going into flowering?


New Member
i wouldnt do this but even say the plant is about 1 foot tall even though i wouldnt have a high yeild would it still go into flowering at any time


Active Member
yes, it could be a few inches and you can start flowering by switching to 12/12, i just started flowering some clones that were probley only 6 inches tall


Well-Known Member
to clarify, a plant won't flower till it is mature, no matter what schedule it's on. Maturity is most easily seen by the presence of alternating nodes. You can flower a plant as long as it stays alive, however there is a window of peak potency which is an entire subject unto itself. There is a whole forum here dedicated to it, look for the Harvesting and Curing forums


Active Member
to clarify, a plant won't flower till it is mature, no matter what schedule it's on. Maturity is most easily seen by the presence of alternating nodes. You can flower a plant as long as it stays alive, however there is a window of peak potency which is an entire subject unto itself. There is a whole forum here dedicated to it, look for the Harvesting and Curing forums
not saying that thats wrong but i have switched to 12/12 when a plant is like 6 inches and it was flowering way befor i seen alternating nodes


Active Member
This not flowering until its ready is news to me. I would like some proven scientific facts. I've flowered 3 inch seedlings in a party cup. Still had the seedling thick leaves on it when it grew hairs. Just seems like this is a myth. COme on myth busters. Seeing is believeing And I saw it.


Well-Known Member
I've put at least 10 plants into flower prematurely and have yet to see one flower till it was ready. It's also a fairly prevalent viewpoint, so there's gotta be others who have had the same experience.


Well-Known Member
I've put at least 10 plants into flower prematurely and have yet to see one flower till it was ready. It's also a fairly prevalent viewpoint, so there's gotta be others who have had the same experience.
i get what you are trying to say, i think, i will explain my experience if you put a 6" clone into flower(which i do all the time) it of course will not just start flowering in the first day in 12/12 lighting and finish at its starting height of 6" it does go through a maturity stage in the first weeks of flower where it grows in a vegetive state. when it then reaches its maturity level(another words sufficient hormone buildup) it starts flowering.


Active Member
i get what you are trying to say, i think, i will explain my experience if you put a 6" clone into flower(which i do all the time) it of course will not just start flowering in the first day in 12/12 lighting and finish at its starting height of 6" it does go through a maturity stage in the first weeks of flower where it grows in a vegetive state. when it then reaches its maturity level(another words sufficient hormone buildup) it starts flowering.
You made a great point supporting "Not flower til mature" of course its not scientific fact without a precedented rereference. I can believe it thinking of it this way.....I human boy's testicles will not drop until he reaches puberty. The same thing right?


Well-Known Member
i get what you are trying to say, i think, i will explain my experience if you put a 6" clone into flower(which i do all the time) it of course will not just start flowering in the first day in 12/12 lighting and finish at its starting height of 6" it does go through a maturity stage in the first weeks of flower where it grows in a vegetive state. when it then reaches its maturity level(another words sufficient hormone buildup) it starts flowering.
It's uncommon for clones to not be mature. Usually by the time a plant has grown large enough to take clones it's either mature, or damn close. I was more talking about coming from seed. Most plants won't show flowers in the first bit of 12/12. Last 3 plants I flowered took up to 2 weeks of 12/12 to flower, that's different though than what I was describing about putting seedlings in flower. Of course how soon a plant hits maturity will depend on strain and environment.