IS this even possible?


Well-Known Member
Ive been really interested in outdoor growing. Ive been growing indoors for like 2 years now, and i still consider myself a HUGE newb. Im still learning new shit all the time, and i love it.

For some reason, i have this idea in my mind, that if i do it right, i can plant a few plants outside somewhere, and only come back for them when there done. Like veg it for awhile indoors until its nice and healthy, plant it outside, have some sort of water jug with a tiny puncture hole so that it will drip for a few days or a week, and let nature take its course.
Am i just fantasizing here, or is it possible?

My thoguht are, not all will survive, so i will need to get about 10 or so ready, plant them in random(top secret) areas, and hope that maybe 3 out of the 10 will survive.

In the mean time, i will still have my indoor thing going on, this will kinda be like a side project.

Im also wondering, lets say 3 out of 10 survive, what will they look like? Huge mammoths yielding 2-5 pounds per plant?

Sorry if my heads in the clouds. Any advice is greatly appreciated !


Active Member
well it depends on where you live first off and what your seasons are like if you live in a place where it doesn't rain much during your spring/summer/fall then you will have to water more often or set up some sort of drip system, also you have to figure out if your going to grow in pots and/or growing bags, or if your going to grow in the ground which is better but you cant move your plants if you are at risk of being caught or floods or w/e have you, then you have to think about soil and what mixture you will use if ur growing in pots or if the ground soil your growing in is good enough to contain plants. theres alot more to it to


Active Member
i think your fantasizing dude. you can get away without visiting very frequent but your plants are gonna need your assistance through the year for sure. you gotta think that the first few weeks after you put your plants outside insects and rodents will threaten your plants existance. slugs,snails, deer,racoons, etc. will all want to eat or get at your plants. after that your problem will be keeping up with water & fertilizer needs, they may need to be tied and staked at some point, and you will probably need some form of pest control to keep plants healthy especially in the forest.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Ive been really interested in outdoor growing. Ive been growing indoors for like 2 years now, and i still consider myself a HUGE newb. Im still learning new shit all the time, and i love it.

For some reason, i have this idea in my mind, that if i do it right, i can plant a few plants outside somewhere, and only come back for them when there done. Like veg it for awhile indoors until its nice and healthy, plant it outside, have some sort of water jug with a tiny puncture hole so that it will drip for a few days or a week, and let nature take its course.
Am i just fantasizing here, or is it possible?

My thoguht are, not all will survive, so i will need to get about 10 or so ready, plant them in random(top secret) areas, and hope that maybe 3 out of the 10 will survive.

In the mean time, i will still have my indoor thing going on, this will kinda be like a side project.

Im also wondering, lets say 3 out of 10 survive, what will they look like? Huge mammoths yielding 2-5 pounds per plant?

Sorry if my heads in the clouds. Any advice is greatly appreciated !
if you have a good water table yees it can work as long as the plants don't dry up.. be choosy on were you plant


Active Member
as for soil i have a thread here with a soil recipe i found on another forum.

i use the base mix with no fertilizer for seedlings and cuttings and for outdoors i use 50/50 peat moss, compost. i mix with a 3qt bowl like it says and every cubic foot of soil i add a cup of dolomite lime. you can do this ahead of time let it sit in trash cans and come march or april haul it in to location and dig your holes. this is for planting in ground of course. if your hoping to visit your plants less often then i dont think pots or grow bags would be the best choice for you.

The Waiter

Active Member
Im planning something similar. What i wanna do is go out to my parents house sometime soon. They live in the country on 5 acres in a town where the population is like 88 or something fuckin ridiculous. But anyways what im gonna do is, cut a few clones and veg em for maybe two weeks, then go out to the lake out behind the woods at their house, dig down until i can find a water shelf, fill hole with good soil, and put the plants roots just a bit above the water line in the water shelf. If i put some chicken wire around the plants i think the should be safe from critters too.


Active Member
im not saying if you put a plant in the ground and you never come back to check on it that the plant will die , but the odds of you putting some plants outside in may or so and coming back to harvest buds in september to october is probably not realistic. there are more factors to growing than that. im thinking that the reason you want to grow outdoors is to reap a big harvest of plants with big buds. i can totally understand it and thats what my goals are every year but i know from personal experience that the plant it and forget about it method is not gonna produce the results you are after and imo is probably just a waste of a summer. you would be better off growing indoors. however, with a little attention and proper planning you can grow monsters.

The Waiter

Active Member
Idk im feeling pretty optimistic about my idea to dig down to the water shelf. Since it will be right next to a lake its not like its gonna run out of water. And as long as i set up some chicken wire to keep out the animals. I mean i may not get MONSTERS but i think i will get some bud for sure. at least a few oz off each plant


Active Member
chicken wire wont protect your plants from insects of fungus. your water table will not provide n-p-k and i gotta tell you that 3 years ago i did a grow with 15 plants, 12 were harvested and i use to go water them, feed them lightly twice a month, and staked them when they got big and i got 2-5 oz average per plant. im just trying to be practical and in my experience i know that outdoor plants need some tending too. sure you might get buds but i wouldnt count on a few oz per plant with no fertilizer, training or pest management theres no way.


They ARE weeds after all; a very vigorous plant.

It does depend on your climate but these plants existed long before humans gave them any help so a couple of your babes should make it through. A moist (maybe swampy) area or a milk jug upside down with the top cut off would help a lot... Also, throwing chunks of soap bar around can help keep critters away. But ya, don't expect anything and you should be pleasantly surprised at the end of the season.


Active Member
They ARE weeds after all; a very vigorous plant.

It does depend on your climate but these plants existed long before humans gave them any help so a couple of your babes should make it through. A moist (maybe swampy) area or a milk jug upside down with the top cut off would help a lot... Also, throwing chunks of soap bar around can help keep critters away. But ya, don't expect anything and you should be pleasantly surprised at the end of the season.

this is true. " They ARE weeds after all; a very vigorous plant. It does depend on your climate but these plants existed long before humans gave them any help so a couple of your babes should make it through. " however i dont think cavemen understood n-p-k nor did they grow 1 pound plants. i think cannabis that grew in the wild produced modestly and did not need to be staked due to bud weight. one thing is guaranteed about growing cannabis outdoors, your results will reflect the attention you gave your plants.


Like I said at the end of my last post, if you don't expect anything, you should be pleasantly surprised come September.

I would never suggest this as a viable option to grow good quality bud or a large amount of it; but I have done something very similar a long time ago and harvested 2.3 dry ounces from 10 small seedlings. Three ended up being males and got hacked, two of the females died, but 5 survived and I ended up with a couple of ounces of fairly decent bud. Couldn't complain considering I invested about $75 for the seeds and soil and 2 manpower hours total.


Active Member
6+ oz per plant. that sounds very odd for 5 plants that werent fed or watered all year. what strain was it and what kind of soil did you use?

The Waiter

Active Member
Ya thats what im sayin. And also i never said anything about no npk. Im gonn be diggin a hole thats about 2 1/2 to 3 feet deep for each plant so im gonna make the top foot or so a higher concentrate soil with n-p-k and other trace elements necessary for proper cannabis growth. Plus i will be checkin in on it roughly once a month. But ya im not expecting some crazy monsters. I grow indoors too so im not doing this as my primary grow. Just something i thought about trying on the side. And also i plan on vegging them indoors until they show pre flowers so i can kill all the dudes first. Since im trying to cut all possible corners and am most likely gonna end up with only some half way decent bud at best i dont wanna add the risk of growin a male out there and pollinating all me beatiful bitches.


Active Member
Ya thats what im sayin. And also i never said anything about no npk. Im gonn be diggin a hole thats about 2 1/2 to 3 feet deep for each plant so im gonna make the top foot or so a higher concentrate soil with n-p-k and other trace elements necessary for proper cannabis growth. Plus i will be checkin in on it roughly once a month. But ya im not expecting some crazy monsters. I grow indoors too so im not doing this as my primary grow. Just something i thought about trying on the side. And also i plan on vegging them indoors until they show pre flowers so i can kill all the dudes first. Since im trying to cut all possible corners and am most likely gonna end up with only some half way decent bud at best i dont wanna add the risk of growin a male out there and pollinating all me beatiful bitches.

ok. you never mentioned that before. i just figured since smokermore, who started the thread, said he wanted to just plant some girls and come back at the end of the season, that you meant you were planning something similar. you said you were going to veg for two weeks and put them out and nothing about checking on them once a month or trace elements and concentrated soil. i was just trying to answer his initial post.


Active Member
like i said before " one thing is guaranteed about growing cannabis outdoors, your results will reflect the attention you gave your plants. "