Ok folks, its your favorite newb game.. GUESS, THAT, YIELD.

I'll go with 1080 grams / 38.1oz / 2.38lbs. @1800watts, and notating stress .... I'll give it .6grams psf estimate.

nice looking grow! always happy to see more Colo peeps doing their own thing. why pay for meds????
I say you will get two ounces per square foot you have about 21 square feet so thats 42 ounces or 2.625 pounds but Im no expert
I am not sure which to be more impressed with, the bud or the bordeaux. I just drank a 2000 Pichon Lalande for my Anniversary. Incredible juice.
Im going to pull the ole' Price Is Right trick.. 42.1 ounces or 2.626 pounds ,,, Just hope im the last guess... lol.. I see someone put an ounce or two,, hoping he is the lowest...
If you admit this is your first grow, then someone is wrong above.....(i've seen your grow before, and you sir know how to grow) but that is neither here nor there.....i'd say after everything you have going on and after harv and cure, u might get 2.4................................might. Looks great........ +rep
alright legally you are having a great op there for shure. and for the person who said .6 gram psf its per watt not psf duh. but anyways ill post something like all dry and cured i would say some wheres about 44.44 oz =2 lbs and 12oz and 12.87 gramms buahahahahah im hoping i nailed it price is right style lol. gl on this cant wait to see the finished photos and you will probably score way above what i guessed