are or what you believe- you OWE it to yourself to watch this movie.. you don't need to agree, but you could never say someone didn't try to warn you..


New Member
I've seen Zeitgeist before watching Endgame now - all this stuff really scares me to be honest - world population caps /shudder
Population caps, I wonder what method they'd use. I'd have to vote for disease, like the bird flue or some other un-curable virus. They could just fly over the cities and spray, just like they do for the fruit flies. Nuclear war destroys too much infrastructure, of course in places like Africa where the infrastructure is not that important, they may just use the neutron bomb. They don't want to use those in the middle east.0 as they want to be able to get to the oil.


Well-Known Member
I've seen Zeitgeist before watching Endgame now - all this stuff really scares me to be honest - world population caps /shudder
Very scary to see prominent world leaders talking about how we need to eliminate 80% of the world population!!! And they never say- who gets to choose who is in the 20%?!

I don't know anyone who wouldn't get scared watching this stuff...

Even Ron Paul said it "Hitler didn't have the guts to put this stuff on paper- he just did it".

This is def. my favorite youtube clip EVER-
YouTube - This is the sound of revolution


Well-Known Member
Population caps, I wonder what method they'd use. I'd have to vote for disease, like the bird flue or some other un-curable virus. They could just fly over the cities and spray, just like they do for the fruit flies. Nuclear war destroys too much infrastructure, of course in places like Africa where the infrastructure is not that important, they may just use the neutron bomb. They don't want to use those in the middle east.0 as they want to be able to get to the oil.
They've been practicing for nearly 50 years- chem trails. Most people don't even know they aren't natural and are so used to seeing them... they've been testing and poisoning the population for decades- this is known fact.

Stealth would also be their method of choice... can't have the population know what's going on..


New Member
They've been practicing for nearly 50 years- chem trails. Most people don't even know they aren't natural and are so used to seeing them... they've been testing and poisoning the population for decades- this is known fact.

Stealth would also be their method of choice... can't have the population know what's going on..
Do you have any proof or links to this info?
The President can "Any incident in the world regardless of location that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy or goverment functions can trigger at the Presidents will - Total Martial Law.

From Endgame what the fuckin hell is all that about, 1 fucking person can now trigger Martial Law???????

Bush granted himself these fuckin powers - holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
The President can "Any incident in the world regardless of location that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy or goverment functions can trigger at the Presidents will - Total Martial Law.

From Endgame what the fuckin hell is all that about, 1 fucking person can now trigger Martial Law???????

Bush granted himself these fuckin powers - holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you are just finding this out????


Well-Known Member
And you are just finding this out????
I agree-you're just finding out now? God.. we really are pathetic excuses for citizens..

Have you seen what they're trying to pass now?
Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

Look it up.. it will effectively make ALL of us "terrorists" and finally make "thought crime" a reality...
Sorry for my ignorance but I'm not even in a native speaking country - ok its no excuse with the internet but in my defence its the american people that have let it happen.


New Member
Sorry for my ignorance but I'm not even in a native speaking country - ok its no excuse with the internet but in my defence its the american people that have let it happen.
What, the natives don't speak, they're all mutes, How depressing. You must be tired of hearing your own voice.
Errrm its difficult for me to read or listen to the news, blah blah blah not up for an agrument......

OMG I am on the rediative and chemical testing bit now wtf wtf wtf, why don't more people know about this stuff. Is it that its all bollox? How is it suppressed so well or is it not more readily available?

God this shits scary :(