Ph Pen Help..


Active Member
went to the hydro shop today and picked up a ph pen guy explained how to calibrate etc..he also said to keep the ph pen sitting in the 4.01 solution he sold me 7.0 and 4.01 solution im guessing use the 7.0 to calibrate and the 4.01 for storage can anyone help me with this?? +rep for your guys time thanks RIU:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Never heard of such a thing. Maybe someone else can enlighten us on the subject. What kind of pH pen did you snag?


Active Member
ph600-AQ ph meter...on the back it did say calibrate with 7.0 and keep the probe wet at all time or in water at all times not distilled water didnt say anything about keeping it in 4.01 solution?!¿


Active Member
yhst-10286732979059_2137_49205574.gif funny thing is i didnt know the black end was a cap so i sat there for like an hr getting pissed it wasnt trsting right was about to smash it kept pulling the black part and the cap came off worked perfect after that so glad im not testing with strips anymore lol


Well-Known Member
It's normal for some testers to calibrate using multiple solutions. I use the Oakton PH2 tester. I can calibrate it using 7 and 4.01. Some testers can test using three solutions. It just allows you for even more flexible (if you only have either 4 or 7 you can calibrate using one or the other) and it's said to provide a more accurate calibration if you are using multiple solutions.

They all say to keep it wet. I don't store mine in solution, I just put the cap back on after using it and there's enough moisture in there to not ruin it. I also bought a brand new toothbrush with soft bristles and once a month I gently brush off the sensors inside the end of the pen on both my ph and ppm meter. It keeps it clean and takes away any gunk that may have built up.

Hope this helps!