smoked a bunch of Dryed up marijuana leafs


Well-Known Member
i smoked a bunch of dryed leafs from my plant , it got me high

From the begining iv been growing for almost 2-3 months and 10 days ago i put my plants into flower , the day i switched the timer to flowering i had to go to texas,

so i gave it one big water and when i came back it was still very alive and thriving , with the acception of a bunch of dryed leafs at the bottom

so i was doing some lst and then trimmed all the [bad] leafs off, and for the fuck of it i made a make shift pipe from a can and smoked the dryed fuckers ...

it really does get you high , though im thinking this is becuase the 10 days flowering but still

i have a mellow ... hungry high


Well-Known Member
I smok'em sometimes to, it's better than nothing, but the buds get you way higher of course ;)


Well-Known Member
you didnt get high.

you smoked dryed up fan leaves that were ten days into flower. You might have in fact deprived yourself of oxygen while at the same time inhaling the lining of a soda can,butane, and some leaves, which could in turn give you a lightheaded feeling for a few minutes. But trust me, it wasnt due to your pot leaves. =/

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i would rather scrape my bowl than smoke leaves that died. even when i have bud that has dead leaf that didn't get trimmed, it just tastes so bad. reminds me of what it must taste like to smoke tea. did it taste like tea?


Well-Known Member
it tasted like burning plant matter, and you never know . i know what i felt .... though i was probly hungry cause i havent eaten


Well-Known Member
Agreed that theres no way you got high.
i don't just smoke dead leaves off the bottom but obviously u never tryied smokeing your trimins? if u can make hash out of them u can smoke them and get high also i do it all the time when im out of bud or someone i hate comes over and wants to get high fin bums =D


Anyone that says leaves won't get you high, has never smoked leaves. End of story. It's no where near as good as bud, but it's high nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
But it's always fun to watch people that have no idea what they are talking about post pure horseshit.


Well-Known Member
Anyone that says leaves won't get you high, has never smoked leaves. End of story. It's no where near as good as bud, but it's high nonetheless.

I've gotten high on leaves more times than I can remember. They WILL get you loaded.
Sugar leaves, absolutely. Dead dried up FANLEAVES, no.

Did you guys read the first post?

... with the acception of a bunch of dryed leafs at the bottom i then trimmed all the [bad] leafs off, and for the fuck of it i made a make shift pipe from a can and smoked the dryed fuckers ...

it really does get you high

I still dont give two shits as to what the OP says, you cant get high from dead fan leaves. Sorry.


Active Member
i would rather scrape my bowl than smoke leaves that died. even when i have bud that has dead leaf that didn't get trimmed, it just tastes so bad. reminds me of what it must taste like to smoke tea. did it taste like tea?
exactly whAt he said! and realy does remind me of tea, I wish to god you could smoke pre-bloom leaves, I'd be in heaven. I broke one of my old pipes plastic stem to scrape for resin, it gets the job done.

unless the leaves are covered in triches they aren't gonna do anything


Well-Known Member
they did have a small sparkle , and they wernt big 9 leaf fan leafs they were ones next to the new growth sites