Me and my roommate beat it together!

So let's see some pictures of said bubble hash...
Hrmm it's long gone. Next time we beat it together i'll get some pics. I must say I think he has lost interest. Last time he only beat it for a few minutes and then made an excuse to go out. I noticed he still has no problem smoking it though.

Our next round will be nightcheese (nightshade + cheese), should make a tasty blend.

Actually we were watching reruns of The Man Show

I use the sprung bags, 5 bags, 5 gal capacity. We toss aside the 220 and 160, keep the 110 for cooking, and smoke the 73... sometimes don't use the 25 bag cos it takes 48+ hours to drain, if we do we combine it with the 110 for cooking. Now jus gotta learn how to cook.

I haven't been weighing the trim but we had 3 freezer bags full. All trim was from trainwreck, nightshade, and cheese.

The 25 bag drains much better if you jostle it every now and then. I find that the 25 retentate forms a "filter bed" for the slightly slimy extra fines, and then it slows to a trickle. When you jostle the bag, the felt of fines is broke nup. You lose some, but it makes the timeand purity of filtration improve a good bit. cn
Thanks for the advice. I actually stopped using the 25 all together for a while, but today I just got my new set of bags which include a 45. So hopefully it will take out some of the bigger stuff and let the 25 drain faster.
The bigger stuff doesn't interfere ime; it's the fines. If you jostle the bag (think of a calf butting the udder every so often) it'll all work nicely. cn
Your technique seems to be working cn. I'll have to remember now, after I beat it I must jostle my bag a bit for better drainage.
I feel like I've accidently stumbled into a gay porn site.
