leaves fairly dry in flowering??????


New Member
get a magnifying loupe and let your trichs tell you. plants look good man. i too run 2 600s and love it. i wanna add two more!!!! +rep man. lookin great.


Well-Known Member
I had this issue on a particular strain on my first grow also. It seemed like I could not give the girl enough water and she drank faster than all of the others. I would make two suggestions which have already been mentioned (1) Reconsider your growth medium. I used miracle grow soil which was very compact, yours also seems very compact. I haven't had this issue with the drying and premature curling of the leaves since I switched to foxfarm ocean forest exclusively. Right now I'm using it straight but my next round will be mixed with added perlite and peat moss for more aeration and water retention. (2) give the plant some nitrogen (veg nutes) for at least the first 3 weeks of flowering. Some may disagree with me, but IMO this is a mistake many inexperienced growers make including myself. Towards your harvest you will naturally start losing some lower fan leaves, but let them die, don't pull them prematurely as they are important for photosynthesis. Overall your plants look very good for your first grow, keep up the good work and keep dialing it in.

Those look tasty!


Well-Known Member
Yea thanks. Im gonna use a different soil on my next lot. As a 1st timer i got something which i thought would be ok for a newbie and pick up new things along the way


Well-Known Member
Hi, shenko some strains may go the whole 11 weeks indoors, Awesome plannts btw. You may want to start flushing when 25% of the pistils had turn red, when it reaches 75% of the plant is time to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Btw you should be watering every 2 days by now right? A good tip I read is not feeding the last 4 days before harvesting and also to leave them in complete dark at least for 48Hrs for more resin production


Well-Known Member
Btw you should be watering every 2 days by now right? A good tip I read is not feeding the last 4 days before harvesting and also to leave them in complete dark at least for 48Hrs for more resin production
Yea every two days i feed them. Im giveibg them just water with a bit of sugar in for this week and now on monday i am giveing them just water for my final week. One of the plants pistles seems to look a lot more done than the others was thinkingin of havisting it a tad bit earlyer than the others but ive only got another week left so might just leave in. Also yea i might leave in darkness for the last 48 hours. Akso will i gain any benafit if i drop the lighting from 12/12 to maybe 8(light)/16(darkness)??? I see people do it but im new to all of this ya see bro