Last couple of weeks, pistils turning orange/brown?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys its your old pal Reject reporting in,

my ladies are in the last 2-3 weeks of flowering... all is well i guess they are fattening up real nice. I noteced more and more pistils turning to orange/brown colour if you pull them the just come right off.. is that normal or some deficiency?

My guess is it is normal, cause the white pistils need to dissapear somehow because you dont buy weed with white pistils in them, the thc crystals are still clear.

Can someone shed some light on this matter...

ill post some pics soon grtz

edit: here are the pics


Well-Known Member
50% of the pistils you mean? i understand that the thc chrystals also need to be cloudy/amber for them to have some kind of potency.

but my question is what happens to the white pistils.. do they just fall off when drying? because you never see pistils when you buy weed...



Well-Known Member
50% of the pistils you mean? i understand that the thc chrystals also need to be cloudy/amber for them to have some kind of potency.

but my question is what happens to the white pistils.. do they just fall off when drying? because you never see pistils when you buy weed...

hmmm thats a good question never thought about it but ya from what i have gathered from this site and all the grow videos i watched when half are brown they are ready watch mr green i grow chronic its a sticky at the top of the page and its a really good grow video


Active Member
the ones left behind that are white will loose their moisture during drying if any left. They are still there sometimes when u buy bud but are brittle and hard to see cuz their curled up and dried out. I wouldnt worry about 50-70% of your pistils being brown or red, when its harvest time you will know the smell will reach a peak, and the buds just look amazing. If you wanna get really technical use a 30x jewelers loupe and look in there like you said at the trichomes (thc) for white/amber


Well-Known Member
There is more to the harvest than just pistols and trichomes, the plant needs to be treated as a whole fruit and picked when it is at the peak, if you look at the havesting and curing page there is great information on sticky's, read everything, I mean everything about harvesting, there are alot of pros offering help!


Well-Known Member
i've uploaded some pics of my plants, they lost a lot of leaves though, but i've read thats to be expected in last weeks of flowering.

what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
yes it is white skunk from white label company. the plant has remained small... but that could be for a number of reasons. pot size to small, stress, or just the strain that is small and bushy but overall i think i should get a good amound of yield?