
@green dave why are you still on my NUTS...
From the beginnig the op,person who made the thread asked me if i got any strains i recommend not you..I recommended some and im a absher you sound like the idiot im calling you fool


Well-Known Member
well i would like to give me 2 cents here...i was checking dr greenthumb for awhile now. i was planning to order from him awhile back, was suppose to get the cheese for $200 with 10 seeds...and dang now hes prices are ridiculous $150 for 5 seeds??? ...thats way over hes head to charge people that much money.

id bet my money on cali connection and tga. im sure ill get quality genetics as well.

dr greenthumb "maybe" the best breeder, i wouldnt doubt that he is "one" of the top breeders. for all the post that i have been reading, personally i have never tried him or smoke any of hes gear, would love to though, but dont tell me with only 5 seeds he can guarantee that 90%-100% that all of it can be a fine mother. he aint god, bro...
well i would like to give me 2 cents here...i was checking dr greenthumb for awhile now. i was planning to order from him awhile back, was suppose to get the cheese for $200 with 10 seeds...and dang now hes prices are ridiculous $150 for 5 seeds??? ...thats way over hes head to charge people that much money.

id bet my money on cali connection and tga. im sure ill get quality genetics as well.
Why thank you another one who sees the light..
You will get rep when i can flavio.


Well-Known Member
dont forget about serious seeds
i have read simon from serious, george cervantes, shantibaba from mr nice all said that you would at least need a bunch of seeds to like really find that phenomenon mom that would get you going with your breed. ill buy 5 seeds from dr greenthumb and ask him to start from scratch with that and start to breed with the 5 seeds i bough from him, and see how it goes from there.

heres a small concept i would like to compare. shantibaba created...white widow, great white shark, el nino, white rhino all fuckin legend. simon created white russian, ak47, chronic all fuckin legend. and this are the guys who stated that you need more than 5 seeds to find the real gem. dr greenthumb created what? endless sky? chumaluma? im pretty sure he would say the same thing.

much respect to doc green...believe me, i wish i can get hes strain. not that i cant afford it. its just impractical. im actually envy from people who got hes shit. i regret that i diddnt get hes cheese when it was still $200 for 10 seeds, and im sure ill regret it in the future for not buying the 5 seeds for $150 when he jacks the price again.

i know he offers s1 no doubt, but id also like to see him post on hes website how he ended up getting seeds from a clone only strain. what he did and how he did it.


Well-Known Member
Green dave,some KIDS just have alot of hate in them these days.Nothing you say or do changes it, probably alot of head trauma as a infant.Done alot of research on the doc's goods the last couple days(grow,smoke reports,testemonials)Very hard to find ANY bad reviews.Good review=Good product=Happy customer.


Well-Known Member
Green dave,some KIDS just have alot of hate in them these days.Nothing you say or do changes it, probably alot of head trauma as a infant.Done alot of research on the doc's goods the last couple days(grow,smoke reports,testemonials)Very hard to find ANY bad reviews.Good review=Good product=Happy customer.
yo bro...just wana clarify i aint hatin on the doc, i was just giving my opinion about someone vouching that all 5 seeds would have a greater chance of having a solid mom for $200 over 20 seeds for the same amount from a reputable breeder as well. im pretty sure doc is on the top 10 or even top 5 of creating or breeding quality stable genetics. maybe he does, i dont know...all im sayin theres no way that you can know that the seed will turn out to be a spectacular mom until u grow it. id probably get hes seeds in the future, believe me all the facts about growing, knowing who is the decent breeder, top notch breeder...alll the knowledge ive gather so far came from this forum. so i am not doubting any1 thats been raving about the doc. hey if whyterberrywidow is giving hes opinion let him be, but dont just look on the negative side of hes opinion but rather he could be onto something like telling people that theres alternative route for other growers like me who would like to grow top notch strains other than the doc like cali connect for example. so i respect the guy if not for him i wouldnt even check cali connect. shit my deadhead og is one plant that ive never seen before so far.

i just started growing last year and my expectations are high. i aint cheap when spending money on seeds, heck just for the first quarter of this year i am already spending $500. i understand what hes tryng to prove. so peace ya'all...
yo bro...just wana clarify i aint hatin on the doc, i was just giving my opinion about someone vouching that all 5 seeds would have a greater chance of having a solid mom for $200 over 20 seeds for the same amount from a reputable breeder as well. im pretty sure doc is on the top 10 or even top 5 of creating or breeding quality stable genetics. maybe he does, i dont know...all im sayin theres no way that you can know that the seed will turn out to be a spectacular mom until u grow it. id probably get hes seeds in the future, believe me all the facts about growing, knowing who is the decent breeder, top notch breeder...alll the knowledge ive gather so far came from this forum. so i am not doubting any1 thats been raving about the doc. hey if whyterberrywidow is giving hes opinion let him be, but dont just look on the negative side of hes opinion but rather he could be onto something like telling people that theres alternative route for other growers like me who would like to grow top notch strains other than the doc like cali connect for example. so i respect the guy if not for him i wouldnt even check cali connect. shit my deadhead og is one plant that ive never seen before so far.

i just started growing last year and my expectations are high. i aint cheap when spending money on seeds, heck just for the first quarter of this year i am already spending $500. i understand what hes tryng to prove. so peace ya'all...
Thank you flavio some peolpe have no logic.Dont even pay mind to jagdog he is just a loser on another account talking shit to me so when i say something back he reports me to a mod and deletes his post..What a loser!



Well-Known Member
Your wrong again wbw.This is my 1 and only accout,have been member here for less than year.I have absolutely nothing to hide from anyone.Didn't delete no posts.What happened to a couple of your posts on the 14th,guess i'm majic and deleted them to.
Your wrong again wbw.This is my 1 and only accout,have been member here for less than year.I have absolutely nothing to hide from anyone.Didn't delete no posts.What happened to a couple of your posts on the 14th,guess i'm majic and deleted them to.
It was deleted by a mod because i was reported...
SO i guess the mod deleted your posts aswell because you sound like a fool,no friends and threads of bullshit.All saying you want a greenthumbs strain but never got to it.
I dont really care what you say your a nub
The fact is the person who made this thread asked for my opinion not yours mine and when i answered it you call me a basher so i could tell you either ignore me of hop off my nuts.


Well-Known Member
A noob or as you call it a nub!!!!!! you call me that because i've came here for info on dgt.Just because i have no friends here i'm a noob? Just because I started a thread here asking for info on dgt strains i'm a noob? You've already accused me of being a fake imposter,now a noob,what's next?
A noob or as you call it a nub!!!!!! you call me that because i've came here for info on dgt.Just because i have no friends here i'm a noob? Just because I started a thread here asking for info on dgt strains i'm a noob? You've already accused me of being a fake imposter,now a noob,what's next?
nub and newb are two different things kid please like i said ignore me or just hop off my nuts kid...DAmn


Well-Known Member
Sorry buddy i'm not going anywhere.Gonna be here on dgt threads,growing something of his this year.Maybe someone here will help me decide what it's gonna be.That's my only reason i'm here.What's your reason for still being here?


Well-Known Member
didn't you answer that over 100 posts ago.Also this thread wasn't started asking you anything.ARIBO was asking for people who had dealt with DGT to give him info.All anybody has to do is look.Saw where MOD had to spank your little hind end on the other DGT thread.What's up with that?


Well-Known Member
How did CC come out with so many new strains so fast? It takes time to stabilize a strain and I just don't believe they are 100% legit. But most of the crosses are with OG or SFV OG or the like....