I'm back... 400 watt hps grow ff soil first round. hempy bucket with the clones.


Well-Known Member
also that mother plant of my buddies i think i uploaded a pic of on the first page... started to look deathly for some reason out of nowhere, sooo.... took the only remaining viable cuttings off; 10, and pray that atleast one takes..
its a sour strain of something he told me.. the smell of the buds is veryy sweet unlike any bagseed ive grown in my life :/

pics up later on...

The Waiter

Active Member
Yeah it does fuckin suck. I was supposed to be harvesting tomorrow morning :( but good news on those sour clones and good luck


Well-Known Member
any ideas on the chances of cuttings that havent made it back into reveg will root? and if so what kind of time longer than normal im guessing?? here are pics


Well-Known Member
update today.... so went into clone box first like normal routine, noticed that one of the 2 clone cuttings i had taken from the lst clone test plant, was showing new growth out the top, with vibrant colored leaves that were perky :)) deciding to keep her in that area for atleast tomorrow, but probably wont do any thing with her until monday..
next went into the flower room, and at first was really happy with what i saw, plants getting thicker ever so slowly like normal, but i started to inspect the little plant that i believed to be some sour type of strain just with its smell but who knows; and upon doing so i noticed what seemed to me to be little seed sacks kinda like what you would find on some good ole reg down south.. well i pulled her out the room examined the 5-8 sac cluster on the middle nugs, and low and behold there they were little seeds.. idk i dont want to waste nuts space and time on a plant that is growing seeds, so i chopped its little self and threw it out.. :( sad really i've never had a plant do this to me ever before plus this is the best growing environment i've had for any plants b4 so yeah im a little confused.. so with noticing this i inspected the rest of the plants *of course throughly washing my hands before hand* they all looked good except with another error, one of the 2nd to last bottom shoots of the lst plant had 1, just one self pollinated seed forming, so whether or not i caused anymore stress to the plant by doing this doesnt matter to me, but i cut off that shoot it was maybe 2-3 inches long and didnt have much of a bud on it, i just hope it doesnt affect the rest of the plant. but like i said i've already had one cutting root that was taken 2 weeks ago when everything was all dandy with her so that cutting should be a straight up female... i hope...

apologizing now for the long pointless comment update but im super fuckin high right now and i cant help it :_)__)


Well-Known Member
so today i ended up transplanting my first successful clone into a hempy bucket and also put one of the little seedlings i had going into another hempy bucket.. gonna veg them under 50 watt cfl mix spect for about 4 days then take it up to atleast 100 watt + cfl mix spect if i can keep the temps low enough. pics up here in a bit camera died and its an old school olympus so it still takes batteries... flower room the big one is gettng thicker i know im not going to get much off these but it allows me to see what kind of strains/phenos i might be working with and which ones i should clone to throw into my hempy method.. also forgot to take a pic but one of the clones from a buddy has a root coming out the jiffy pellet pics up tomorrow with that.


Well-Known Member
I bet your hydro seed came from a hermaphordite I'm betting that's the plant the pollen sacs you think your seeing are on because
most people don't breed plants and sell weed with their seeds in them because they've taken the trouble to make them see some indica traits in some of your plants most tx bagseed are sativas I am tuned in and here to help or answer any of your questions and answer my pm and you can actually be calling plants by which they are lol bagseeds aren't usually good go's but can produce good smoke being in a indoor enviroment a grower can pick the best female with traits he likes to breed and and hope for some of these traits to come out in the offspring not saying you can't produce killer weed from bagseed I'm just saying your not sure what your starting out with before you start kinda like playing the lottery but you can look at it the way if the weed the seeds came out of were good you can definantly make them better :lol:


Well-Known Member
i found ya man dident have time to read through but im here ill check it out tomorrow man pm me on u know what brotha


Well-Known Member
sooo update... that clone from my buddies plant... taking off! i decided to spray the bottom of the cup that the jiffypellet sits in hopes that more roots would shoot out towards it, and i was correct in my decisions... multiple roots are coming out of the jiffy, i'm really excited because this is helping me with getting my cloning techniques down.. moving onn... two more cuttings from the lst plant have rooted so tomorrow going in with 3 more small scale hempy buckets... figure ill veg and help establish a root system for these little girls for about 3 - 3 1/2 weeks then throw them into flower... anyone have ideas or thoughts about when to topp? because most the clones that have rooted have very tight internodal spacing so many shoots are liable to come up, plus with me transplanting in about a week to their final containers, would this stress them any? alsoo pics up tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
i dunno, a few of those plants looked pretty good. U can get away with small pots just feed them once like u already did and give them ph balanced water only for awhile


take your jiffy pellets and see will they skip across the pond. potting soil of your choice, 3' jiffy cups, 1 heat pad on low and watch clone sucess rise.
since this was started in my room 100% sucess. try this and as you take plants out of buckets, notice the differance in the roots


Well-Known Member
@hooty hog, now what about skipping jiffy pellets across a pond??? lmao and yeah dude i had a feeling about heating up the roots so i added another 26 watt cfl in my clone box and its brought the temps up from 73 f to 84-85f so yeah i agree with what you are saying there man...

@pitbuds & deerhunter.... i emptied my messages guys so idk whats up, ill send yall something


Well-Known Member
so my first hempy clone is acting weird.l... the stem has gone from beautiful green to a dark red and its on all the stems and even down the middles of each fan leave... pics up tomorrow.. idk what it is maybe a nute def but idk because my seedling hempy bucket plant is getting the same nutes and it is fine