250w HPS Club And Help Guide

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Very nice job so far looks like you are on top of it to this point how long are you vegging for?
Haha, thanks, it really likes the 250w HPS. I vegged her for 4week under 1x 18w cfl then 3 week under 54w, Now 6 days into flowering with the 250w :)
hopeing for at least an ounce of some dank sh-


Active Member
Just got a GL60 250w MH/HPS, Sun System 2 hood, 4" filter, 4" air duct exhaust booster. I am going to go with 3 plants to start off to see how it goes with the heat and room. This is my first time doing a indoor grow so I would like feed back.
New Lab 60.jpgGrowlab60.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have grown a mother plant out under a 250 with great results. My primary lighting is a dual fixture setup with 400 watts of MH and 600 watts of HPS. Recently moved to an apartment and so I packed the big lighting away. About to flower 3 White Widow clones a friend gave me under the 250 in a stealth grow cabinet. Nothing elaborate. Nice thing about the small lamp is the ease of getting rid of heat. You guys are growing some nice looking plants! Keep up the great work!


Active Member
one word of advice with the 250 man for flower, once they get about a foot tall, throw em into 12/12. peeeaaace


Well-Known Member
I am looking to buy a 250w hps. Most people seem to grow 1 larger plant using this. Would I be able to grow 3 or 4 2 foot plants using a 250w hps? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

You could do as many plants as you want you just got to keep them at the right size. I have 3 flowered for bout 40 days here:IMG_2053.jpgIMG_1999.jpgIMG_1713.jpgvegged under mh flowering under a hortilux en. 3x23 watt cfls for side light but trust me the 250 did most of the work and I love it! I might start growing 1 or 2 at a time but for now im trying out a few different strains I have and its nice to have two or more strains to choose from when smoking.

I think it was this thread that convinced me to buy a 250 about a year ago lol


Well-Known Member
thanks alot m8. im feeling the exact same way. although i think i´ll be lucky with 0.5 g pr watt... can we hear some guesses?


Active Member
Can anybody tell me do i have to use a contactor to run a timer with my 250? and if not what timers do you use? should i use a surge protected 4 way extension? Any help would be apreciated, Rainz