Best Organic Nutes?

hey everyone. Im interested in tryin an organic grow and hopefully fully switch over if it works out. But my question here is what are the best organic nutes to use? ive read mollases so far? Any help/tips would be appreciated! :leaf:
There are tons of threads on this very subject in this very forum. Take a look around and read what people have to say, it may only end up confusing you though. It's really up to you to find the organic fertilizers that suit you best.

You have a few options. You can either use entirely liquid organic fertilizers (like Earth Juice or Roots Organic), or you can use entirely raw organic amendments like earthworm castings, compost, guanos, kelp, meals (blood, bone, cocoa, alfalfa), molasses*, greensand, gypsum, et al and brew your own teas. You could also use liquid fertilizer in conjunction with custom teas/organic amendments.

*Molasses has potassium and some secondary and trace nutrients, it also provides carbohydrates to micro-organisms in the soil. It's used in both fertigation solutions and tea brewing.

For a first organic grow I would start with liquid organic fertilizers like Earth Juice or Roots Organic. Either way I would suggest getting an air pump like the kind you'd use in a small aquarium, and an air-stone. The air stone can be used to brew raw, custom organic teas, but it can also be used to brew liquid fertilizers like Earth Juice in order to raise the pH of the solution and make nutrients more available.

You need to realize that organics is about feeding the soil, and letting microbes do much of the rest. A good liquid organic fertilizer contains plenty of organic matter, in other words it should be thicker and not a straight liquid. I've been using Earth Juice for a while. It is inexpensive and derived from various quality ingredients like those I mentioned above. At a minimum I would recommend the Grow, Bloom, and Microblast; Catalyst is optional but it's really good to have. You use these fertilizers along with molasses in a quality organic soil like Fox Farm Ocean Forest and you have a fully organic and complete nutrient line up. Dolomite limestone is also required for calcium/magnesium and to keep the ph stable.
Just make sure whatever you use it's fresh & treated properly before adding it to your plants ( like making compost teas w/ fertz)
There are tons of threads on this very subject in this very forum. Take a look around and read what people have to say, it may only end up confusing you though. It's really up to you to find the organic fertilizers that suit you best.

You have a few options. You can either use entirely liquid organic fertilizers (like Earth Juice or Roots Organic), or you can use entirely raw organic amendments like earthworm castings, compost, guanos, kelp, meals (blood, bone, cocoa, alfalfa), molasses*, greensand, gypsum, et al and brew your own teas. You could also use liquid fertilizer in conjunction with custom teas/organic amendments.

*Molasses has potassium and some secondary and trace nutrients, it also provides carbohydrates to micro-organisms in the soil. It's used in both fertigation solutions and tea brewing.

For a first organic grow I would start with liquid organic fertilizers like Earth Juice or Roots Organic. Either way I would suggest getting an air pump like the kind you'd use in a small aquarium, and an air-stone. The air stone can be used to brew raw, custom organic teas, but it can also be used to brew liquid fertilizers like Earth Juice in order to raise the pH of the solution and make nutrients more available.

You need to realize that organics is about feeding the soil, and letting microbes do much of the rest. A good liquid organic fertilizer contains plenty of organic matter, in other words it should be thicker and not a straight liquid. I've been using Earth Juice for a while. It is inexpensive and derived from various quality ingredients like those I mentioned above. At a minimum I would recommend the Grow, Bloom, and Microblast; Catalyst is optional but it's really good to have. You use these fertilizers along with molasses in a quality organic soil like Fox Farm Ocean Forest and you have a fully organic and complete nutrient line up. Dolomite limestone is also required for calcium/magnesium and to keep the ph stable.

The reason why I skipped the part about checking other threads is because its alot easier to access my own thread for quick reference. Thanks for the in depth explanation. Its very informative and gave me alot of ideas.
Isn't aquarium water salty? if so you'll probably want to get a Reverse Osmosis machine.
yea I duno y aquarium water would help.. sure its filled with poop and piss but I duno.. The food u give them may do something to the water and the water chemicals if u use any. I just wouldnt bother with it. Could b dangerous and even if it wasnt I dont c much if any benfits from it.
yea I duno y aquarium water would help.. sure its filled with poop and piss but I duno.. The food u give them may do something to the water and the water chemicals if u use any. I just wouldnt bother with it. Could b dangerous and even if it wasnt I dont c much if any benfits from it.

Its loaded with nitrogen...and since my aqauriums cycled and the feedings light the water quality is usually good. I heard it was great for the plants but am scared to try. I think I should try a grow with it and let everyone know.
you can succesfully use : chicken manure (i think this is the english term), sea weed, "nettle herb" - macerated , can make wonders ! take only the leaves and leave them in an 5 litters with watter for about 10 days, be carefull to don't over fert, this shit is very powerfull (you will see how bad it can smell) an good, organic nitrogen source for your plants
1 mounth before harvesting put potash 50-100 g to each plant depending of plant size, you will have more heavy buds! try it !
molasses is 1 of the best organic nutes you can use most people use it just during flower but i use it during the whole growth i posted a whole thing on molasses last season heres the link if you want to read on it i highly recomend using it

Im giving +rep for this, I agree, STEAR CLEAR of bottled nutrients with elevated prices. Research the web and find out what I found out. There are so many options, Remember......True Organics do NOT come from an overpriced bottle with a neat name and picture.
I have cloned with styrifoam(spl) with a clone stuck through the center. They float there and rarely do most fish bother them. They took awhile but rooted. It was an experiement.

Its loaded with nitrogen...and since my aqauriums cycled and the feedings light the water quality is usually good. I heard it was great for the plants but am scared to try. I think I should try a grow with it and let everyone know.
Feeding living soil with compost teas is probably best. Fresh brewed compost teas using worm castings and molasses are effective and affordable. Do some reading on aquaponics. There are ways to incorporate the aquarium water, I'm just not sure. As far as compost tea brewers, you can buy one or build one. They can be built out of common items found at the hardware and pet store for less than $35. I'm composting with worms to make this happen for the super cheap from here on out.
For brewing all you really need is a bucket (or a jug/bottle), an aquarium pump and air stone. If you need to filter for foliar or hydro-recirculating applications you can do so with a sock wrapped around a funnel or any other suitable piece of fabric.

I've heard some people talk about how 'bad' the teas smell, and I suppose it varies depending on what kind of ingredients you put in them. I really don't mind it though, and to me it smells more earthy, sweet and buttery than anything.
I just wouldn't use any fish products in a tea being brewed for indoor use. If your brew really smells bad, sour and rotten like sewage then it shouldn't be used- it's been dominated by anaerobic bacteria.
Aquarium water works great i used it in my last grow google aquaponics. better than straight tap water and has more nutrients whatever food u feed is what vitamins and minerals r in the water
My first grow is this spring and I plan to use worm castings. I hear many great things about worm castings. Im gonna make 50% of my soil worm castings and make worm tea with a lil molasses in it for a top dressing and occasional watering. I read the molasses helps the microbes in the tea. Worm tea is high in nitrogen and micronutrients and was told that it can act as a fertilizer. Im gonna try this in the veg stage and use high phospherous bat guano and make tea for the flowering cycle. Hope all goes well. Good luck
I use Bio bizz grow,bloom,bioheaven,topmax and black strap molasses works very well. recentley i got 175grms 75% dry off one plant , they where my freinds scales and didnt get the chance to get full dry weight