hey americans


Active Member
I'll call the Denny's HQ right now and get this taken care of for you. I'd hate for our Denny's to soil canada


Well-Known Member
you got me on the hockey and BACKbacon, was never a fan of either

Just as soon as you get rid of all the schwag you guys send this way....
oh do you not get the good bud....whoops :oops: must be because we're busy smoking it

I'll call the Denny's HQ right now and get this taken care of for you. I'd hate for our Denny's to soil canada
finally someone who isn't just a WISE ASS!!! THANK YOU.


and fuck ya our beer is good.


Active Member
Why dont you stick some of those canadian police in that Denny's and make another mounty parody.Even us hicks in Texas think those stupid fucks are funny.BTW, what's hockey.LOL


Active Member
WTF is wrong with bacon??????

Fuck Dennys, but dont bash on bacon...what smells better than bacon, bud...and thats it. And maybe pussy, sometimes.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
What? You don't like runny eggs, soggy potatoes, some kind of "meat" and shit service? You must be Canadian...with your high standards. Pff.:D